It seems to happen at random at some times of the day, and both times when it happened, it affected all the light (torch) tokens in the game, not just some of them, and not just on one page but on all of them (until I placed more using the Place Light tool, then it worked for the new tokens but the old ones were still invisible). Very specific to just the torch token on the lighting layer, though I suppose I didn't have any other tokens on that layer, just lines. Is it being loaded from a different server than all the other tokens or something like that? Now they're all back as normal again without me doing anything about it.
I think both times it occurred it was early in the day for me, which in the US would be something like 4 to 7 in the morning.
It looked more like it tried to load the image for the token, failed to do so, displayed a white square for half a second, and then the token disappeared but was still selectable.
I tried placing some light tokens with the tool again and it does still sometimes show the white square briefly before the actual token image appears, so maybe the white square has nothing to do with the issue. I suppose it could be a z-order issue then, with the light tokens rendered behind the map layer image.
Lavi said:
Hi Aleksi - are you seeing this behavior consistently in certain circumstances, or it it seeming more random at the moment?
We have attempted to reproduce this with a couple of variables, but are not able to. Could you DM me your game link page name and token where you have seen this occur so we could take a look? In those scenarios have you attempted to press "V" (shortcut to see your token on top of darkness), and might that have had any affect?
There was an z-order issue on our platform on February 11th as a result of a separate release, which may have been the initial impact for what you and Gez have been affected by. The root cause for this is likely different so we want to dig in to better understand.
Gez C. said:
There does seem to be something amiss. As a DM The other week some of my map pieces had changed order, I'd a table with things on but when I next played they were behind. On Tuesday a map part had disappeared. A chair on a plinth. As a player I had an issue with a platform becoming invisible part way through a gaming session. It seems like the same thing is happening with your placed lighting tokens...

Aleksi said:
Aleksi said:
Edit: Seems to have fixed itself.
All of my torch tokens placed using the Place Light tool have become invisible, ie. their image doesn't load (they were working fine about 15 hours ago). If I use the tool to place a new light token, it's also invisible at first, but eventually appears. If I reload the page, all of the old tokens are still invisible while the newly placed tokens (or at least some of them) are visible.
Looks like after each reload, the newest tokens that I placed also stop loading.
When I switch to a different Page, the torch tokens on that page appear as white squares for a moment and then become invisible again.

This is happening again to any new light tokens I place. The token shows as a white square for a second or two and then becomes invisible. It can still be selected while invisible. Seems like it's failing to load the image, even though other light tokens are showing it.