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Sheet Request Thread, Consolidated, mk I

January 13 (10 years ago)

Edited May 13 (7 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
I went through the Sheet Request thread, looking to find the next procrastination toy. There were a lot of requests, some of which are already taken care of. Here is the list of what I found, and if some one has already made it. This took more than few minutes, and required a look of looking back and forth at github. I've crossed out those I know, for sure, they are usable.

Any and all input is appreciated. Including "this was a waste of you time; do something else".

Legend: "Select-able" means I could see it on the drop down menu under Campaign Settings. "Done" means I read it was done on a thread, but didn't see it on Github or the drop down menu. "on Github" means its in the roll20 repository on Github, but not on the dropdown menu.

Requested/Not yet made
2d20 (Ron Howard's Conan, Infinity [completed by Rob Heath], John Carter)
Aces & Eights (examples found on this page)
Adventures in Middle-Earth (modification of the D&D 5th edition, from Cubicle 7)
Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2ed
Adeptus Evangelion (example here and here)
Adventurer Conqueror King System
All for One (Savage edition)
Airship Pirates
Alpha Omega
Amp: Year X
Anima Prime
Anima Beyond Fantasy
Atomic Robo for FATE
AZ: After Zombies
Battle Century G (example here and here)
Battletech Classic RPG
Beast the Primordial
BESM 2nd edition
Big Eyes Small Mouth Third Edition (Tri-stat) (selectable, by Dragynwulf)
Big Eyes Small Mouth d20
Black Eye
Bleach d20
Blue Planet
Blue Planet V2 (selectable, by Tomaxx)
BRP (selectable, by Pat Stubbs)
Bubblegumshoe (by Evil Hat)
Burning Empire
Call of Cthulhu 6th edition (English?) (selectable, by PadRpg)
Castles and Crusades (selectable, by David Berkompas, Rom Elwell)
Cavaliers of Mars
Colonial Gothic
Conspiracy X
Space Ninja Cyber Crisis XDO
D&D 5e made to look like the D&D Next sheet (example here)
d20 Future
d6 (Adventure, Fantasy, Open, and maybe WEG Star Wars)
Dark Heresy: Ascension
Das Schwarze Auge (translated into English)
Drakar och Demoner Trudvang
Delta Green (rules here)
Demon Wars Reformation (by RA Salvatore)
Digimon Digital Monsters
Dogs in the Vineyard
Don't Rest Your Head
Double Cross
Dragon Warriors
Dune Chronicles
Dust Adventures
Earthdawn 3rd edition
Earthdawn 4th edition (selectable, by dougansf)
Eclipse Phase: Transhumanity's Fate (Fate rule set)
Exalted 1e
Exalted 2e Burn Legend
Exodus (example spread sheet here)
Fallen Empires
Fellowship (the PBTA hack by Jacob Randolph)
Firefly (add Ship Sheets)
Final Fantasy D6
Fear Itself
Freebooters on the Frontier
Fuzion (Cyberpunk Fuzion, Champions Fuzion), Bubblegum Crisis Fuzion
Gamma World 4e CS
Godlike d20
Golden Sky Stories (Cheshire Cat started it, is it finished?)
Grimm RPG
Gumshoe: Ashen Stars
Gumshoe: Night's Black Agents (selectable, by G. TI)
HackMaster 4e
Hero (done by esampson, but NOT on github or select-able)
Hero's Journey
Hero System/Champions/Fantasy Hero (including 4th or 5th edition)
Hunter the Reckoning (Old World of Darkness)
I hit it with my Axe
In Nomine
Judge Dredd – Traveller
Legend (example here)
Legend of Five Rings first edition
Legend of Five Rings
Lone Wolf Adventure Game (from Cubicle7, example here)
Classic Marvel
- buttons for Classic Marvel (might be the same as FASRIP)
Mass Effect d20 (selectable, by Emre U)
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (Cortex) (selectable, by Thiago Shinken)
Marvel Universe RPG
Maximum Xcrawl (pathfinder based)
Mazes & Minotaurs
Mechwarrior 3rd edition
Mighty Blade (Brazilian rpg; is it only in their Spanish?)
Mongoose Legend
Mongoose Traveller 2e (download link for sheet) (selectable, by Fabian D.)
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Monsters & Other Childish Things (selectable, by Rich Finder)
Monster of the Week (Apocalypse World system) (selectable,by LethalKitten)
Morrow Project (4th ed)
Mutants and Masterminds 1st Edition
Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition
Mutant Epoch
Mutant: Genlab Alpha (Resistance? and Watcher?)
Nobilis (with built in wiki link)
Obsidian: Age of Judgement (character sheet here and here)
One Piece D20 (everything is here)
The One Ring (into German)
Ops and Tactics
ORE games (Nemesis or Wild Talents)
Orpheus (old World of Darkness)
Other Dust Character Sheet (selectable,by Kevin Searle)
Outbreak: Undead
Path of Exile
Prowlers & Paragons
Privateers and Pirates
Prophecy (example here)
Red Dwarf (from Deep7)
Radiance RPG
Reign Enchiridion (example here)
Riddle of Steel 
Roan (on githug here)
Rolemaster Classic
Rolemaster 2nd edition
Rule of Cool's Legend
Scarlet Heroes
Scarred Lands 5e Version
Serenity (add ship sheet)
Shadowrun Anarchy (selectable,by Sean Kelly)
Shadowrun 3
Shadowrun 4
Shadows of Esteren
Shattered (kickstarter here)
SLA Industries
Song of Swords
Space 1889 (original) 
Space 1889 (Ubiquity Systems)
Spacemaster: Privateers
The Sprawl (selectable, by Tim Denee, translation compatible update by Natha)
Starfleet Battles
Stargate Tabletop
Star Trek (FASA verision)
Star Trek (Decipher's System)
Star Wars d20 (not SAGA)
Star Wars d20, Revised Edition
Strands of Fate
Terra Incognita (French)
The Veil
Timewatch for Gumshoe
Top Secret: Special Investigation
Tormenta RPG (more information here) (selectable,by Torre Vorpal)
Tri-Stat dX (Ex Machina, Dreaming Cities, BESM)
Traveller 5
Through the Breach
Trudvang Chronicles
Ubiquity (Hollow Earth Expedition, Leagues of Adventure, Desolation, All for One, Space:1889)
Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten,Buffyverse role-playing games, CJ Carella's WitchCraft, Conspiracy X 2nd Ed, and others)
Urban Shadows
The Veil (powered by the Apocalypse)
Victoriana 3rd edition
Wraith: the Oblivion
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st edition
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition (is this done?)
Wheel of Time
Werewolf: the Apocalypse Hengeyokai
Wild Talents
Witch: Fated Souls
World of Dungeons
World of Warcraft (by Sword and Sorcery, examples here and here)
World Wide Wrestling
Worlds in Peril (powered by the Apocalypse)
Wu Xing: the Ninja Crusade
Yggdrasill RPG (by Cubicle7, example here)
Zweihander Grim and Perilous

7th Sea (Select-able, by yours truly)
7th Sea 2e (Select-able, by yours truly)
A Song of Ice and Fire (Select-able, by Raul H)
All Flesh Must Be Eaten (Select-able, by yours truly)
Adventure! (Select-able, by yours truly)
Alternity (Select-able, by Reikou)
Ars Magica 5th edition (Select-able, by yours truly)
Atomic Highway (Select-able, by yours truly)
BASH Ultimate Edition Supers RPG (Select-able, by G V.)
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (Select-able, by Chris G.)
Basic Rifts\Palladium (Select-able, by yours truly)
Black Crusade (by John B. & Daniel D.)
Blades in the Dark (Select-able, by Stephen Malone, Flamewolf, Matthew Harris Glover, Phalanks)
Burning Wheel (Select-able, by Steve K.)
Castles & Crusades (Select-able, by David B, Rom E)
Changeling the Dreaming 2nd edition (Select-able, by yours truly)
Clockwork & Chivalry/Pirates & Dragons/Renaissance (Select-able, by Michael B.)
Conan 2nd ed (Select-able, by Rob heath)
Conan 2d20 (Select-able, by Rob)
Cthulhutech (Select-able, by yours truly)
Cyberpunk 2020 (Select-able, by Tony R.)
Cypher System Corebook (by Natha)
d20 Modern (Select-able, by yours truly)
Deadlands Classic (Steve K. was working on this, is it done?)
Deathwatch (Select-able, by yours truly)
Demon the Fallen (Select-able, by yours truly)
Demon the Fallen (built in wiki link) (done by BryanAx)
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (done by Tony R)
Dragon Age (Select-able,by Adalberto)
DSA (Select-able, by the awesome Dev folks)
Fairy Tail Tabletop (Select-able, by the G V.)
Fallout PnP (Select-able, by yours truly)
Fate Accelerated Edition (Select-able, by Zachary S)
Fate Freeport (Select-able, by Zachary S)
Fantasy AGE (Select-able, by Adalberto and/or Andrew R.) 
Feng Shui 2 (Select-able, by Nathan Horn)
Fragged Empire (Selectable, by Zach P)
Fuzion (Select-able, by yours truly)
Gamma World 7e (Select-able, by Stephen L.)
Godbound (selectable, by jfredett)
Harry Potter and the Tabletop (Select-able, by Rich Finder)
Hellfrost (part of Savage Worlds Tabbed sheet)
ICONS (Select-able, by chatty)
Icons: The Assembled Edition (Select-able, by Chatty)
Infinity 2d20 (by Rob)
Ironclaw (Select-able, by yours truly)
Kobolds Ate My Baby Super Deluxx Edition (Select-able, by Wes)
L5R 4th (Select-able Nick R. and Calle. A.)
LR5 (on Github?)
Labyrinth Lord (Select-able, by Ron Howard)
Lamentations of the Flame Princess (by Favashi)
Marvel FASERIP (select-able, Michael R)
Mekton Zeta (Select-able, by yours truly)
Metamorphosis Alpha 1e (Select-able, by Amanda the Amazon)
Microlite20 (Select-able, by Wolfgang R.)
Mongoose Traveller (Select-able, by yours truly)
Monsterhearts (Select-able, by Allie B.)
Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition (Select-able, by Rob heath)
Only War (Select-able, by yours truly)
OVA (Select-able, by the often duplicated, never replicated GV)
Palladium system /Rifts/Heroes Unlimited (done, see above Basic Rifts/ Palladium)
Paranoia (Select-able, by yours truly...OR IS IT?)
Pendragon (Select-able, both the English and French version was done by Thierry M)
Pokemon Tabletop United (Select-able, by Uriah B and David L)
Promethean: The Created (see the New Official World of Darkness sheet by Steve K.)
Qin: Warring States (Select-able, by Garrett G.)
Rogue Trader (Select-able, by Michal S., Neirin D.)
Ryuutama (select-able, by King Puff)
Scion (Select-able, by yours truly)
Shadow of the Demon Lord (Select-able, by DK Heinrich, Ben and Ryan S.)
Shadows Of Esteren (by Radek G.)
Star Wars WEG (Select-able, by Timothy O)
Stars Without Number (Select-able, by Kevin the Barbarian)
Stormbringer (Select-able, by Finderski)
TechNoir (Select-able, by yours truly)
Tephra (Select-able, by yours truly)
Tenra Bansho Zero (by Jack P.)
Titansgrave (Select-able, by Andrew R. for the sheet design, and John R.)
Tri-Stat dX (Select-able, by yours truly)
TORG (Select-able, by Jason M. & Jason M)
Ubiquity/Hollow Earth Expedition (Select-able, by Carl T)
Vampire: Dark Ages (by Invincible Spleen)
Victoriana 2nd Edition (Select-able, by yours truly)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd edition (Select-able, by Rob)
Werewolf, the Forsaken (Select-able, by yours truly)
Werewolf, the Apopcalypse 20th Annevesarity Edition (Select-able, by yours truly)
Witch Hunter: The Invisible World (Select-able, by Tom)
World of Darkness (multiple splat books) (see the New Official World of Darkness sheet by Steve K.)
World of Darkness (mortal, non-God Machine) (see the New Official World of Darkness sheet by Steve K.)
Yogsquest Character (created by Brian)

I've might missed a few. Anyhow, I'll update this when I have a chance, based on input.
January 13 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

John W. said:

Any and all input is appreciated. Including "this was a waste of you time; do something else".

Definitely not a waste of time, thanks for this! Considering I've already done the* Exalted 2e sheet, I might have to look at throwing together a Burn Legend sheet.

* Well, a Solars sheet. I'm kinda hoping we get the "alternate sheets" implementation available and shying away from using tabs to pick exaltation type and duplicate so much work on the same sheet.

January 13 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Brian, I'm not familiar enough with Exalted, but could you take the "Configuration Window" approach and unhide the Solar specific fields in that fashion?
January 14 (10 years ago)

Edited January 14 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

One of the biggest problems with using tabs to set the different exalt types is that they all display their Abilities in a different order. For example, Solars have:

Dawn          Zenith       Twilight
------------  -----------  -------------
Archery       Integrity    Craft
Martial Arts  Performance  Investigation
Melee         Presence     Lore
Thrown Resistance Medicine War Survival Occult

Night Eclipse
------------ -----------
Athletics Bureaucracy
Awareness Linguistics
Dodge Ride
Larceny Sail
Stealth Socialize

While Terrestrials have:

Air            Earth        Fire
------------- ----------- ---------
Linguistics Awareness Athletics
Lore Craft Dodge
Occult Integrity Melee
Stealth Resistance Presence
Thrown War Socialize

Water Wood
------------- -----------
Bureaucracy Archery
Investigation Medicine
Larceny Performance
Martial Arts Ride
Sail Survival

Lunars break things again by having three categories instead of five:

War           Life         Wisdom
------------ ----------- -------------
Archery Craft Bureaucracy
Athletics Larceny Investigation
Awareness Linguistics Lore
Dodge Performance Occult
Integrity Presence Medicine
Martial Arts Ride
Melee Sail
Resistance Socialize
Thrown Stealth
War Survival

Then there's Abyssal, Alchemical (also three categories), Infernal, and Sidereal exalts, plus a couple non-exalted character types (and then some people might also want an Army sheet for Mass Combat). And they all have different configurations for the Abilities section.

The other sections are much closer to being similar, but there are often small differences there, as well. Alchemicals don't have favored Abilities. Alchemicals and Lunars have favored Attributes. Raksha have Graces to go with their Virtues, plus a Heart rating. Alchemicals have Clarity/Dissonance and no Limit. Abyssals have Limit renamed to Resonance. Infernals have Virtue Flaw renamed to Torment. Mortals don't have Limit or Virtue Flaws. Sidereals have Virtue Flaw renamed to Flawed Fate. Infernals have Urge. Terretrials have Aspect instead of Caste. These small differences go on.

I could do the other types of exalt on the existing sheet by having a tab-type selector. But I would basically need to have 7 near-identical copies of the sheet. (Or more, if I included non-exalts such as Raksha, Heroic Mortals, Dragon Kings, Half-blooded, Mountainfolk, Ghosts...) The sheet is currently just over 101kb. If I replicated my work like that, the size would grow close to the Pathfinder sheet, if not beyond it. I would much rather save the work required to accomplish that for when there is a native solution to having alternate sheet configurations.

January 26 (10 years ago)
Hi Guys.. I see above has listed 'Judge Dredd – Traveller' I cant see this on live or dev servers? Did it ever happen. I am looking for a Mongoose Traveller Sheet.

Did the sheet ever happen?

January 26 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Martin, the list above is for sheets people want but have not been created.
January 26 (10 years ago)
I shall engage eyes and brain next time .. thanks Brian
January 29 (10 years ago)
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Great list John. I'm going to sticky this so it's easy for sheet authors to find. Good work!
January 29 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Yer welcome and thanks!
January 31 (10 years ago)

Edited January 31 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hey John, in looking at the list above, Yogsquest Character Sheet is already in the drop down. I can't remember who created it, but for some reason I want to say Brian?
January 31 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, I created the Yogsquest sheet, but I've released it to the wild for maintenance. Unlike the other sheets I've worked on, I don't intend to perform upkeep on it.
January 31 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Also, the Hellfrost sheet will be implemented (hopefully) with the next repo-refresh. I've committed the necessary changes to the Savage Worlds Tabbed character sheet to accommodate Hellfrost and Hellfrost: Land of Fire. That means a background and logo for each and the addition of a field for Glory.
February 01 (10 years ago)
expanded FFG:SW sheet for rebellion and F&d. There are book specific skills, including lightsaber weapons skill.
February 01 (10 years ago)
I would really like a Werewolf The Forsaken sheet, it appear to be missing.
February 04 (10 years ago)
I am a new user of Roll20, its fantastic but I was hoping that there would be Deathwatch Specific maps, tokens, and character sheets. There is Dark Heresy but I would really like to see some Deathwatch items.
February 04 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Created pull request for Werewolf The Forsaken. I constantly have issues with Github, which Steve K. recently helped with. Let's see if his advice actually stuck or if I need more training in that area.

The process is not instant; barring any mistakes on my end, the sheet will have to be manually approved, which puts it on Github. Once on github, the github website has to tell the Roll20 site that is has a new sheet. The Roll20 site will then have to update. Once all that happens, it will be available for use.

Consultation with soothsayers, a magic eight-ball, and tea leaves are also suppose to factor in, but that's not the kind of thing one lists on tax records.

Here is the raw files on a Google Drive folder. You can use this if you have Mentor status, if you need the sheet before the sheet goes live (which, when I do it, can be a long process). Just copy and paste in the appropriate tabs in the custom character sheet area.
February 05 (10 years ago)
I Would Like Only War And Deathwatch.
February 06 (10 years ago)

Edited February 06 (10 years ago)
I would like to request a Black Crusade character sheet.

Right now I'm using the Dark Heresy sheet but I plan to switch over to the DH 2.0 on Saturday once my players back up the macros/scripts associated with their characters, I've been running my game for ~11 months now.
February 08 (10 years ago)

Edited February 08 (10 years ago)
I'm requesting Deathwatch, have the code for it right here- thanks goes out to the programmer:

*Edit: Wasn't aware the code was incomplete, I apologize for the confusion.
February 09 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Werewolf the Forsaken pull request approved!

Now its just a matter of time for it to show up on Roll20
February 10 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
I snagged a copy of Daniel D.'s Dark Heresy character sheet and modified for Deathwatch. He did such a beautiful job, I knew I couldn't match it. Cloning is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

Anyhow, I made a pull request,
February 10 (10 years ago)
Hi all,

The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition sheet is available but unfinished. Looking at the dates, I think it has been somewhat abandoned. I'm about to start a game using this system so have a vested interest in updating the sheet but very little ability. I made a pull request for a very minor change (adding Skaven as a playable character).

However, my experience with html is very limited and exceeds only my experience with css, which is non existent. It seems like it would be best to generate code externally and import into github. Is anyone able to direct me to some decent resources for such?
February 10 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Should you have a mentor status, you get access to the custom sheet editor, and that is a nifty little place to make character sheets. It what I am doing, anyhow.

I asked the a similar question in another thread, and a lot of folks chimed in with the various programs they use (some free, some inexpensive, some incredibly not inexpensive) and Brian posted links to the "default styles for local editing".

I am thinking Traveller to be my next project, but if you want, PM me and I'll load up in the character sheet with your changes and we can take a look.

Hope that helps.
February 10 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
I put in a request for Microlite20 a little while ago in a separate thread, but wanted to add it here as well just so it's found more easily. As I said in the other thread, there is a sheet for it submitted to github 6 months ago, but I don't see it on the dropdown. It looks finished to me, and seems to be ready for testing. I'd love to test it and give it a go (and if any problems are found, I'm pretty sure I could upload fixes).
February 11 (10 years ago)

John W. said:

Created pull request for Werewolf The Forsaken. I constantly have issues with Github, which Steve K. recently helped with. Let's see if his advice actually stuck or if I need more training in that area.

The process is not instant; barring any mistakes on my end, the sheet will have to be manually approved, which puts it on Github. Once on github, the github website has to tell the Roll20 site that is has a new sheet. The Roll20 site will then have to update. Once all that happens, it will be available for use.

Consultation with soothsayers, a magic eight-ball, and tea leaves are also suppose to factor in, but that's not the kind of thing one lists on tax records.

Here is the raw files on a Google Drive folder. You can use this if you have Mentor status, if you need the sheet before the sheet goes live (which, when I do it, can be a long process). Just copy and paste in the appropriate tabs in the custom character sheet area.

This is great! I'm looking at it right now.

Here is a little request. Would it be possible to change the name of the forms to their proper names like Gauru and Urshul?
Also, adding gifts like merits instead of a big box would be far better since you also have to assign dots to them.

I will probably start using it now. It's great.
February 11 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
In the middle of two projects right now (how the hell did that happen?) so give me a bit, and I'll fix that up.
February 12 (10 years ago)

Edited February 12 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Pull request for Mongoose Traveler. I've included a .json and an .png. One project down.

We'll see how the pull request goes.
February 12 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Pull request made to change names of werewolf forms and merit-like entries replacing textareas for gifts. The amount of time until the changes go into effects is...variable.
February 12 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author

Robert B. said:

Hi all,

The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition sheet is available but unfinished. Looking at the dates, I think it has been somewhat abandoned. I'm about to start a game using this system so have a vested interest in updating the sheet but very little ability. I made a pull request for a very minor change (adding Skaven as a playable character).

However, my experience with html is very limited and exceeds only my experience with css, which is non existent. It seems like it would be best to generate code externally and import into github. Is anyone able to direct me to some decent resources for such?

What is unfinished about the sheet? It looks pretty good to me, but I haven't played the game in years.

Every character sheet (and game, come to think of it) are works in progress. Everything can be improved upon. 'Prefect' is a temporary state.
February 12 (10 years ago)

Edited February 12 (10 years ago)
I've further checked the sheet for Werewolf the Forsaken. I have noticed that the names of the fields are wrong. Rage should be Primal Urge, Gnosis should be Essence. An extra area to put rituals would also be appreciated. Morality should also be Harmony. Also, Renown is not on the sheet.
February 12 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Pull requests: html & css. Previous requested closed.

Things done (not all inclusive):
  • Gift no look like merits, and repeat
  • Merits repeat
  • Dice pools explode, and repeat
  • Added Renown
  • Changed form names
  • Add form image
  • Added Rites/Rituals (use expanded merits if more is needed)
  • More other skills, and they repeat
  • Renamed Rage to Primal Urge, Gnosis to Essence, and Morality to Harmony
  • Other things I can't remember
February 12 (10 years ago)

Edited February 12 (10 years ago)

John W. said:

Pull requests: html & css. Previous requested closed.

Things done (not all inclusive):
  • Gift no look like merits, and repeat
  • Merits repeat
  • Dice pools explode, and repeat
  • Added Renown
  • Changed form names
  • Add form image
  • Added Rites/Rituals (use expanded merits if more is needed)
  • More other skills, and they repeat
  • Renamed Rage to Primal Urge, Gnosis to Essence, and Morality to Harmony
  • Other things I can't remember

Great :D
You're doing an incredible job.

Additionally: Primal Urge can go to 20 and it's not something you can lose. So it should all be dots and no checkboxes.

Anyways, once the website update it on Roll20, i will have one final look at it.
February 12 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
The book I got maxes it out at 10. I don't have Blood and Smoke (or whatever its called) so maybe that's the difference.

I am leaving this alone, until the pull request is approved (or not). Do me a favor and put it through its paces. Gather all the issues up in one spot, so I can fix them all at once. I'd rather not cancel another pull request, if it can be helped.
February 13 (10 years ago)
Alright, i'll do that. Thanks.
February 13 (10 years ago)

John W. said:

Should you have a mentor status, you get access to the custom sheet editor, and that is a nifty little place to make character sheets. It what I am doing, anyhow.

I asked the a similar question in another thread, and a lot of folks chimed in with the various programs they use (some free, some inexpensive, some incredibly not inexpensive) and Brian posted links to the "default styles for local editing".

I am thinking Traveller to be my next project, but if you want, PM me and I'll load up in the character sheet with your changes and we can take a look.

Hope that helps.

John W. said:

What is unfinished about the sheet? It looks pretty good to me, but I haven't played the game in years.

Every character sheet (and game, come to think of it) are works in progress. Everything can be improved upon. 'Prefect' is a temporary state.

Hi John

Thanks for your responses that thread was actually quite helpful. I'm currently plugging away in Sublime Text and teaching myself some basics. Although I am curious, when testing existing sheets from the github repository, I have linked the two .css files Brian provided and the .css from github in the header for the html doc and am unable to reproduce the layout of any of the sheets. Am I missing something?

The WFRP2 sheet as it stands is missing quite a bit in the way of facility for tracking career advances (base attributes are augmented by advances purchased with xp. Typically this is displayed for each attribute as [base stat][potential advances][purchased advances][{base stat} + {purchased advances}] which is a bit messy but can be presented elegantly), all advanced skills are missing, tracking degrees of skill mastery seems clunky with the base modifier for each being manually set and requiring adjustment with each change to circumstance of characteristic, Weapon specialist groups are missing and the effects of group and quality appear to require manual intervention.

February 14 (10 years ago)

Edited February 14 (10 years ago)
How long does it take usually for the pull request to be approved? I would like to have the latest Werewolf The Forsaken sheet for my monday game x.x

EDIT: Nvm, I found out how to use the custom character sheet editor. I will just import the Html and Css.
February 14 (10 years ago)

Edited February 16 (9 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
The "how long" is a variable amount, because each requests is manually approved, and both websites have to update (at least, as far as I can tell). In this case, Steve K. just approved the pull request an hour ago. How long until it shows up in the campaign settings? Depends on the website(s) and when they get updated.

Look for Mongoose Traveler; the pull request to get it available for use got approved at the same time. If you see it, the changes occurred...if I didn't screw up the file again.

While I am at it: Deathwatch is now select-able in the campaign settings.
February 14 (10 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author

Robert B. said:

Thanks for your responses that thread was actually quite helpful. I'm currently plugging away in Sublime Text and teaching myself some basics. Although I am curious, when testing existing sheets from the github repository, I have linked the two .css files Brian provided and the .css from github in the header for the html doc and am unable to reproduce the layout of any of the sheets. Am I missing something?
I have no idea. I don't know how to make that stuff work (yet). I use the custom character sheet, with a lot of flipping back and forth, and a lot of launching the campaign in a different tab.

Robert B. said:

The WFRP2 sheet as it stands is missing quite a bit in the way of facility for tracking career advances (base attributes are augmented by advances purchased with xp. Typically this is displayed for each attribute as [base stat][potential advances][purchased advances][{base stat} + {purchased advances}] which is a bit messy but can be presented elegantly), all advanced skills are missing, tracking degrees of skill mastery seems clunky with the base modifier for each being manually set and requiring adjustment with each change to circumstance of characteristic, Weapon specialist groups are missing and the effects of group and quality appear to require manual intervention.
Tell ya what, once I get done with my current project (down to one) I'll take a look, and, with your help, see what we can fix. I would really like some direct input (voice, is possible) because I know nothing of the system.

February 14 (10 years ago)

Edited February 14 (10 years ago)
Hi John. Thanks for your work on the Werewolf the Forsaken sheet. It looks wonderful.

I was reviewing it and was wondering if you could update the following when you get some time?

1.) Remove the squares section of the primal urge section
2.) Make the round radio button section of essence all square boxes
3.) Treat essence boxes similar to how health is done (blackout boxes, Used, and Unused boxes)
4.) The Renown selection seems to be broken. If the Purity radio button bar is selected it sets the attribute for all of the Renown types.

5.) Could you add a defense text box for each of the forms on the second tab? Would this be tied to a separate attribute? If so that would preferable.

Finally, i'm not sure how difficult it would be to implement stat changes based on form, or maybe just a selection box/radio button to tie to an attribute for what form the PC is in.

Sorry if this sounds nitpicky and thank you for the work so far. Please let me know if you have any questions.


John W. said:

While I am at it: Deathwatch is now select-able in the campaign settings.

Thanks again, my entire Deathwatch campaign crew sends their regards.

February 16 (9 years ago)

Edited February 16 (9 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Adjusted the werewolf sheet.

Primal Urge now has 20 blocks
Essence is now all boxes, with 20 showing. 80 more (book says is max'es out at 100) are hidden
Added tool tips to forms.
Automated the forms input.

Moving on to other projects

Speaking of which Mongoose Traveler is now select-able. Also, character sheet for Ironclaw and Fallout PnP 3.0 have been made.

And, not by me, Microlite20 is now select-able, and might have been for a little while. This is much awesome.
February 16 (9 years ago)
Thanks a ton John!
February 16 (9 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Timothy S. appears to be working on the Warhammer Fantasy sheet. Since he seems to know more than me about coding and character sheets, I'm going to step away from it.

And that sheet is way too pretty for me to touch. I might get it grubby.
February 17 (9 years ago)

Edited February 17 (9 years ago)
Hello, I am a Game Designer.

I am working on creating a custom campaign to test out my current build. It is a highly unstable build for my game of course but I am in dire need to assistance on creating the character sheets. The game is actually a small squad based tactics RPG game. My hope is to make a sheet that has 5 tabs for each soldier. I am not to savvy on CSS or HTML right now, would anyone be willing to discuss this in private? It will be a challenge of course but could be fun.
February 21 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

John S. said:

Hello, I am a Game Designer.

I am working on creating a custom campaign to test out my current build. It is a highly unstable build for my game of course but I am in dire need to assistance on creating the character sheets. The game is actually a small squad based tactics RPG game. My hope is to make a sheet that has 5 tabs for each soldier. I am not to savvy on CSS or HTML right now, would anyone be willing to discuss this in private? It will be a challenge of course but could be fun.

I don't mean to offend, but have you considered waiting until your game mechanics are no longer "unstable" before designing your character sheet?

February 23 (9 years ago)
I'd really love to see that Judge Dredd character sheet finished since I plan on running that in the future.

I also would like to request something that is not on the list: Red Dwarf RPG from Deep7.
February 25 (9 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author
Pull request for Ironclaw & Fallout approved. Now we just have to see if it comes out alright on the drop down.

Upgrade to the Werewolf sheet approved (Primal urge 20 boxes, etc). Dunno how long until its in the system.
February 28 (9 years ago)
Can you do a Lacuna character sheet?
February 28 (9 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author

Alfred said:

Can you do a Lacuna character sheet?

Color me intriged by the game. I don't know the rules, though.
February 28 (9 years ago)
could i possibly request a Character Sheet for The Mutant Epoch?