Mike A. said:
Is there a way to prevent things like vision and auras stacking on top of each other for the DM?
I run a game with 4 players currently who all obviously have their vision enabled, when they are all stood close together, each players field of vision stacks for myself as DM and makes my screen very bright. This also happens with any auras I look to use.
I was hoping to start giving my NPCs vision, so I could click into their individual token for a turn and see what they see, so i can run them more realistically (rather than me metagaming as DM with what i can see on the overall view), but as soon as NPCs have any vision turned on, the map becomes so bight with stacked vision that it becomes unplayable.
An option, where the vision/auras only appear when the token is selected would be amazing.
I hope that makes sense, i don't feel like i am explaining myself very well there to be honest.
Mike, I also applaud the idea of having NPC vision a "Only active when held" type situation.
I have a tip that helps a little with auras that I use in my games. doesn't really help with vision, and has nothing to do with dynamic lighting, but it can help with auras and is controllable by players (if players have aura control in a game) I swear I picked it up from Innovative Tips and Tricks thread, but when I looked which user/post to attribute it to, I couldn't find it.
Anyway, it is based off the fact the the aura color pallet has pre-selections, but actually uses a hex code, so you can set the transparency to be even lighter than normal by adding two digits after the hex code. In the picture below, the 'bright yellow' code is #ffff00. I added 45 at the end to make it about half as strong as it was before.
To do this, select the color you want and then put your cursor in the hex-code bos after it and type the two-digit level you want. Hit ENTER to set the level, then just exit hit the "Save Settings" button and it will apply. Getting the right balance of visibility sometimes takes experimentation.
That setting will persist on that token but doesn't stay if you change the color and come back to the same color. If the GM copies the token and pastes it on another page, the aura settings will persist. If that version is saved as the default token to the character sheet, it can be dragged from the Journal section onto new maps and the setting will persist.