Saul S. said: Hello, I'm trying to create a conditional statement using (math only), with the return value of a roll-query ( i.e.,1d20 standard, 2d20kh1 advantange, 2d20kl1 disadvantage ). I've placed the roll query logic into an ability that I'm referencing inside the conditional. Nothing is being returned and I believe it's due to the return value of the roll-query (12 + 17) for advantage, or (2 + 7) for disadvantage. Is my assumptions right? Here's the code for the math conditional (which I'm using to determine if I rolled a critical or not) [[{ [[%{Aydon Keel|Attack-Type}]] , 16}>17 *([[1d6]]) ]] (note: I've Italicized the area I believe is the issue) Here's the code for the Attack-Type/roll-query &{template:default} ?{Attack Type|Standard, 1d20cs>17|Advantage, 2d20kh1cs>17|Disadvantage, 2d20kl1cs>17}{{[[?{Attack Type}]]}} This does work when I reference the ability from another one that's not using the mathimatical conditional for example: %{Aydon Keel|Attack-Type} This looks like it is missing the Name portion of the template, though that is mostly irrelevant; secondarily, you are calling your query twice, and you want a space between } & {{ too. &{template:default} {{name=?{Attack Type|Standard,1d20cs>17|Advantage,2d20kh1cs>17|Disadvantage,2d20kl1cs>17}:}} {{[[?{Attack Type}]]}} This code should work better for you, and might I suggest reviewing my tips about nested rollable tables (link available in the 1st post), I think you will find them useful, in addition to most of these other posts; hence why they instructed you thusly about compiling complete techniques here. I encountered a lot of similar oddity behavior when constructing my nested rollable tables.