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Custom Compendium

Score + 1510

Edited 1490753442
Would it not be great to allow users to add their own entries to their own compendium databases? The point of OGLs like D&D 5e is for users to create their own homebrew, as such I find it that players should have an opportunity to maintain their own private compendium.

Edited 1455141888
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I believe that it is certainly on the map as far as future expansion goes: Riley D. said: Kevin said: Very Impressive... but so many questions come to mind, but will start with the two big ones that jump out at me. ... Homebrew... This goes back to questions I asked when the compendium was first introduced, is it possible for individuals to have "customized" compendium content? ... On Homebrew, that is definitely an area we're planning to explore. I think ideally we'd like to allow you to "fork" the SRD and then have a private Compendium that you can edit to your heart's content. But it will be a ways into the future before we're able to offer that most likely -- we want to get the official SRD to a place that we feel like it's stable first.
Love this IDEA two thumbs up and votes from me on this. Fork the compendium and add you own content, spells, monters, etc... IMPORT Functionality please please :)

Edited 1455145050
I love the idea, as this can be used not only for homebrew but for any system. Yeah - you may not share copyright protected compendiums in something like a public game (which would be super easy to restrict from roll20) - but no one can do anything against creating your own compendium for ANY system in a private game. I have asked for something like this before there was even a compendium. Now it makes even more sense!
The thing with pathfinder compendium is that it already had everything in it, the D&D 5e OGL compendium only has information that help build upon and create your own content. As such for the 5e compendium to be a success you would need to give it a method of forking your own version.
Adding my support to this. Even if it's already planned, i'd still love for it to be a high priority, as being able to make my own compendium for non-DnD games would be incredibly useful.
Dage said: Adding my support to this. Even if it's already planned, i'd still love for it to be a high priority, as being able to make my own compendium for non-DnD games would be incredibly useful. I agree, with the added usability of the drag-and-drop features, the ability to fork the compendium to accommodate house rules and such would be awesome.  I would also like to add that this should be linked to the account and not the game if possible to make it easier to use on multiple games.  Or at least the ability to copy the custom Compendium in whole through the transmogrifier.  I can't imagine doing that piecemeal.
Oh, please?? I'd love this. I spend hours compiling stuff for games I either play or GM, and writing spreadsheets and databases to track it all lol. Having my very own Megsy's Compendium of Awesome Stuffs would be extra cool. Being able to homebrew spells and have the players just drag and drop into their character sheets **blisses out**. I hope it is  on the cards once the SRD is fully implemented, but even so I'm +1 it for a higher priority please :)
This would be a fantastic addition and it's great to see that Roll20 is looking to move in that direction!  I'm fairly new to Roll20 and am completely blown away by how comprehensive their toolset is.  Add to this the community driven projects (character sheets, scripts, power cards, etc) that help both players and GM's streamline their time so that we spend less time paging through books and number crunching and more time actually playing.  I would very much love to see this happen sometime in the foreseeable future though I'm gonna be honest here... I'd want it YESTERDAY but I'm trying to be reasonable ;)
As the 5th Edition SRD is far from complete this would be a great feature. It would make it possible to fill in the blanks. I heartily support this.
Something that would be very helpful.
Ziechael said: I believe that it is certainly on the map as far as future expansion goes: Riley D. said: Kevin said: Very Impressive... but so many questions come to mind, but will start with the two big ones that jump out at me. ... Homebrew... This goes back to questions I asked when the compendium was first introduced, is it possible for individuals to have "customized" compendium content? ... On Homebrew, that is definitely an area we're planning to explore. I think ideally we'd like to allow you to "fork" the SRD and then have a private Compendium that you can edit to your heart's content. But it will be a ways into the future before we're able to offer that most likely -- we want to get the official SRD to a place that we feel like it's stable first. Ziechael (or anyone else with the requested knowledge),    This thread is 6 months old, any news on where this might land on the roadmap?   I'm new to the community, and excited by the tools that are available, but would love to have a private compendium for my games.
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While I'm not privy to the actual roadmap my understanding is that the dev team, which is quite small and has a lot of plates spinning, are wanting to make sure the 5e SRD is as robust as possible before introducing the potential for further issues by expanding the compendium system. I'll do what I can though and see if I can request a more official response for those of us who want to see more from the compendium :)
Ziechael said: While I'm not privy to the actual roadmap my understanding is that the dev team, which is quite small and has a lot of plates spinning, are wanting to make sure the 5e SRD is as robust as possible before introducing the potential for further issues by expanding the compendium system. I'll do what I can though and see if I can request a more official response for those of us who want to see more from the compendium :) This (the more official response) would be helpful.  Has there been any word about this?  What are reasonable expectations for communication from the devs or any official staff?

Edited 1484613488
See this post in the Announcements forum: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I imagine getting more Compendiums up and running is the next step before custom ones, so there is some progress being made.
Rabulias said: See this post in the Announcements forum: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I imagine getting more Compendiums up and running is the next step before custom ones, so there is some progress being made. I think I would still like more clarification. &nbsp;You are correct, this may lead to what we are asking for here. &nbsp;However, it may not. &nbsp;What is being done now could also lead to the very opposite, where compendiums are only ever officially open content that are available to everyone and individual compendiums are never addressed.
Forum Champion
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After the recent Twitch roundtable, I am bumping this. This has a good chance of being developed and would be a great tool!

Edited 1490753364
I do agree with that, we just need to advertise to people with leftover votes to bring this on the front page. ...Or we could get those 800 something votes from the foreground layer or the fog of war to this suggestions. I remember Steve said they needed to rework the entire architecture of how maps and dynamic lighting works for those to be implemented. edit: I never realized there were 46 votes at the time of writing this. As this seems to be the higher suggestion related to custom compendiums, I will lurk and gather ideas from other custom compendium related suggestions that have fewer votes and redirect them here in an attempt to make this more visible. To that extent I would like a mod to change the title of this thread to "Custom Compendium" without the question mark.
Forum Champion
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Brother Sharp said: I would like a mod to change the title of this thread to "Custom Compendium" without the question mark. Your wish is my command :)
Ziechael said: Brother Sharp said: I would like a mod to change the title of this thread to "Custom Compendium" without the question mark. Your wish is my command :) Thank you very much! I never imagined custom compendium content to be picked up in the community roundtable, all of this suddenly looks promising.
John B
Sheet Author
Great for homebrew and self supporting for the "dead" rpgs.
+1 let's get 'er done
I vote! I would love this to be a thing
Just subscribed, hoping to digitize my own game system, as of course the virtual tabletop facility is lovely. &nbsp;Was hoping that once I'd created a custom character sheet for my players, adding spells/abilities and items to a private database would be the final step before starting play. &nbsp;I'll keep an eye out and be back if it's something that gets implemented. Keep up the good work.
I vote! Homebrew *-*.
I vote yay!
I'll definitely vote for this!
To vote you have to click the score at the top of the topic.
KS Backer
Marketplace Creator
I am building a character sheet for my SPI Universe game; after seeing the utility available to the Pathfinder character sheet I would like this for my game. Voted!

Edited 1497965327
I'd be willing to pay for adding the rest of the Players Handbook and such supplements to the current compendium, instead of having only the OGL SRD items as it is now.&nbsp;
Update, dndbeyond created by Wizard LLC has rolled out their beta for custom compendium with you being able to add homebrew anything. Any updates from Roll20 about anything?&nbsp;
Well they still haven't finished adding things to the compendium that seem super easy to do. So.... who knows
I am jumping the bandwagon on this one, because poor 4th edition had so little support on Roll20. Why the hate people ? -Raul
I'd love a custom compendium. Even if we weren't able to fork any existing Compendium, starting from scratch would still be so helpful. +1
The ability to add more than one compendium would be *awesome*, it'd create more market opportunities - i.e., use a base compendium plus an add-on one too.
I get tired of having to type in the same spells or other objects over and over would be nice to be able to add compendium entries from things you put on the sheet.
There are some items missing from the compendium, the&nbsp;Fochlucan Bandore is one of them.
The Compendium only contains items listed in that game's SRD. This list is irreverant to the PHB, DMG, Core Guide or any other material. But yeah, +1 for CC.
John B
Sheet Author
If we could have our own compendium then with all that practice new games on the marketlace just for this platform could also follow.

Edited 1505115434
Marketplace Creator
Definitely adding support this. Have wanted to allow my players to drag homebrew spells and items into their sheets. Please consider adding this functionality! With transmog support!
This would be an amazing feature. +1
There's a lot of licensing issues surrounding this functionality. If we ever attempt it, it will be a subscriber feature.
Wait... how does that differ from games that do this with Image library&nbsp;or handouts that copy paste copyprotected&nbsp;issues, &nbsp;Nolan? Isn't it really more or less the same exposure you already have with such content. I agree that its a subscription service though