Rollable Encounter Table: Text
after around 3 hours of sledgehammering square pegs into round holes, I finally came up with a usable format!
Some of you might wonder why I picked this following method over spreading the entire thing out over an ever expanding number of Macros, and my reasoning is twofold.
- Lag Reduction
- the more Attributes & Abilities you have, the more lines of HTML it generates, as each entry has it's own sets of Code. Whilst this seems like a minor amount of weight on the system, it becomes compounded by the incremental size of each Macro, which means that coding 20 creatures spawning is equivalent to coding 1 creature shy of 1+2+3+4+5+6 combined.
- 1 through 20 combined is 210 creatures, then you still have the Allied Combatants, & Allied Merchants, and that's JUST the creatures, bringing you up to 630 Creatures programmed, across 60 Abilities, each ability having a Corresponding Attribute so it can be Randomly Generated every time, not counting the Menu Macro(s) that point to each Attribute, doubling the 630 to 1,260.
- The HTML to generate each Attribute and Ability pair is not exactly short either; you'd likely start seeing the Lag within 10 duplicates of only that Character Sheet, on a 10x10 blank Map with no other resources in the Campaign.
- By comparison: it takes about 50 to 250 handouts in a sub folder's sub folder of a sub folder sitting inside of a folder (yeah, 4 folders) to achieve the same results in terms of machine strain
- Lessening the long-term workload
- Aside from the Machine Strain that spreading everything out would create, there is the hunting down of each and every change you make.
- Using this method, I have not only saved all of the Coding that 1,260+ entries would have generated to create those Attribute and Ability Slots, but, I was also able to centralize the workload when a Rollable Table needs to get swapped out.
- 'How does this lessen the Workload?' you might ask. In a word: Scrolling. Those Attributes and Abilities Pages get absolutely monolithic in size as time goes on, in addition to the Lag from the Machine Strain (whether it's your RAM or Processor, strain is strain). Having everything for each type in 1 Text Box saves SO much Scrolling, which saves on Carpal Tunnel as well, in addition to increasing the Stability of the Ctrl+F search results, since it will want to focus on a lesser area overall (by magnitudes of magnitudes) when you desire to change something.
enough with the Reasoning for this method (which is useful information if you were unawares of such things), and onward to the method it's self.
First: we will want a Character Sheet, trust me, between the organization, accessibility, and shortcuts, you'll WANT a Character Sheet. These will be GM tier Macros, not Player level, so be sure to address that accordingly. I would also suggest that you make this it's own Character Sheet, as it is quite extensive, even though I have shortened it to a mere shadow of it's former self.
Once the Character Sheet is generated, and it has been stripped of it's useless Attributes (in 5e OGL Sheet you only need the Charactermancer Stage Complete and the Version Number for example, open it a few times and delete the other Attributes, they'll be useless for this)
our next step will be to set up a few Abilities to get us started:
These are all important in their own ways. the CR section is the Enemies, whereas the Ally section is for potential non-lethal encounters, and of course EncounterMenu is the entry menu, it contains the Friend/Foe identification table, since you'll only need to roll it once. it's not standard, but the system is modular and adaptive, it could be used for Items, Chance encounters, which eyes the Beholder is using this Round, pretty much anything that you can put on the Rollable Tables, it does however take some setting up, so do not mistake this for a system that will be usable "on the Fly" (which would be one of the few benefits of the more straining system, which takes even longer than this one on the front end of the work load, as you will need to create the 20+ Entries for 6 Tiers before you can use it compared to around 12 entries here)
to ensure I am capable of posting what code I do have, I shall post it here and continue typing this via Edit, as time is short on my end
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Ally Options}} {{[Combat](!
@{AllyC}) | [Merchant](!
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Foe CR Options}} {{| [0](!
@{CR0}) | [0.25](!
@{CR0.25}) | [0.50](!
@{CR0.50}) | [0.75](!
@{CR0.75}) | [1](!
@{CR1}) | [2](!
@{CR2}) | [3](!
@{CR3}) | [4](!
@{CR4}) | [5](!
@{CR5}) |}}
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=5 Creature Encounter List}} {{Creature 1=@{FriendFoe}}} {{Creature 2=@{FriendFoe}}} {{Creature 3=@{FriendFoe}}} {{Creature 4=@{FriendFoe}}} {{Creature 5=@{FriendFoe}}}
!?{Number|1,{{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}}|2,{{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}}|3,{{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}}|4,{{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}}|5,{{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyCombat]]]}}}
&{template:default} {{name=Combat Allies}} ?{Number}
!?{Number|1,{{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}}|2,{{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}}|3,{{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}}|4,{{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}}|5,{{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}} {{[[1t[AllyMerchant]]]}}}
&{template:default} {{name=Merchant Allies}} ?{Number}
!?{Number|1,{{[[1t[CR0]]]}}|2,{{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}}|3,{{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}}|4,{{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}}|5,{{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0]]]}}}
&{template:default} {{name=CR 0 Enemies}} ?{Number}
!?{Number|1,{{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}}|2,{{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}}|3,{{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}}|4,{{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}}|5,{{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.25]]]}}}
&{template:default} {{name=CR 0 Enemies}} ?{Number}
!?{Number|1,{{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}}|2,{{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}}|3,{{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}}|4,{{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}}|5,{{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.50]]]}}}
&{template:default} {{name=CR 0 Enemies}} ?{Number}
!?{Number|1,{{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}}|2,{{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}}|3,{{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}}|4,{{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}}|5,{{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}} {{[[1t[CR0.75]]]}}}
&{template:default} {{name=CR 0 Enemies}} ?{Number}
!?{Number|1,{{[[1t[CR1]]]}}|2,{{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}}|3,{{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}}|4,{{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}}|5,{{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}} {{[[1t[CR1]]]}}}
&{template:default} {{name=CR 0 Enemies}} ?{Number}
Attributes, the ones that are sidestepping the Parser are in here, they'll have the Parsed version at the bottom of such entries:
Rollable Table (they're replaceable, this will however get you a test model. Sorry I didn't get the CR modules online, but it's simple renaming)
1 Friend
1 Foe
1 Combat1
1 Combat2
1 Combat3
1 Combat4
1 Combat5
1 Merchant1
1 Merchant2
1 Merchant3
1 Merchant4
1 Merchant5