Believability still does not work correctly. You cannot select 1+4 pieces of evidence. The algorithm still does not match the game mechanics. We fussed around for a while tonight but ended up doing it by hand. Charles C. Plus October 03 (11 months ago) Just played a game with a Media, with a Credibility rank 4 Role Ability. He wanted to make an active Believability roll in our game tonight. Game mechanics says with his 4 distinct verifiable pieces of evidence, it should be "two higher". For Pieces of Evidence, if I selected "One + Four Or More" the "Roll Believability" button just didn't do anything. If I select "Four or more pieces" it works. If I mouse over the left number, it says I rolled a 1d10 = (4). The mouse over on the right number says Rolling +2 = 2. But what are we rolling here? The core mechanics says for a rank 4, believability is 3 out of 10 chance the audience buys it. Because it is +2, that means that there is a 5/10 chance the audience buys it. So rolling a 4 was a failure. Then after the game I rolled again and rolled a 6, and that was also a failure. So are we rolling above or below some requirement? The core book is not clear at all, and it seems like either the 4 or the 6 should have worked (but not both). I followed that by just rolling a whole bunch of times. getting between 4-9 each time. Eventually I was able to roll a natural 2, and that finally gave me a success. It seems like this math is not set up correctly. Math should be (roll - evidence modifier) vs (believability). If you roll equal to or under your believability, it is a success. Thus my player's original roll of a (4) - 2 (modifier) is less than his believability of 3 (for being rank 4). I know, a bit to kludgy, but that's how some RPGs are. Rank 1 or 2 : Believability (roll less than after modifier) 2 Rank 3 or 4: Believability (roll less than after modifier) 3 Rank 5 or 6: Believability (roll less than after modifier) 4 Rank 7 or 8: Believability (roll less than after modifier) 5 Rank 9: Believability (roll less than after modifier) 6 Rank 10: Believability (roll less than after modifier) 7 morgdalaine Roll20 Production Team Sheet Author API Scripter January 03 (8 months ago) Permalink for 11259781 Quote Report Sheet Update Tiny update for the new year! Role: Media Believability is now a calculated field! You can roll for both Active and Passive rumors! The roll template contains a skill roll (selected via drop down from the role ability card), the passive GM roll, and the Rumor DV table from page 151. * NOTE: If you want to roll a rumor check from a repeating skill, you’ll need to roll from skill itself.