Hi Here some issues found while trying to rebuild a lev 13 Monk in the new sheet trial has been done in firefox on a last generation Mac with the last OS. (same effect on chrome just much slower) Maybe some are just ways around I still cannot find Builder It needed a couple of trial to work as in some moments did work properly and in other it did not behave (it feels like It needs A LOT of memory as players with older PC just stay on the dragon sub image for minutes: on first trial just clicked through the 13 level but then subclass could not be chosen (dropdown was empty) retried on a new char by stopping at level 3, selecting subclass was then possible, then up to 13 feats stayed yellow even with everything selected no way of understandingg what was missing (in general we do like the warning that something is missing) Impossible to chose a spell for the fey touched feat as spell list would not appear (flickering set of gray boxes as if not loading) so even spell was yellow anyway saved and PC was created Sheet first of all language is a mess: with English set in roll20 but Italian as language on firefox and the system in English, the sheet and info are in English but advanced tools are titled in Italian Adding from compendium... SUGGESTION make it equipped by default it is much more frequent in my opinion How do you change the proficiency? added a ioun stone of mastery via drag and drop but I cannot find a way to do it (basic item modifier does not have proficiency added a short sword +2 and it automatically provides +2 to AC??? but it does not add proficiency in general why the magic bonus ha to be listed in the other bonus and is not a specific field?? added a sun blade and it has the following issues does not add anything neither attack nor damage how to add 2 different attack (strength and dexterity like for the short sword? I see only how to add one if to add the conditional radiant damage versus undead? deflect attack is auto added to the combats as a dex saving throw but no proficiency nor wisdom is added there are in the features list many lines to be deleted as they are (you get your subclass ability)... maybe this is due to the subclass not being from 2024 but is annoying thanks for the effort and is getting better quickly even if we would love it would be quicker Andrea