Minakie said: Hey guys. Don't know if anyone is taking requests to make new sheets, but the Supernatural RPG doesn't have one yet and I could really use one if it did. I saw somewhere that this is based on the Cortex system but I'm only familiar with D&D5e so I can't vouch for that. For those who don't own the rulebook, a free version of the SN character sheet can be downloaded here for visual reference. If you do make this character sheet, please let me know via PM once it's done so that I know when I can start using it. Thanks. I'm kinda sad that no one has shown interest in making a Supernatural sheet for Roll20, especially since I'm already designing a campaign for it. I guess I overestimated the number of SN fans out there. Also, I just checked and it seems that link only has the front page of the character sheet, but not the back page, and most links to the SN character sheet I found are no longer working. The only link I could find that has both pages was on scribd , my apologies.