TheMarkus1204 said:
Do you want to share this script for everyone else here in the forum? It sounds really useful...
It's buried in the Survey script in the help text for texts. It looks like I disabled it for the one-click, because I didn't trust my coding skills to destroy objects in another person's campaign. I'd feel terrible and lose sleep for days.
Nevertheless, if you want to try it, grab the survey script from Github, or do an Import from OneClick rather than Install, so you have all the code, and delete line 457: helpLabel = helpTexts;
Then in the game issue the command:
!survey --deleteemptytexts
It will go through the game and find and kill them.
The function is pretty simple if you don't want to use the whole script:
let texts = findObjs({
type: 'text'
texts.forEach(t => {
if (t.get("text") === '') {
Contact me in a PM if you want more details, since I've probably derailed this thread enough. :)