I'm still in testing/set-up phase so there are no other players in the game beside my GM id, and my test player ID. I can't have both open at the same time, so I can't do a complete test, but...
1. The music plays if I start it manually as GM.
2. The music plays as GM if I move the player flag.
3. The music does NOT play for test player ID when starting up (loading) if the GM account is not logged in.
4. The music does NOT play for test player ID when reloading, although the "Now playing" box gets updated to show the name of the music, but there's no activity (i.e. the time the music is/has been playing does not change) and there's nothing playing.
I tried logging in from an iPad (using Chrome, not the Roll20 app) just to see what happens. Situation #4 happens.
I also tried: logging in on the laptop as the GM, logged in to an iPad as player. As GM, I moved the ribbon to another page (that doesn't have music) and the scene shifted for the player on the iPad. I then moved the ribbon back to the map/scene that should play the music. Again, the scene shifted on the iPad. It says, on the iPad that the music is "now playing", but there's no music playing on the iPad. It played, ONCE, on the laptop.
I tried the above several times. Moving the ribbon to another page, and back again, did not cause the music to start again. I had to manually stop the music (even though it wasn't actually playing after moving the ribbon to another page), and then move the ribbon back to the Start page to make the music start again on the laptop. On the iPad, even though the map changed each time, and the "Now Playing" box updated with the info that something was playing, nothing was playing. And the time playing never changed. That is to say, on the laptop, while I was writing this paragraph, the music had been playing on the laptop for about 4 minutes and showed 4 minutes of playing. On the iPad, the time playing was blank. The name of the track changed as the music continued on to anther track, but no music came out.
This is about all the testing I can do since I don't have another laptop/desktop to log in from. And, I think I hit every possibility I could test for given the configuration(s).
On legacy, the music played when the players logged in and the page loaded. I know this to be true because I used it.
keithcurtis said:
Saul, just to verify. (It's implied but not outright stated): when you have tested this, it was when loading into a page and moving the player flag to that page? I.e. loading for all players at the same time?