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Roll20 Tips and Tricks (Innovative Solutions to Common Problems)

April 07 (5 years ago)

Edited April 07 (5 years ago)

Andreas J. said:

Character & Token ID lookup macro

When you want to figure out a character's or token's ID, here is a streamlined macro that will show you the character's name, character's ID, and the token's ID in a way that that is clear to read. You need to select a token for this to work.

Note: This macro only works if a token is connected to a character sheet, otherwise it will throw an error and show nothing. Use instead the Token ID macro below for only checking ID of tokens that are not connected to character sheets.

Normal roll:

&{template:default} {{name=**Character & Token ID**}} {{Name=@{selected|character_name} }}  {{**Character ID**= @{selected|character_id} }} {{**Token ID**= @{selected|token_id} }}

Only GM:

/w gm &{template:default} {{name=**Character & Token ID**}} {{Name=@{selected|character_name} }}  {{**Character ID**= @{selected|character_id} }} {{**Token ID**= @{selected|token_id} }}

Token ID lookup

Macro that outputs only the token's ID in the chat:

/w gm &{template:default} {{name=**Token ID**}} {{**Token ID**= @{selected|token_id} }}

that same trick can be applied to the Repeating Inventory Rows in order to look up the correct entry for the (for example) Ammunition Tracking Property in the 5e OGL Sheet, which I don't recall offhand specifically which attribute it uses, however, you can use the No Error function and simply have a &{template:default} do a readout of the first 100 Rows by name with their Ammunition ID in result section, so it's something like

&{template:default} {{name=***@{selected|character_name}'s Ammunition IDs***}} {{**@{selected|Item_Name_Row_0}**=*@{selected|Ammunition_ID_Row_0}*}} {{**@{selected|Item_Name_Row_1}**=*@{selected|Ammunition_ID_Row_1}*}} {{**etc**=*etc*}}

(if someone PMs me a functional version of that Macro, I'll edit it in)

April 09 (5 years ago)

Noises in the dark

A very simple trick - and probably widely used - but after turning on Dynamic Lighting for the first time, I wanted a way to show players where the noises they were hearing in the dark were coming from. 

To solve that, create a square black token with the word "noise" written in it. Drop the picture into your game, have it radiate a 1' diameter light that players can see, give it two black auras of 1', then assign it to a character (just like your Invisible Icon). Now you can drop it onto the map and the characters can see it, even if their light doesn't reach that area.

April 14 (5 years ago)

Edited April 14 (5 years ago)

you can also give it 2 Black Auras with a radius of 0' and it will stay contained within its square (useful if your Players are getting on your case because they spotted 1 pixel visible through the walls).

I'm not sure if the bug from it having a 360 degree vision in Advanced Fog of War is a thing, but it can be easily fixed by either setting the Radius to either 359 or 361 degrees (with 361 providing full vision, and 359 missing a sliver at the rear). The Bug specifically used to cause Players to not be able to see properly when the View Radius was set to 360, causing them to instead see partial or none of the token, but it was an old bug from early last year, so idk if they fixed it already, but if it comes up, that's the fix I used.

Devin S. said:

Noises in the dark

A very simple trick - and probably widely used - but after turning on Dynamic Lighting for the first time, I wanted a way to show players where the noises they were hearing in the dark were coming from. 

To solve that, create a square black token with the word "noise" written in it. Drop the picture into your game, have it radiate a 1' diameter light that players can see, give it two black auras of 1', then assign it to a character (just like your Invisible Icon). Now you can drop it onto the map and the characters can see it, even if their light doesn't reach that area.

Visualising audio, it's a good tip!

Room Description Aid

I'm not sure if this is already here but I have combined a few tricks I've learned to help me with room descriptions.

(I use it for some more unique monsters too)

You can use any token you like. I've been rolling dice and then dragging out the image, it's quick and you can number each room.

So, this is how it would look on a map for example

Double click the token and add the description for the room into the Name box. (highlighted)

/w gm @{target|token_name}

Then I have this macro set to my macro bar. I hit the macro then I just have to click on the room number token and it will whisper the description of the room to me. Then I can read it to my players.

April 16 (5 years ago)

Edited April 16 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the tip. This pretty much duplicates these previous two tips, but it's a good synthesis:

Invisible Tokens - The Notes Token -keithcurtis — (Video by Nick O)

Easy Area Markers / Room Numbering - The Aaron

April 17 (4 years ago)

Kieth it's also duplicating the Tokens describing Rooms, the difference being they tend to use Bar 1, 2, & 3, or the initiative of the token, they're the first to use only the Name for such things though. It is mostly related to the Notes Token though, you are right. To be fair though, there's a lot of tricks in this thread, 15 Pages of Posts so far. They're well worth the read to the newer users, as they'll probably learn a lot of neat "stupid" tricks. I stopped counting how many different Tricks I'm using from this thread lol

I'm pretty new to all this, but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere so maybe it's not known. Apologies if this is common knowledge.

With Dynamic Lighting, you can set something's second entry (Start of Dim) to a negative number, for example a light source set to 30 foot light with 'Start of Dim' set to "-70" will be very low light. It seems to render the brightness in a radius of 30 foot, but the brightest point is considered to be 100 foot from the outside edges. So even at the center, the actual brightest point rendered, it is only at 30% brightness, and smoothly dims from there to the edge.

There are a few uses, but for example:

  • You can use very large radius (with even larger negative 'Start of Dim' values) light sources to create a sort of universal low light situation, but without lighting areas that would be obscured such as building interiors.
  • You can account for indirect lighting - i.e. one room has a light source and the next room does not, the direct lighting spills in following LOS rules, but surely that should illuminate a lot of the rest of the room just to a lower degree right? So I place a very dim source on the DL layer somewhere that the light would be reflecting off into the darker room (or wherever it looks best).
  • This is just a personal one, but I find that the 'standard' settings for darkvision (D&D 5e) still have a tiny ring of bright light around tokens at their feet, and this just looks a bit weird to me, so I always set darkvision to "-5" in 'Start of Dim'. It doesn't affect the maximum distance, just where the dimming starts.

As I said, I'm pretty new, so can't say for sure if there can be any unintended side effects, but so far it seems to work exactly as expected. Also the newly coming updated version of Dynamic Lighting looks like it might not support this, which is a shame, but maybe there's some other ways to fiddle with it.

April 17 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

It's referenced in a couple of places, but there's no index entry for it, other than the link to this extremely useful page:

Dynamic Lighting Tricks - Old locked page, Community contributions

Party sight token

I’m wondering how it works for the players to all see what the single token sees with dynamic lighting? Or does it not work with dynamic lighting. 

April 17 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

It works the same as any token.  Whoever has edit permissions to the "character" that it is linked to will have vision as the token settings dictate.

April 17 (4 years ago)

Sheet Edit (specifically Inherited Token Control from the Sheet Edit Permission) or Token Control works for Dynamic Lighting, and the newest updates will include such settings from what I've seen of the available Options in the 5e Character Sheet.

Also, I would like to remind the newer Players/GMs/DMs that in (R.A.W.) 5e there's an omni-present awareness of Creatures within 5 Feet of you, even in complete Darkness, as even a Human without a Torch in the Underdark can swing at the Umber Hulk behind them in the depths of the Underdark. That's likely why you see the extra Light from the Dim Light, as well as the Fall-Off of Bright to Dim transition which is done with a minimal amount of Gradience. The only time when such Creatures would be hidden is when they have successfully Stealthed above your Passive Perception ((10)+(Perception [Wisdom] Bonus)). I personally tend to set things' Dynamic Lighting to either

  • 5 / 10
  • 5 / -5
  • 60 / 0
  • 120 / 0
  • 30 / 60

(Dim / Bright) with a Visual Radius of (usually) one of the following:

  • 361 ((8/8)+1)
  • 359 ((8/8)-1)
  • 315 (7/8)
  • 270 (6/8)
  • 225 (5/8)

(you'll notice I explicitly avoid 360, due to previously discovered issues, which are likely long since Patched)

I hope that information proves useful to newer people (such as Souls up there)

Kraynic said:

It works the same as any token.  Whoever has edit permissions to the "character" that it is linked to will have vision as the token settings dictate.

Ok so I have to give each player edit and control of the token? 

April 17 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

If these tokens represent characters, you will need to edit permissions on the character sheets, not the tokens. If you just want a generic token that all players can see through, look up Light Crumbs.

i just want an achievement... lol new here.

April 18 (4 years ago)

Edited April 21 (4 years ago)

Joey V. said:

Kraynic said:

It works the same as any token.  Whoever has edit permissions to the "character" that it is linked to will have vision as the token settings dictate.

Ok so I have to give each player edit and control of the token?

keithcurtis said:

If these tokens represent characters, you will need to edit permissions on the character sheets, not the tokens. If you just want a generic token that all players can see through, look up Light Crumbs.

Blue64 said:

Sheet Edit (specifically Inherited Token Control from the Sheet Edit Permission) or Token Control works for Dynamic Lighting, and the newest updates will include such settings from what I've seen of the available Options in the 5e Character Sheet. [snip]

you ONLY need to assign them Edit Sheet Permissions if the Token is linked to a sheet, otherwise, Mooks for example (generic NPCs & Mobs, not linked to a Sheet, but saved as a Default Token) would require only Token Control, but not Edit Sheet Permission.

  • Edit Token:
    • Ancient Blue Dragon (Mob)
    • Purple Worm (Mob)
    • Torch (Place-able Light Sources)
    • 15 ft Cone (Place-able Spell Ranges)
  • Edit Sheet:
    • Grog the Goliath Barbarian (Player Character)
    • Scanlan the Halfling Bard (Player Character)
    • Owl Familiar (Find Familiar)
    • Stag Steed (Find Steed)
April 19 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Note that the definition of "mook" is not universal. The wiki uses that term to define tokens linked to a sheet but with certain attributes unlinked after assigning (ex. hit points). And some people link spell effects to sheets (I do, so I can control their size and face with token actions). The general info is correct though. A party sight token can certainly be an unlinked token.

April 19 (4 years ago)

Edited April 22 (4 years ago)

Using Token Bar fields to hold multiple variables

I have some new roll20 players and GMs in my area, and some aren't too keen on learning to write macros or use roll20 sheet templates to get all their PC and opponent actions loaded for quick use in-game.  Without some prior experience, they find the task daunting, especially if the pre-work time exceeds the time they'll need to muddle through keyboard or advanced die roller entry for the rolls they'll actually need in-game.  But for the game to proceed in a timely fashion, I wanted everyone to have a few basic token actions they could use with any token (PC or opponent).  So I turned to the token bar fields - maybe we could put some key stats in there?  Sadly, there were only 3 such fields, or 6 if you count the bar max fields - not enough to hold even a basic set of stats if you want to automate a high percentage of rolls.

But then I thought, I can do math, and why not make a few of these fields hold multiple parameters, in a string of numbers I could parse according to a standard format?  So I did.  Note that I am a free subscriber, so I don't have access to IF statements, but I found another way:

  1. Devise a standard format for the digits each bar field should hold, and write a macro to test the setup
  2. Make use of the floor() function and modulo operator (%) to select specific portions of the numeric field for token action macros
  3. Use "0+" in macros as a crude error handler for null values (forced data type conversion to numeric)
  4. Put roll queries in your macros for anything that won't be numeric (I did this for damage rolls; "2d6+9" is not a number until you roll it)
  5. Season to taste

Here is a setup check macro for a setup that uses some 6-digit token bar entries, and cuts them up into three 2-digit fields:

**Setup2 Check**
Bar 1 (Melee/Ranged/CM):  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/10000)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/100)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/1)%100]]
! Digits 1-2 Melee Attack Bonus (0-99), digits 3-4 Ranged Attack Bonus (0-99), digits 5-6 Combat Maneuver Bonus (0-99)
Max 1 (Stealth/Perc./Init.) [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1|max}/10000)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1|max}/100)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1|max}/1)%100]]
! Digits 1-2 Stealth mod (0-99), digits 3-4 Perception mod (0-99), digits 5-6 Initiative mod (0-99)
Bar 2 (AC/Touch/CMD) [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/10000)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/100)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/1)%100]]
! Digits 1-2 AC (0-99), digits 3-4 Touch AC (0-99), digits 5-6 CMD (0-99)
Max 2 (Save Mods F/R/W) [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/10000)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/100)%100]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/1)%100]]
! Digits 1-2 Fort save mod (0-99), digits 3-4 Reflex save mod (0-99), digits 5-6 Will save mod (0-99)
Bar 3 (HP) [[@{selected|bar3}]]  Max 3 (HP max) [[@{selected|bar3|max}]]
! Any integer value is allowed for either field, although HP should never exceed HP max

The floor(x/10000), floor(x/100) and floor(x/1) statements remove digits from the right of the string (the last 4, 2, and 0 digits respectively).

%100 removes digits from the left of the string (anything beyond the rightmost 2 characters). Voila!  Right and/or left trimmed returning 2 digits.

Here's an example of a token action macro to roll all 3 saving throws using the numeric string defined for saving throw modifiers:

! Requires Setup2
@{selected|token_name} Saves
Fort [[1d20 +[[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/10000)%100]] ]]  Ref [[1d20 +[[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/100)%100]] ]]  Will [[1d20 +[[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/1)%100]] ]]

A more complicated version reads multiple tokens for attack and defense values when making a full attack:

! Requires Setup2 for both attacker and defender
**@{selected|token_name} attacks @{target|Defender|token_name}**
?{Attack Type|Melee, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/10000)%100]] ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/10000)%100]]  |Melee Touch, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/10000)%100]] ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/100)%100]] |Ranged, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/100)%100]] ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/10000)%100]]  |Ranged Touch, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/100)%100]] ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/100)%100]]  |Maneuver, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/1)%100]] ]] vs CMD [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/1)%100]] }  #_Damage
?{2nd Attack Type|Melee, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/10000)%100]] - 5 ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/10000)%100]]  |Melee Touch, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/10000)%100]] - 5 ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/100)%100]] |Ranged, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/100)%100]] - 5 ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/10000)%100]]  |Ranged Touch, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/100)%100]] - 5 ]] vs AC [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/100)%100]]  |Maneuver, [[1d20 + [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1}/1)%100]] - 5 ]] vs CMD [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2}/1)%100]] }  #_Damage
! _Damage macro call will not ask for dice and modifiers a second time if attack types differ (e.g. trip + stab)

This works with a separate roll query for damage (roll single attack macro if threats are indicated; roll more damage directly if x3 or x4 crit confirmed):

Damage [[ ?{Damage Dice|1}d?{Die Type, d|6} + ?{Modifier|0} ]]

I have another version for low level play, where saving throw, attack, skill check and initiative modifiers will not exceed +9.  The advantage here is that it is a lot easier to read 3 digits in a token bar bubble versus 6 digits.  You could potentially mix and match and have different field lengths in the same numeric string, but the method requires the length to be consistent for all tokens in the game.  If you use a 2-digit field and the token's value is 9 or less, a zero must be entered for the first digit in the field.

**Setup1 Check**
Bar 1 (Attack Mod) [[@{selected|bar1}]]
! Any integer value is allowed
Max 1 (Perception/Init. Mods) [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1|max}/10)%10]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar1|max}/1)%10]]
! 1st digit perception mod (0-9) and 2nd digit initiative mod (0-9)
Bar 2 (AC): [[@{selected|bar2}]]
! Any integer value is allowed
Max 2 (Save Mods F/R/W) [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/100)%10]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/10)%10]]  [[floor(0+@{selected|bar2|max}/1)%10]]
! 1st digit Fort save mod (0-9), 2nd digit Reflex save mod (0-9), 3rd digit Will save mod (0-9)
Bar 3 (HP) [[@{selected|bar3}]]  Max 3 (HP max) [[@{selected|bar3|max}]]
! Any integer value is allowed for either field, although HP should never exceed HP max

At this point, floor() and modulo (%) presume base 10 operands.  To shorten the number of characters, I considered whether hexadecimal or other systems might be used for single-character representation of modifiers.  There might be a way to incorporate something with ASCII conversion to turn character strings into numeric strings prior to mathematical parsing, but the HTML for that is beyond my ken at the moment.  Perhaps someone else can create a little macro for that that reads a string of characters and converts it into a string of 2-digit decimal numbers per this table:

April 19 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

This should be a T-Shirt:

But then I thought, I can do math

April 20 (4 years ago)

Edited April 20 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

Hypertext macro to open a linked character sheet

simple macro that creates a hyperlink to the selected token's linked character sheet.


Possible use case; many macros include the character's name, such as @{selected|character_name} or similar.  Substituting @{selected|character_name} with the macro above will give you the option to open the sheet directly from chat.

April 20 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Thats a very handy addition to chat menus.

April 21 (4 years ago)

Edited April 21 (4 years ago)

Place-able Light Sources & Spell Radii (Pro or Plus suggested, but works with Free too)

Ever had that problem where a Player wants to throw a lit Torch into a darkened Room?

Fret no more, for Mooks can save you lots of time and Trouble! You simply need to make a Character Sheet for the Light Source, with the appropriate Dynamic Lighting settings (or Auras for Free Users). Assign the Edit Token Controls to the Token, and the Duration notes you desire, for example a fully fleshed out Token could have a Macro to track the Burn duration in the Initiative, which is likely stored in either your MacroGM or MacroPC Macro Mule (for performance reasons primarily)


  • Torch
    • Dim Light (or Aura 1): 20
    • Bright Light (or Aura 2): 40
    • Token Size: 35 x 35 Pixels (0.5 x 0.5 Squares)
      • if you make it too small, Players will likely have difficulty Dragging it instead of Resizing it)
    • Controlled by: All Players

comparatively, this also works for a Token for a Spell's Radius (or Radii for the plural):

  • 15 ft Cone (eg. Burning Hands, or Dragon's Breath):
    • Aura 1: 15
    • Aura 2 (optional): 15
    • Dim Light (optional): 15
    • Token Size: 210 x 210 Pixels (3x3 Squares)
      • Omni-Directional Token Size: 490 x 490 Pixels (7x7 Squares)
    • Controlled by: All Players
  • 20 ft Radius (eg. Fireball):
    • Aura 1: 40
      • 20 ft Radius = 40 ft Diameter
    • Aura 2 (optional): 40
    • Dim Light (optional): 40
    • Token Size: 560 x 560 Pixels (8 x 8 Squares)
    • Controlled by: All Players
request for help on macros
please help me...
how can I select 2 or more items of a macro that I created? this is my custom macro.
Danno Vorpal, [[(1d12 +2d6)+11]] **Danni Con Spada Bastarda Vorpal** |
Danno Spada Lunga, [[1d8 +10]] **Danni Con Spada Lunga +1** |
Critico Vorpal , **Critico Con Spada Bastarda Vorpal** [[(3d12 +2d6)+11]] **Danni** |
Critico Spada Lunga, **Critico Con Spada Lunga +1** [[2d8 +10]] **Danni** |
Danno Vorpal Di Notte, [[(2d12 +2d6)+11]] **Danni Con Spada Bastarda Vorpal Illuminata Dalla Luna** |
Critico Vorpal Di Notte , **Critico Con Spada Bastarda Vorpal Illuminata Dalla Luna** [[(6d12 +2d6)+11]] **Danni** |

April 24 (4 years ago)

Edited April 24 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Paolo,

This thread is specifically for the posting of tips and tricks that people have come up with. If you post that into its own thread in the Specific Use Questions & Macros forum, I promise that I or someone else can give you a hand.

April 24 (4 years ago)

Edited April 24 (4 years ago)

although, the simple answer to their question is you need to call 2 separate Queries.

?{Query 1|1,One|2,Two|3,Three}
I Picked Option: ?{Query 1}

will always call whatever you first select for that Query, no matter how many times you call it. If you want a 2nd result, then you'll need either a 2nd Query or a 2nd Macro. More than likely, they'll want to look into Macros for Spells like Eldritch Blast or Magic Missile in order to solve their Dilemma.

Edit: Oh! or Chat Menu Button Macros, that would work too. But that goes into the "separate Macro" category too.

April 24 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
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API Scripter

Thanks, Blue, but I'm trying to keep the thread focussed.

April 24 (4 years ago)

I mean, I was gonna suggest they post their own thread about it before you did, but then I refreshed the page and you'd already said it, and I didn't wanna sound like a broken record.

keithcurtis said:

Hi Paolo,

This thread is specifically for the posting of tips and tricks that people have come up with. If you post that into its own thread in the Specific Use Questions & Macros forum, I promise that I or someone else can give you a hand.

thank you I do it immediately

Improved Spiritual Weapon

  • Find an image for your weapon through the normal means and drag it to the VTT.

  • Create a PC character sheet and call it whatever you want (Spiritual Weapon).
  • Make the sheet a cleric and set it as the same level as your cleric and give it the same wisdom.
  • Drag the spiritual weapon spell to the sheet and set it as innate.
  • Set the image you have on the VTT to represent the character sheet and then save it as the default image on the sheet.
  • Trigger the spiritual weapon spell from the sheet.
  • Click in the chat window and up arrow, then cut and paste everything there to a new ability on the attributes and abilities tab on the sheet.
  • Name the new ability and set it to token action.
  • Be sure to set it so that you cleric has permission to edit the sheet.
  • You've just created a spiritual weapon that your cleric can put on the VTT themselves, they can move it around, and the can click a token action button to use it each round without burning a slot from their own sheet each time or cluttering their sheet with extra spells

April 26 (4 years ago)

can improve that by using the Druid's Wild Shape Token trick. Also, if you are creating a Macro for it, then the extra stuff is a waste of time really, you only actually need the Token Action Macro. Additionally, you can call the Attribute of the Cleric as a variable Call Attribute. for example


or, if using the 5e OGL Sheet, or similar, you can use the pre-calculated


or, if it doesn't have that, you can still do it the old fashioned way


and this can be used directly in the Macros, such as the Token Action Macro that Patrick suggested setting up.

Also, the fields on the Roll20 OGL 5e Sheet do accept Attribute Calls instead of Numbers if you want to use them that way (useful for the Paladin's Auras of Protection/Courage/etc), so you can write that directly into the various fields, including the Core Stats (such as the Spiritual Weapon's Wisdom), because they're Attributes first and foremost, meaning that if it's in the Attribute List, it accepts Case Sensitive (sometimes) Alpha-Numeric Entries

April 26 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Thank you, Patrick!

Thanks Really neat!

These tricks are fantastic. They will be a great help in my games.

hi i'm a new DM. I would like to know if the site can be used by pone? (for a player)

May 01 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi simone.

This thread is specifically for the posting of tips and tricks that people have come up with. If you post that into its own thread in the Specific Use Questions & Macros forum, I promise that I or someone else can give you a hand. You may want to check the question too. I'm not sure what you mean by pone.

Did the HTML in handouts / text fields trick stopped working?

I ask about

No matter how simple bit of html I paste - even <b>Test</b> - the html markers stay unparsed.

Would that require API access (not having Pro account is the only reason I can think of except thing not working anymore)?

Devin S. said:

Noises in the dark

A very simple trick - and probably widely used - but after turning on Dynamic Lighting for the first time, I wanted a way to show players where the noises they were hearing in the dark were coming from. 

To solve that, create a square black token with the word "noise" written in it. Drop the picture into your game, have it radiate a 1' diameter light that players can see, give it two black auras of 1', then assign it to a character (just like your Invisible Icon). Now you can drop it onto the map and the characters can see it, even if their light doesn't reach that area.

This is really clever! Has anyone tried it yet? Could you supply screenshots to have a better idea of how this works?

May 02 (4 years ago)

Edited May 02 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Echinorlax,

It does not appear to work anymore. I honestly don't remember testing it when it was posted, but it looks like I did. So perhaps something has changed. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? There may be other ways. For instance, custom formatting from a Google Doc retains formatting. It's likely that if you have another way of rendering the HTML, you can cut and paste from there.

I assume that the built-in formatting is not sufficient for some reason?

Yeah, I wanted full control over the style from within the text block, because that was to be a "live" handout, a tool for GM, not campaign "in-world" handout, generated by API script,  not human clicking the editor button, something in vein of . Any formatting had to be part of string sent via set(notes). I also did not want to apply any browser extension based styling, because that would require players installing them too. I imagine if I created handout via pasting styled content, read the string via API, there would be some formatting there to copy into the new string, but that would require messing with scripts each time I want to make new type of handout and I am making a tool for GM and players to use, not just for me. Also, that might not work at all. That's a bad starting point for the project - I'd prefer to flesh out in code an idea that will work to the best of my knowledge, not one that just might work.

And of course there was another solution, the script will generate something akin to chat menu in chat area, styled via roll template that has full creative power of css unleashed on it, this campaign already uses custom sheet, so I am free to use roll templates.

Thank you for confirming it doesn't work, I mainly wrote the post with initial question on the off chance I really was doing something wrong - and if I wasn't, to ask for this "trick" to be removed from the 1st post list, not to confuse poor unfortunate souls like me.

Not sure where else to post this so I guess it's going here.

How do you suggest dealing with magical darkness (D&D) and some players being able to see through it.
May 02 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi David,

The top post of this thread explains that it is for posting tips and tricks. The place to post a question like yours would be in its own thread in the Specific Use Questions and Macros forum, with a subject line that describes what you need an answer to. This serves several purposes:

1) It keeps this thread uncluttered and allows it to remain focussed on people sharing clever solutions they have already found.

2) Your specific issue will be seen by a lot more people, and be easier to search for and follow. It also gives you "breathing space" to allow lots of feedback from multiple users.

May 02 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

@Echinorlax. Point well made. I won't remove it entirely, since there may be something useful left in there, or I just may be mistaken about it not working. But I will put an advisory in the index post.

May 07 (4 years ago)

Thx for the info

May 07 (4 years ago)

Edited May 08 (4 years ago)

Mirror Image Macros (D&D 5E OGL)

I was having a hard time sorting out something simple to use for Mirror Image that doesn't require the API. I saw a post where keithcurtis has a great API setup for Mirror Image. This is macros only though, so hopefully it's useful to those of you that don't have the API (like me).

I essentially use a roll with a custom critical success (depending on the required roll for the quantity of duplicates remaining) and spit out different results based on that:


&{template:atk} {{mod=0}} {{rname=Attack targets @{selected|token_name}}} {{rnamec=Attack targets illusory duplicate}} {{r1=[[1d20cs>?{Number of Images?|3,6|2,8|1,11}cf<0]]}} {{normal=1}} {{desc=Illusory duplicate's AC is [[10+@{selected|dexterity_mod}]]. If the attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. A duplicate can be destroyed only by an attack that hits it. It ignores all other damage and effects. The spell ends when all three duplicates are destroyed.}}

There wasn't any way to make 'mod' disappear, so I just output 0, but it's not actually doing anything.

I'm sure this could be tweaked for other character sheets, since it just leverages the critical success feature, but the applicability to other sheets is outside of my area of expertise.

Credit to Kilter for suggesting to use a name query to condense this into 1 macro rather than the 3 macros I had previously.