Kurt J. said: @OrlanthR said: (I’m reposting here following a response to the original query on the general API forum) Hi all. I'm running Earthdawn 4e using the simpler of the two available Roll20 sheets. It does most things, but the Initiative macro doesn't add the tokens to the tracker. I've tried working through the script (below) and seeing where I can add '&{tracker}' to make it work, but I'm at the limit of my ability to read macros here. Is any one able to assist please? (FYI Tallano is the name of the character I'm trying to get into the turn tracker). !power {{ --format|grey --titlefont|arial --titlefontsize|16px --bodyfontsize|12px --charid|@{Tallano|character_id} --name|**@{Tallano|Name} Initiative** --Step|[[ ?{Step|@{Tallano|InitTotal}-@{Tallano|Wounds}} ]] + [[ ?{Karma #|0} ]] Karma, [[ ?{Strain #|0} ]] Strain --Result| **[[ [TRKR] [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] + floor([[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1]] / 11)]]d20! + [[{2, 4, 5, 6, 7}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 3}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] + {1e3, 3}=[[{?{Step} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 2]]d[[{{(?{Step} - 1) * 2, 4}kh1, {12} }kl1]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (1 - {3, 6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 4, 8}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d[[10 - {4, 5, 8, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 4]]! + [[{1e3, 8}<[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * ({0, 5, 7, 9}=[[{?{Step}, 1}kh1 % 11]] + 2 * {6, 10}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1 % 11]])]]d8! - [[{1, 2}=[[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]] * (3 - [[{?{Step}, 0}kh1]])]] + [?{Karma #|0} Karma] [[?{Karma #} * ({1e3, 8}<[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] + floor([[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep} - 11, 0}kh1]] / 11))]]d20! + [[?{Karma #} * ({2, 4, 5, 6, 7}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 3}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1]] + {1e3, 3}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep} - 11, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 2)]]d[[{{(@{Tallano|KarmaStep} - 1) * 2, 4}kh1, {12} }kl1]]! + [[?{Karma #} * ({1e3, 8}<[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1]] * (1 - {3, 6, 10}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1 % 11]] + {1, 4, 8}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1 % 11]]))]]d[[10 - {4, 5, 8, 9}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1 % 11]] * 4]]! + [[?{Karma #} * ({1e3, 8}<[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1]] * ({0, 5, 7, 9}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 1}kh1 % 11]] + 2 * {6, 10}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1 % 11]]))]]d8! - [[?{Karma #} * ({1, 2}=[[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1]] * (3 - [[{@{Tallano|KarmaStep}, 0}kh1]]))]] ]]** }} !modattr {{ --silent --charid @{Tallano|character_id} --Karma|-?{Karma #} --Uncon|?{Strain #} }} What is the actual mechanics method for rolling for initiative? Because if it is that complicated to roll Init, I would hate to see what combat is like in that game :) Earthdawn uses a step system, where each step is a group of dice (ie step 8 is 2d6, 7 is d12, etc); modifications change the step number, hence the very complex macro...