All, I found a bug with Ammo tracking - tracked ammo can go negative. Class: doesn't matter Description: When I enable ammo tracking for a character, and link an attack to a resource, ammo tracking works as expected, and shows "<resource_name>: <number> LEFT" until there are 0 left. After that point, an attack with that weapon shows "OUT OF AMMO", and the resource continues to decrement through negative numbers. For ammo with weight, encumbrance decreases. This happens both with and without a max value set for the resource Edge Case: If I setup multiple resources, e.g. "Arrows, 3" for ammunition, and I had only 1 Arrow left, the current behavior will show "OUT OF AMMO", and set the resource to, in this example, -2. This allows me to do something appropriate for a not-enough-ammo attack, and to do the math to know exactly how much ammo I am short. Desired Behavior: When ammo is too low (0, or less than needed for an attack), show the "OUT OF AMMO" message (as now), and do not decrement the resource if it is already 0 or negative. Other Acceptable Behavior: First, when ammo is 0 or less, show the "OUT OF AMMO" message (as now), and do not decrement the resource. Spell slot tracking works this way now. Second, when ammo is lower than needed for an attack, but greater than 0, EITHER: show a message "NOT ENOUGH AMMO (<current resource>)", and do not decrement the resource, OR: show a message "OUT OF AMMO" and decrement the resource to <current resource> <minus> <needed ammo>. Steps to Replicate: Create a character. Set Character to not NPC, Ammo Tracking to "ON". Drop a shortbow from compendium. Drop Arrows from compendium (you will have 1, and a resource will be created). Set shortbow attack details to explicitly use "Arrows". Click on shortbow in character sheet to attack See chat messages, both the attack, and "Arrows: 0 LEFT" Observe that Arrows resource changes from 1 to 0 in resource and equipment Click on shortbow in character sheet to attack again See chat messages, both the attack, and "OUT OF AMMO" Observe that Arrows resource changes from 0 to -1 in resource and equipment