+1 to Alternate Rules being baked into the character sheets (have the options in Game Settings, or the Options tab in the character sheets).
+1 to Conditions Tracker. There's no way to drag-and-drop conditions, all the current Conditions tab does is a simple note... which, considering how quickly Conditions come and go in a session, makes it hard to use.
And here's a few more suggestions I can think of:
One-liner Title: Separate NPCs from the Monsters section in the Compendium.
Brief Description:
Considering the use cases we'd need to use for NPCs VS using Monsters, and how the Monsters are gonna grow in size with every new Bestiary, I think it'd be a lot better to make the NPCs into a separate section. Maybe rename "Monsters" into "Creatures" and then separate it into "Monsters" "Animal Companions" and "NPCs".
One-liner Title: No Current Way to Filter Results for the Monster Section
Brief Description:
If the first feature request isn't up to snuff, currently the Filter Results in the Compendium is completely blank. So I have no way to filtering through the massive amount of Creatures from both Bestiary 1 and the GMG. Fixing this would help a lot with navigating through each additional books that we buy.
Also, any word on adapting the Lost Omens Character Guide, World Guide, or Gods & Magic for Roll20? There's a ton of Dedications missing from World Guide, entire ancestries and heritages from Character Guide, and new spells and weapons from G&M. Plenty of players are gonna want access to these additional options without having to manually punch it all in once the rest of the Drag-and-Drop and the Charactermancer are done.