Hi Drespar,
Drespar said:
Re: Brian's Posts (Post 1, Post 2)
There is a lot in your post to unpack, so I will break it up a bit.
Thank you for clarifying! I think this really is an extension of Known Issues 17 of what you mentioned in your original issue explanation.
Yes, this was a bit of a rehash of both issues I had brought up. I had put them together into a scenario to show how a GM is currently caught between the two incorrectly working issues. Sorry if that confused the conversation.
When AFoW is enabled but there is no view distance attached to the AFoW view distance field, then the AFoW cells are overlapping what would otherwise be visible.
There is more to this though. Leaving the AFoW view distance on a token sets the view distance as 0. This is what is happening in the first half of issue 1. However, the issue continues regardless if the view distance is set to a positive value. AFoW blocks light that the token should see if that light is beyond the view distance. In the second half of issue 1, the view distance is set to 10, but the light source is 15 feet away. The player token cannot see the origin of the light source when AFoW is turned on (image #4).
Setting the AFoW vision radius is acting as it should. somewhat. Previously, having an AFoW vision radius would reveal the area entirely (not the grayed out version) and could essentially be used as a substitute for Dynamic Lighting line of sight.
I disagree with this assessment, at least when DL and AFoW were combined pre-Jan 29. Previously areas that were not illuminated were not revealed even if they were in the token's view distance. In the following preview image for one of my products, the visible token is a light source. The token controlled by all players is a 1x1 pixel token in the corner of the map. It has a view distance that covers the entire map. Notice that the map is not revealed except where it has been illuminated by the light.

Currently it just reveals the map as you have stated which when paired with AFoW cells blocking Dynamic Lighting makes for a confusing experience.
(A lot of this is a re-statement of your Post 1 and Post 2 just to make sure I am thinking through it correctly.)
Provided that light sources both from the player token light sources and non-player token light sources can provide line of sight through the AFoW cells, clearing them while in line of sight, do you think this issue would largely be remedied?
I am not sure that I am following this description. The image above should be able to be replicated. Once a token can see a square with illumination, regardless of the source of the illumination, the fog of war should be cleared for that square. In the old implementation, the square had to be within the view distance for the fog of war to be cleared in that square.
(Keep in mind that with the example game you provided, when the token leaves the line of sight of a portion of that hallway the "stairstep" appearance would return as the cells need filled back in overtop of a gray map due to how revelations are calculated from the center)
Yes, if I am understanding your description, this was the old behavior. Pre Jan 29 update, a token could see all the way to illuminated squares. After the token moved to a place where the DL lines blocked vision to those squares, only squares that had their center revealed would have the fog of war cleared.
Edit: Secondary question--
What is the expected behavior when using the Advanced Fog of War view distance field? Should it reveal the map entirely (colored version) or only clear fog of war? (Keeping it gray)
Neither? The image above demonstrates the pre Jan 29 behavior at least when AFoW and DL are combined. I personally don't think AFoW should run without DL, and I seem to remember pre Jan 29 that AFoW actually needed DL to function.
In the image above, the player token is a 1x1 transparent token hidden in a corner of the map. It has sight, does not emit light, and its view distance covers the entire map, but the map is not revealed in color except where the light-emitting token (which is not controlled by any player) provides vision. As the light-emitting token is moved by the GM, the players see the places where the fog of war was cleared in grey.
The only function of the token's AFoW view distance should be to restrict the maximum distance from the token that vision clears the fog of war. To expand on this, the Jan 29 update and subsequent patches seem to have changed behavior of the token's sight options to add provisos and combinations not indicated by the text. The following is how the token options should behave:
- Emits Light: The token emits light based on the values supplied. It is visible to players that control the token.
- All Players See Light: The light is instead visible to all players.
- Has Sight: The token can see all light sources available to it within its field of view, blocked only by DL lines. AFoW does not block this, but regular fog of war would.
- AFoW View Distance: Limits how far away from the token that illuminated squares clear the fog of war.
Personally, I would prefer that the AFoW view distance field not exist, with all tokens eseentially having unlimited view distance, but in the current implementation, that may not be possible. If a player controls multiple tokens, the view distance is increasing required calculations.
If what the player can see (across the entire map, not just where they are zoomed in) was used to clear the fog of war, it would actually be simpler than running calculations from multiple tokens. This would also have solved or prevented the issues with AFoW blocking vision, AFoW leaking through DL lines, and AFoW revealing portions of the map that could not be seen.