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Sheet Request Thread, Consolidated, mk I

I submitted Adventures in Middle-Earth (modification of the D&D 5th edition, from Cubicle 7) a while back so it can be crossed off the list:
Hey, i´m looking for Vampire the masquerade character sheet in spanish, if someone can help, or how can i make it and upload it?

Edited 1502151371
Sheet Author
My Babylon 5 2E based off the d20 Modern sheet has been pushed and is now available on the site. It's a bit rough around the edges so feel free to report bugs (or suggestions) to me via a PM if you find one. I'm still learning, and it started as a request for a friend, so excuse some of the design choices.
If anyone can, please make a Wild talents character sheet and a Shadowrun 4th edition. :)
Has anyone worked on a Starfinder sheet?

Edited 1502586093
Sheet Author
Thundertacos said: Has anyone worked on a Starfinder sheet? The character sheet was&nbsp; just released by Paizo...&nbsp; Scott C. is currently in the process of building a roll20 Starfinder sheet.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I would like to drop a request for a Hyperlanes character sheet. &nbsp;The dnd 5e one can be used as base i guess.
Anthony Nevermind said: I'd like to request a Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game sheet (the Decipher d6 version). I started modifying The One Ring character sheet, but it's my first time trying out CSS stuff. I'm using Dreamweaver, which is making it easier, but I still don't feel I have enough experience to do it justice. Thanks. Made a request ~9 months ago, but I don't think it made it onto the list. &nbsp;I'd like to request an LOTR RPG sheet (Decipher d6 version). &nbsp;I have not had time to keep trying myself, but will eventually if no one gets around to it. &nbsp;Thanks.
I would like to request a Pugmire/Monarchies of Mau Character sheet. It uses the rules for D&D 5e. &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Nighthawk said: My Babylon 5 2E based off the d20 Modern sheet has been pushed and is now available on the site. It's a bit rough around the edges so feel free to report bugs (or suggestions) to me via a PM if you find one. I'm still learning, and it started as a request for a friend, so excuse some of the design choices. Sweet!. I'm still going to make my suggestion though, despite it being moot now. How about a Generic d20 system sheet. One where you can name all the skills, Attributes, etc. instead of a hundred d20 sheets... 1 or 2 for each d20 using game out there...
Shadow Hawk said: Nighthawk said: My Babylon 5 2E based off the d20 Modern sheet has been pushed and is now available on the site. It's a bit rough around the edges so feel free to report bugs (or suggestions) to me via a PM if you find one. I'm still learning, and it started as a request for a friend, so excuse some of the design choices. Sweet!. I'm still going to make my suggestion though, despite it being moot now. How about a Generic d20 system sheet. One where you can name all the skills, Attributes, etc. instead of a hundred d20 sheets... 1 or 2 for each d20 using game out there... Well, nothing really is stopping us. The only issue that arises in having a purely generic d20 sheet is that many OGL games simply have one too many differences that could cause issues. I might give it a crack just as something to kill time with, but I probably won't push it. At least not without feedback from some of my friends / testers.
probly been requested by now but a Starfinder Sheet would be great atlest sometime soon
Vince said: Thundertacos said: Has anyone worked on a Starfinder sheet? The character sheet was&nbsp; just released by Paizo...&nbsp; Scott C. is currently in the process of building a roll20 Starfinder sheet.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Like...on this page. &nbsp;Six posts up.
I have a request. Warbirds.

Edited 1503764658
Nighthawk said: Shadow Hawk said: Nighthawk said: My Babylon 5 2E based off the d20 Modern sheet has been pushed and is now available on the site. It's a bit rough around the edges so feel free to report bugs (or suggestions) to me via a PM if you find one. I'm still learning, and it started as a request for a friend, so excuse some of the design choices. Sweet!. I'm still going to make my suggestion though, despite it being moot now. How about a Generic d20 system sheet. One where you can name all the skills, Attributes, etc. instead of a hundred d20 sheets... 1 or 2 for each d20 using game out there... Well, nothing really is stopping us. The only issue that arises in having a purely generic d20 sheet is that many OGL games simply have one too many differences that could cause issues. I might give it a crack just as something to kill time with, but I probably won't push it. At least not without feedback from some of my friends / testers. A generic d20 sheet would be pretty awesome if someone would be willing to do it. I know it'd save me a lot of hassle with trying to run a Fallout 5e game. I'm not sure how feasible it would be to cover every d20 game; but being able to add and rename Attributes and Skills on the current d20 Modern sheet would be a godsend. After that I can foresee it getting a little more complicated. If all the modifiers are manual entry though (Avoiding changeable rules like Skill Ranks/Proficiencies) it would be tedious to fill in but still very versitile.&nbsp;
Rhys M. said: I would like to request a Pugmire/Monarchies of Mau Character sheet. It uses the rules for D&D 5e. &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Seconded on this one. It would require some reskinning/renaming of things, and possibly two versions (one for the Pugmire dogs and one for the Mau cats due to differences in Calling names/skills and Breeds vs. Houses) but most of it would be relatively straightforward.
Is there anyway to make a Palladium Nightbane Character sheet in the Vain of the universal World of Darkness Character sheet? So you can have, Nightbane or Guardians or human Psychics etc...?
Looking for someone to make a Warcraft 3.5e sheet.
Jordan W.
Sheet Author
I would like to request Leovaunt's 2nd Edition Starcraft character sheet. I want to do a campaign on it, but I have no idea what would even be a similar setup for it. Link to the original character sheet is here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1505474899
Is it possible we could get a Princess the Hopeful sheet (based off the nWoD sheet?) Mr. Gone's Excellent sheet:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Vocation and Dream sheets are the 'same', but mechanically the two versions are different (somehow)
I'd like to request a Starships and Laserguns sheet, (or if anyone can to explain how to make them without a pro subscription I'll try myself). Link to Starships and Laserguns Character sheet as a PDF:&nbsp; S&L Character sheet Link to Starships and Laserguns rule book as a PDF:&nbsp; Player Guide Link to Starships and Laserguns website:&nbsp; Stars and Lasers
Has anyone done any work on a The Dark Eye 5th edition character sheet (English) before? I think this is a really great game and am preparing to create adventures for it here on Roll20.
I would like to request a Path of War addition to the Pathfinder sheet
Hi, I'm looking for someone to make a character sheet for Macadabre, a french RPG. I have some basis in HTML/CSS but i don't know anything about roll20 way to make a CS. Link for the PDF of the character sheet in french: Feuille du docteur
FYI, I will be attempting a Cavaliers of Mars sheet.&nbsp; I will post in the thread when complete with a link to it.
I would like to request a Star Trek Adventures sheet.

Edited 1506184589
I'd like to request a sheet for Pokerole, the Pokemon RPG. The sheet's not complicated--the system uses WoD Storyteller at it's core, so it's mostly just a bunch of Radio-Dots, as pictured below.&nbsp; The sheet needs two modes, one for Trainers Here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And one for Pokemon Here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> For fillable PDF versions of the above, go here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... ----&gt; And scroll down for the Trainer and Pokemon sheets. ---------------------------- If you're feeling really generous, I'd also like an Add/Modify section for a list of each pokemon's moves, with each move section formatted like so:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> See the bottom there, where it says "Chance Dice"? that little square-shaped space next to the die should be a fillable number box next to the die, along with a text box next to each of the "Inflict," "Increase," or "Reduce" segments.&nbsp;
Might I humbly request a sheet for: Gamma World 1st ed and Top Secret (original)
I would also like the Pokerole sheets to be added, if someone can do it.
Request EoN Character Sheet :D
I'd like to put in a preemptive request for FFG's upcoming&nbsp; Genesys system . &nbsp;Sheet and Dice. Thanks!

Edited 1507830567
The new edition of Kult should be out in December, the quick start rules are already out. Anyone been working on a sheet? It's looking like powered by Apocalypse. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I'd like to add a request for a character sheet for InfiniBadger Press' Polyhedral Dungeon RPG to the list.

Edited 1508296588
I'd like to request the Sheets from the Elite Dangerous RPG The game has 3 Sheets (Character Sheet, SRV Sheet and Spaceship Sheet) and a character can own more than one SRVs (Vehicle) and/or Spaceships. They can be found on the official website, here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If anyone would be doing it and need additional insight on the inner workings of the system, i'd be glad to help, since I started using it a few days ago.
Has anyone suggested Pugmire yet? Any news on a sheet for it?
@ Coal Powered Puppet I am currently using your Ctech sheet, and I was wondering if there was a way I could add the 'monster' button onto the macros quick bar so you could quickly toggle between mortal and tager? or is this something that must be done via the sheet?
Dear Maria said: @ Coal Powered Puppet I am currently using your Ctech sheet, and I was wondering if there was a way I could add the 'monster' button onto the macros quick bar so you could quickly toggle between mortal and tager? or is this something that must be done via the sheet? I think you can do that with API, but I don't know API.&nbsp; The only way I know is to use the sheet.&nbsp; As far as I know, only buttons can be dragged off the sheet, not check boxes or radio buttons.&nbsp; And I don't know how to set up a button to make changes on the sheet. Now, for tokens I used the&nbsp; change-token-image and rollable tables.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Coal Powered Puppet said: Dear Maria said: @ Coal Powered Puppet I am currently using your Ctech sheet, and I was wondering if there was a way I could add the 'monster' button onto the macros quick bar so you could quickly toggle between mortal and tager? or is this something that must be done via the sheet? I think you can do that with API, but I don't know API.&nbsp; The only way I know is to use the sheet.&nbsp; As far as I know, only buttons can be dragged off the sheet, not check boxes or radio buttons.&nbsp; And I don't know how to set up a button to make changes on the sheet. Now, for tokens I used the&nbsp; change-token-image and rollable tables. If you know the values of the checkbox that toggles between those two things you could attach one of the bubbles of a token to it and then toggle it that way (e.g. just change the value in the bubble to the appropriate number/value).
Would it be possible to get a Mighty Protectors (V&V 3.0) added
I haven't found a sheet for these yet, and some of my friends and I play them pretty regularly off line, and would love to do so on Roll20 DC Adventures (uses the Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition system but is a tiny bit different) DC Heroes (Mayfair Games, also called the MEGs system) Marvel Superheroes (TSR, this is the FASERIP system) Star Trek (FASA) Star Trek (Decipher CODA system) Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius) I'm sure I'll think of others but I think this is a good start to ask for. Thanks guys
Sheet Author
Joe L. said: I haven't found a sheet for these yet, and some of my friends and I play them pretty regularly off line, and would love to do so on Roll20 DC Adventures (uses the Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition system but is a tiny bit different) DC Heroes (Mayfair Games, also called the MEGs system) Marvel Superheroes (TSR, this is the FASERIP system) Star Trek (FASA) Star Trek (Decipher CODA system) Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius) I'm sure I'll think of others but I think this is a good start to ask for. Thanks guys There is a Marvel Superheroes character sheet already made (I use it in one of my campaigns) that uses FASERIP - named Marvel Superheroes.&nbsp; There's also a Marvel Heroic Roleplaying sheet, but I don't think that uses FASERIP.
MSG said: There is a Marvel Superheroes character sheet already made (I use it in one of my campaigns) that uses FASERIP - named Marvel Superheroes.&nbsp; There's also a Marvel Heroic Roleplaying sheet, but I don't think that uses FASERIP. Thanks!&nbsp; I think my eyes were running together so I must have missed the Marvel one.&nbsp; Marvel Heroic Roleplaying uses the Cortex system, I think, or something else.&nbsp; Thanks again,, that's a start!&nbsp; And thank you to all the sheet authors and other contributors, you all do fantastic and groovy work
Hello everyone. Im coming to this forum/thread asking for help. I find myself in need of a character sheet for Victoriana 3rd edition. The issue is that the dice rolling system changed from 2nd to 3rd edition. The changes are that the dice roll succeses are 1 and 6, and the 6 is considered exploding dice, which mean it gets rerolled for more succeses, and so on with every 6 one get. The other thing is the black dice system, in which depending on the difficulty, the GM rolls the number in dices, which also works like a player dice, and with each black dice succes, the player loses his own succeses. I know it might sound complicated but I would be really thankful if someone were to make the character sheet. Thank you very mich for your attention.
Hi! is there any chance that you will make a charsheet for ''Trudvang Chronicles''? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...

Edited 1509822601
I am creating a Homebrew system from the groundup and was wondering how I go about creating the character sheet for submission onto the website? Is is html and CSS based or something else?
Sheet Author
HTML, CSS, and limited set of javascript(sheet workers).&nbsp; Make sure you read the wiki on&nbsp; building character sheets .&nbsp; The&nbsp; CSS Wizardry page is also very informative.&nbsp; There are a "few" roll20-specific nuances as pointed out on the wiki that you must be aware of when creating a sheet. Cheers
Hey, sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but I'm also &nbsp;writing a homebrew system, hoping to get it published someday. With that in mind, I'd gladly pay someone if they could take the PDF I created of my character sheet into a proper Roll20 Character sheet. Feel free to PM me and discuss payment, and ask any questions.&nbsp;