Michael M. said: We use this sheet in my campaign and love it. Two questions: My PCs are level 5. Their rolls seem to reflect a Proficiency Bonus of +2 (when you hover over the roll, it is stat bonus +2 + 0); I believe, per core rules, it is supposed to be +3 at Level 5. I've checked character level at the top of the sheet -- it shows as 5. One of my PCs gets an extra +3 every time he rolls Init. Mouseover shows +3 (his stat bonus) +3 (the "extra" bonus) +0. I've checked the Settings at the bottom of the sheet, and Initiative Bonus is set to 0. Neither of these are huge problems, as we are doing the additional math ourselves, but I'm wondering if we have corrupt sheets. We converted to the Shaped sheet from your first generation 5E sheet several months ago. Any idea what's going on? Thanks for the help! I've tested with a level 5 PC. The Proficiency Bonus on the core page lists as 5. When using a melee weapon (new or old weapons) it shows +3. I believe you may be looking at the wrong bonus. On the Attack it goes in this order: d20 roll, ability bonus (str/dex), proficiency, and then the rest. Initiative: Labeling is bad here as well. Firstly is d20, then (dex mod + initiative bonus + jack of all trades), then tie breaker, then ability/check bonus. I assume you're either forgetting jack of all trades or something else is off.