Extremely new to all of this. But just started using Power Cards along with the power card macro helper and im getting this error when i have a PC use healing word and this second error when i have a PC use a net to attack. {"name":"SyntaxError","expected":["\"(\"","\".\"","\"[\"","\"abs(\"","\"ceil(\"","\"d\"","\"floor(\"","\"round(\"","\"t\"","\"{\"","[ |\\t]","[+|\\-]","[0-9]"],"found":")","message":"Expected \"(\", \".\", \"[\", \"abs(\", \"ceil(\", \"d\", \"floor(\", \"round(\", \"t\", \"{\", [ |\\t], [+|\\-] or [0-9] but \")\" found.","offset":9,"line":1,"column":10} "Could not determine result type of: [{\"type\":\"L\",\"text\":\"$Dmg\"},{\"type\":\"M\",\"expr\":2}]" Both of these seem to crash the api and i have to restart. I'm having a pretty inconsistent experience just trying to do basic things and so im positive its because i set something up incorrectly or am doing something wrong. Thanks in advance for the help!