The sheet is behaving much better after today's update. Here is what I found so far for minor things and performance. Minor Issues When clicking armor on the core page, a error is shown "No attribute was found for @{Copy of Example Vanakoji|ac_bonus}" It seems the AC bonus value is not being referenced properly. When using the "All" page tab, the division between pages in unclear. Maybe inteaded but the no gap almost makes some fields look connected to me Performance Overall it is running much better. I would put it ~30-40% of what the lag was, it still becomes noticeable after enough spells though. Previous spells were delete and I started fresh, this seem to help even when the same amount was entered. Not that important, but I did start "fresh" with this test with 0 spells at the start. At around 15 spells, there was a small noticeable lag when dragging/dropping to enter spells, the first few were instant while around this point there was I would say ~0.5 second lag, small but noticeable. At around 22 spells it became much more apparent with close to 1sec in lag when entering. At the 35-40 mark the lag became very noticeable when entering. The 42nd spell I entered took about 3 seconds for the gray field to be shown, about 5 seconds for the save/damage to be finished and at around 6-7 seconds, I could scroll again. Using 42 spells from this point on Expanding/collapsing spells causes ~2 seconds of lag, attacks causes ~1 second of lag and resources ~0.3 seconds of lag. Opening the sheet after a refresh takes about ~3.5-4 seconds (Was close to 8-10 before the performance update) Lag occurs when updating fields manually as well. Notice lag when switching from level 1 to 11 (This seems like a minor issue though considering how little it should happen, but is most likely because of spell) ~3 seconds of lag total for that change. Overall, other than the performance I can't really find many issues now even as far as minor personal dislikes. The level, action, and concentration with the spells gray field is great, and prepared as a sorting option fixed something I had thought about. If there were two long term issues I could even think about it would be I am in the camp of attacks having a field for save damage as I prefer it there when the save damage is an additional effect, I can understand why it would use the damage field instead but I like the grouping and how it looks when I did the hack on using [[1d4]] in the save failure field when save damage is an additional effect rather than the main. Also, having a option for attacks saving throw to not include proficiency bonus, (--- option still adds this at higher levels, not having that to you can sort of get a flat DC would be a long term nice to have). In the end though, of everything so far, that is all I can think of and even then those are so minor that it would fall into "maybe after public release" so I can't find many faults or dislikes at the moment function wise. However, now I would say performance with lots of spells and tie ins are the only real issues I can find that would prevent it from being released (for PC).