True Julian said: I'm not asking for an agnostic sheet it doesn't matter on which system it runs That is what "system agnostic" means. Now, i'm not saying that you can't stumach a couple of hours being shoved around from one place to another, filing forms and answering questions in the burocratic mill, but if you are telling me you are still a rosy ray of sunshine after all that, and still haven't succeeded, i think you don't understand human nature at all. I do get frustrated if I feel like my time is wasted or I'm having trouble getting people to understand me. However, when I'm frustrated I try not to let myself take it out on people that aren't responsible for my frustration, doubly-so when they're trying to help me. I don't always succeed, but when I do start snapping angrily at people, I realize it was a failure to control my frustration and apologize, instead of doubling down by saying my attitude was justified because something that wasn't their fault.