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[5e Shaped] D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet

Sheet Author
API Scripter
Implemented on the redesign (Feb 3rd): fixed default ability for spells. Will work when manually putting it in as well. Changed height of textarea to match the line height (the grab area cannot be styled as far as I can tell) Stopped heal from showing even if it wasn’t toggled Converted Initiative to sheet workers Converted Sorcerer and Warlock calculations to sheet workers Converted Weight total to sheet workers Added save success to the output of spells and attacks Optimized sheetworkers so skills, spells, and attacks can be updated one item at a time instead of all at once. Many more optimizations here. The sheet should be much snappier as a result of these optimizations. I think I’ve covered most everything. We’ll see how it performs now. All damage types are now lowercased Spell gray bar now has name, level, casting time, and concentration. Added the “prepared” toggle on “Core” Armor now outputs the ac formula. Post-Processed armor/weapon SRD properties “Modifiers”, and “Item Type” Pro Release: Spells higher levels Tie-ons Add damage to saving throws ??? Classes as repeatin
Is it possible to add an ammo component to equipment? For instance, a player has 5 Potions of Healing, when they use the sheet to roll the heal, it reduces the amount down by one. Could also be used for things like rations, flasks of oil, caltrops, etc.  Would be a nicety but not understandable if it's a lot of work. 
@Kryx: Some strange observations. I've notice none of the stat modifiers are appearing except for Strength on one of my PCs. All the rest are blank. I cloned my current campaign and copied the Html and Css from Github into that campaign.  As of now, none of those mods are appearing. Also Level/class don't appear for multi-class characters. Last but not least, thanks for all your hard work. I contributed on Patreon to keep you going on this Hope it helps. Great work, man.
The sheet is behaving much better after today's update. Here is what I found so far for minor things and performance. Minor Issues When clicking armor on the core page, a error is shown "No attribute was found for @{Copy of Example Vanakoji|ac_bonus}" It seems the AC bonus value is not being referenced properly. When using the "All" page tab, the division between pages in unclear. Maybe inteaded but the no gap almost makes some fields look connected to me Performance Overall it is running much better. I would put it ~30-40% of what the lag was, it still becomes noticeable after enough spells though. Previous spells were delete and I started fresh, this seem to help even when the same amount was entered. Not that important, but I did start "fresh" with this test with 0 spells at the start. At around 15 spells, there was a small noticeable lag when dragging/dropping to enter spells, the first few were instant while around this point there was I would say ~0.5 second lag, small but noticeable. At around 22 spells it became much more apparent with close to 1sec in lag when entering. At the 35-40 mark the lag became very noticeable when entering. The 42nd spell I entered took about 3 seconds for the gray field to be shown, about 5 seconds for the save/damage to be finished and at around 6-7 seconds, I could scroll again. Using 42 spells from this point on Expanding/collapsing spells causes ~2 seconds of lag, attacks causes ~1 second of lag and resources ~0.3 seconds of lag. Opening the sheet after a refresh takes about ~3.5-4 seconds (Was close to 8-10 before the performance update) Lag occurs when updating fields manually as well. Notice lag when switching from level 1 to 11 (This seems like a minor issue though considering how little it should happen, but is most likely because of spell) ~3 seconds of lag total for that change. Overall, other than the performance I can't really find many issues now even as far as minor personal dislikes. The level, action, and concentration with the spells gray field is great, and prepared as a sorting option fixed something I had thought about. If there were two long term issues I could even think about it would be I am in the camp of attacks having a field for save damage as I prefer it there when the save damage is an additional effect, I can understand why it would use the damage field instead but I like the grouping and how it looks when I did the hack on using [[1d4]] in the save failure field when save damage is an additional effect rather than the main. Also, having a option for attacks saving throw to not include proficiency bonus, (--- option still adds this at higher levels, not having that to you can sort of get a flat DC would be a long term nice to have). In the end though, of everything so far, that is all I can think of and even then those are so minor that it would fall into "maybe after public release" so I can't find many faults or dislikes at the moment function wise. However, now I would say performance with lots of spells and tie ins are the only real issues I can find that would prevent it from being released (for PC).

Edited 1454578313
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kaelev said: Is it possible to add an ammo component to equipment? For instance, a player has 5 Potions of Healing, when they use the sheet to roll the heal, it reduces the amount down by one. Could also be used for things like rations, flasks of oil, caltrops, etc.  Would be a nicety but not understandable if it's a lot of work.  As far as I'm aware it's impossible to intercept a roll template and modify the values (uses in this case). I could potentially react to button clicks and do something after (though not 100% sure I can). Though not all items are consumed when clicked so I'd have to add a toggle to show options for equipment items. TL;DR: As of now I have a feeling it's not technically possible and it has some UI implications if it is possible, but could maybe look into in the future. @John: I cannot confirm abilities not working for either an existing sheet or a new sheet on my test campaign. Can you please verify on the test campaign (adjust one ability to force it to calculate if you need). I also cannot confirm "Level & Class" not showing up for multiclass characters. It works for me. Thanks for the contribution! @Vanakoji. Short message as I have a meeting. I have a feeling a lot of the lag is on roll20's side due to the number of fields, but I will see if I can do any further optimizations (mainly preventing duplicate calls or trying to optimize spell parsing, but I think that's near perfect). There are parts that will be laggier (adjusting abilities) as those adjustments kick off lots of recalculationg (to ensure nothing is not calculated). I'll peek at the rest later.
I saw a post from a mod/dev that sheet workers can't do anything with buttons and thus would not be able to decrement or increment any attributes.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
At least one good thing about SRD integration is that there's no longer a need to keep e.g. every cleric spell in your spellbook, you can just drag the ones you need over from the compendium when you prepare them [except for the ones they left out for no good reason except to annoy people... grr]. That, at least, can help with the performance. Doesn't help a wizard that much.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Jakob said: At least one good thing about SRD integration is that there's no longer a need to keep e.g. every cleric spell in your spellbook, you can just drag the ones you need over from the compendium when you prepare them [except for the ones they left out for no good reason except to annoy people... grr]. Every spell that is in the WotC 5e SRD should be in our compendium.  If you have discovered a spell in the SRD that is not in our compendium, please let us know in the Feedback Thread .
Sheet Author
API Scripter
GenKitty said: Jakob said: At least one good thing about SRD integration is that there's no longer a need to keep e.g. every cleric spell in your spellbook, you can just drag the ones you need over from the compendium when you prepare them [except for the ones they left out for no good reason except to annoy people... grr]. Every spell that is in the WotC 5e SRD should be in our compendium.  If you have discovered a spell in the SRD that is not in our compendium, please let us know in the Feedback Thread . Yes, sure, I'm aware of that. I was just talking about the spells that WotC left out of the SRD. There's nothing that roll20 can do about this.
Random thoughts :  Add placeholders for V, S, M (just to be sure that everyone notice the field before component) Add the "Higher Level Notes" field ? Add Sorcery points / warlock spell slots in core (just a small reminder, I know you already said you'll do it) Maybe change "or be"/"half damage" place holders by save succes/failure, since they are tagged like that in the roll template For spell filtering : Don't forget that it's better if it deals with translation (for exemple, 1 bonus action is 1 action bonus in french, and the sheet don't now how to filter that). At least, it would have to deal with the futur translation of the SRD. For roll template : Show details of armor (something like  that ; I know I already said that, but I don't remembrer your response ^^) Show AC calculation (if it's not too hard, don't waste time on that) Freeform title could maybe be bold , with a " : " separation after (" title  : text" instead of the actual "title text") The concentration logo is not there anymore. I'm sure you'll add it (or something else), but it's just here so you don't forget it :) . Dunno if I've said that enough times or not, but the sheet really looks good, and the functionalities are great. Thanks for all the time that you've spend on it (and all the time you will spend on it :P) !
Sheet Author
API Scripter
spell placeholders added. Higher level notes is part of description Will add sorc/warlock on core. Changed "or be.." to "or..". Placeholders are what the content should be, not a title. Spell filtering translations - We'll have to do this as a part of translations. Did armor like that AC calc is done on armor, but not on clicking of "AC". It would take maybe 30 mins to do so I won't do it for now. Freeform title doesn't show in the rolltemplate. On the UI it is below the textarea like emote and other fields are. Concentration and ritual icons are gone, purposefully. The output is meant to look like the book version. Thanks for the appeciation and all your testing. :)
I've tried to figure out how to make 3 targeted spell attacks, with individual attack rolls (for a spell like Scorching Ray) But I can't seem to figure it out, is there a secret trick to setting that up? //L

Edited 1454627506
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Cast it 3 times. :) There is no multiattack, same as before. The technical implications to have multiattack are too high unless anyone would propose some kind of solution. The only one I can think of is splitting out the content of roll templates to their own roll template and then somehow calling that template 3 times. And somehow having that option be a toggleable option in the UI.. It's a mess.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Quickly approaching the first Pro release. Pro Release: Classes as repeating Pro Release (NPC): NPC Before Public Launch: Write conversion script (Though everyone should start over with new sheets if they are experiencing any lag) fix import scripts Nice to have: Spell Points customizable Tie-ons Query macros Add an attack for divine smite if the player has paladin levels Ability to auto roll damage or not. Elemental Adept title attributes for inputs (probably won’t do unless there is a high demand) Implemented on the redesign (Feb 4th): Armor now correctly outputs when clicked (ac_bonus) Roll Template has been cleaned up to have dividers between each section More spell/attack optimizations Spell healing has been fully setup (post-processes correctly) Spell Higher level has been setup (post-processes correctly) Post processed inventory items to wrap any XdX +/- X, XdX, and X in square brackets. Added Sorcery points / Warlock spell slots on core Started converting classes to repeating fields, but not done yet (I’d suggest not adjusting anything there for now). Added placeholder for 'Class & Level'
Suggestion: Miscelaneus notes and/or biography text field on Character tab would be awesome :) Looking awesome so far. Thank you very much.
Cristóbal C. said: Suggestion: Miscelaneus notes and/or biography text field on Character tab would be awesome :) Looking awesome so far. Thank you very much. I second the Misc notes on the character tab. :)

Edited 1454656441
KS Backer
Last few things I can find that are new. - Top bar clickable (like class/level, background etc.)? Not really on the "core" tab as it stays constant, but it has almost become a mini-game as to "Can I click it" - Clicking armor always seems to output Strength score, not sure why as I would expect it to output at least what the str score needed to use is. - Maybe just the cause of an old sheet, but new copies with clicking armor output "Disadvantage of Stealth" While the sheet I have been uses just outputs "Disadvantage". A few other small things, but mostly tied to this armor output at the bottom seems to show some issues.  - Entering armor shows almost spell levels of lag when entering fields (spells ~3200ms, changing the armor type to heavy ~3250) and it is showing a number of things in console along with a few errors (TypeError: v[(repeatingString + "parsed")].indexOf is not a function is one error I see with armor)  That is all I can find with the sheet after today's update.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Armor outputting strength score was the cause of armor lagging. Fixed. :) Disadvantage on stealth is a testing artifact, ya. "Today on IS IT CLICKABLE!? we'll explore if we can make the header items clickable!"
Kryx said: Cast it 3 times. :) There is no multiattack, same as before. The technical implications to have multiattack are too high unless anyone would propose some kind of solution. The only one I can think of is splitting out the content of roll templates to their own roll template and then somehow calling that template 3 times. And somehow having that option be a toggleable option in the UI.. It's a mess. I' believe you, so excuse my ignorance - but wouldn't it "just" (programmers hate that word so sorry) be to add a check box that say: "Multiple Target Rolls? [ X ]" ...and when the ability is triggered, it pops up "how many targets?"  ... enter "3" and then it "loop" through (repeats) the "attack" section. I'm perfectly aware that it's never that simple, an I'm not trying to stress you here, I've just seen a few scripts do it, (like the Action Cards, for 4E), that handles multiple attack rolls. Regardless, I love the sheet, we are just about to put it to use in our group, and already it's turning out awesome we did look at the OGL which is still in it's infant steps, but yours is the real deal. Keep up the good work! //L
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The sheet cannot make more than 1 call per button click. To do what you suggest I'd have to duplicate the logic in the rolltempalte for each attack/damage out to 10 times. And then how do you handle higher level? becomes a whole mess that Roll20 simply isn't built for. Scripts are entirely different - they have much more control. I'm not writing it off entirely. I'd love to do it, but the technical implementation is too costly as far as I currently understand. Maybe that understanding is wrong though.
@Kryx Thank you for the Misc Notes section.  My players will be very happy.  Things are looking really good.  I can't wait to make the switch. Is there something I should refresh to get the initiative to show up on the Core tab?  Currently it is blank on my sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Is it on the test campaign? Your own? New sheet? Old sheet? If it's your own campaign on an old sheet I assume it isn't working because of field name conflicts. Clearing all attributes and abilities would solve it.
Oh, sorry, it's in your test campaign.  I was just in there rolling just about everything on the sheet to see how it's coming along and noticed the Intiative block was empty.
Seeing an oddity with tie-ons that I'm working on troubleshooting. Adding a second tie-on always results in the tie-on disappearing as soon as I interact with any fields. Additionally, adding tie-ons is incredibly slow. GIF below.

Edited 1454714014
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Make sure bug reports use the latest code. Tie Ons are called attachers and do not have that behavior now.
@Kryx: - Repopulating the fields kicked it in the butt and made it cough up the modifiers. Same was true for the Class/Level fields. I got the most recent update and had a few questions. I'm still relatively new to Roll20 terminology even though I've been playing for 30+ years, so when you guys speak about functionality I don't understand the terms very well. For example: Token Actions, Repeating Fields, Tie ons and Resources all make no sense to me. I also was curious when NPC drag and drop from the SRD would be functional. Thanks for the great work. I wish there was a single contribution on Paetron so I could just give some money to you instead of doing it monthly. Stay sane. 
Fetched 4 hours ago, but looks like there have been changes since which I missed. Will grab.

Edited 1454715093
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Token Actions - on your character sheet window on the top you'll see "Bio & Info", "Character Sheet", and "Abilities". Under abilities you can create  token actions . Repeating fields just means you can add more. Attachers (Tie ons) are nice for situations such as when you have a paladin in the party. You can attach it to all saving throws to remind you to add a certain modifier if he's within 10 feet. Resources are useful for things like Lay on Hands - to track a resource and use it. NPCs are slated for the release after the Pro release (this weekend). Likely a week away. I provided my Paypal if you'd rather do a flat amount.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pro Release (NPC): NPC Before Public Launch: Write conversion script (Though everyone should start over with new sheets if they are experiencing any lag) fix import scripts Nice to have: Spell Point values customizable Query macros (huge pain. I started setting them up, but they are so limiting. Especially with the roll advantage setting. I’ll do it at some point, but it’s a fair amount of work) Add an attack for divine smite if the player has paladin levels Elemental Adept Implemented on the redesign (Feb 5th): Added a “Miscellaneous Notes” to the “Character” page. Fixed armor’s strength requirement causing long calculations Reordered the pages to be in the most commonly used order: Core, Spells, Equipment, Resources, Character, Settings, Show all Optimized saving data back to roll20 - it will only save if it is different from before. Classes are now repeating HD can be modified Custom Classes can be used Spell slots are calculated for you and can be modified Spell slots/points now show only the spell levels you have (saves a lot of space on the Core page) Attachers (formerly tie ons) Now work for saves, ability checks, attacks, spells, and hit dice. Will look to expand this in the future, but repeating areas are a lot harder. Ran into a huge issue of erroring repeating fields being added when adjusting an ability modifier. Easiest to test on a new sheet. I tried to debug this for a long time, but will have to continue tomorrow. After that is fixed I'd like some people to test it for about a day before making a post about v2.0.0 of the redesign being done (with further versions as outlined above to come)
@Kryx I just updated again and Attachers still show up as Tie Ons on the sheet. Thanks for the Token Action explanation. Resources are good for anything that is incremented and needs tracking. Cool. Excited for the pro-release. I'll look into paypal. Best!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Huh, you're right. Renamed it in latest release just now. Ah, and it was my bad on the code - I hadn't pushed in a while. Should all be live now.
No, worries. Just helping to keep you sane! =)
Note for future reference: Importing a character via transmog seems to result in sheetworkers being very hit and miss until you reload. After importing a char, sometimes sheet:opened won't fire at all until I do a full reload. Will report to the roll20 folk if I can narrow it down any further. For now, anyone testing the sheet out on chars via transmog will probably need to do a full page reload before things will work as expected.
Spell slot calculation appears to be broken/wrong for third and half casters. My level 7 Eldritch Knight has 3 1st level slots, but he should have 4 1st and 2 2nd level slots. Setting it to half caster gives it correct spell progression. Full has correct spell progression. It might be because the character sheet was filled out a while ago. Attachments are still called tie-ons on that sheet. Bonuses on mental skills are also calculated wrong.  I'm glad that Miscellaneous Notes is back, though. Very useful field to have.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Spell slots are based on the multiclass table. I'll verify its correct for half and third tomorrow. What are "Bonuses on mental skills"?

Edited 1454719821
Skills that key off of INT WIS and CHA are calculated wrong on my sheet. Might be an artifact from my sheet being old, but all skills that use those ability scores have a -5, even though they should have a +0 or +2. My sheet is "xanderh's example"
Sheet Author
API Scripter
-5 would apply to all, not just int wis cha. Ensure it's on the latest or I will verify tomorrow.

Edited 1454720312
Kryx said: -5 would apply to all, not just int wis cha. Ensure it's on the latest or I will verify tomorrow. Upon testing a bit more, they have a -5 if they're supposed to have a +0, but they're correct if they're anything else.  It's in your test campaign, but it's the same if I try using my own campaign and the sheet on the V3 branch on Github (just pulled from it now) And the half caster progression on the sheet follows the third caster progression from the book.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Same issue that I fixed on spells. I'll do it here as well.

Edited 1454722307
Upon checking the book, it appears that you cannot use the multiclass spellcaster spell slots table for single-classed characters. third-casters earn their 2nd level slots at level 7 if single-classed, but if they multiclass (AT and EK), they gain it at level 9. Basically, it seems that single-classed half and third casters round up, but multiclassed ones round down. This might prove a bit difficult... I'm going to tweet at Crawford, see what he says.
I've started working on the import script, and I seem to be hitting an issue with getAttrs when grabbing the old pseudo-repeating weapon sections. For example, a getAttrs for 'repeating_weapons_melee_0_name' gives me nothing, but it works fine when using @{CharName|repeating_weapons_melee_0_name} in chat. Code found here with a lot of dumb debugging statements trying to make sure I'm not crazy: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I'll keep digging in case I'm just doing something dumb, which is likely. If nothing turns up this may be a limitation with sheetWorkers ? Perhaps they don't like data attrs which follow the repeating-section naming schema, but aren't actually repeating sections?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Alexander I cannot reproduce the -5 issue on skills on my test campaign. Maybe hop in there and I can create a sheet for you to reproduce.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
On the issue of spell slots.. The implications seem weird. If I were half AT and half EK I would then get the full progression table. Any multiclass uses the full progression table... that seems totally wrong.. @Jason: I would suggest we do not port over weapons. They are easy enough to redo.
An update on the -5 bug: On a fresh sheet in your campaign, if I set a score to 10 or 11, skills associated with that ability score has a bonus of -5. Saving throws display the correct value. In addition, setting my strength score to 11 (first thing I did on the new sheet) created a LOT of empty "skills" on the sheet, as well as 6 attacks and 11 spells. All of these are marked with red boxes. The sheet also took surprisingly long to load initially, and it takes a few seconds to change ability scores, open/close the customization page of attacks and spells, and changing page on the sheet.&nbsp;

Edited 1454768613
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: Ran into a huge issue of erroring repeating fields being added when adjusting an ability modifier. Easiest to test on a new sheet. I tried to debug this for a long time, but will have to continue tomorrow. After that is fixed I'd like some people to test it for about a day before making a post about v2.0.0 of the redesign being done (with further versions as outlined above to come) I'm aware of the ghost skills/attacks/spells as mentioned above. I've been trying to fix it for a while now. A new sheet loads for me in 371ms. Changing attributes kicks off a lot of other things, but without those other things the delay should be &lt;300ms (unnoticeable) from the numbers I'm seeing. The lag you're seeing is from having all those ghost fields.

Edited 1454770420
Sheet Author
API Scripter
First half of the day: Implemented on the redesign (Feb 6th): Fixed spell slot calculations so it works for MC classes as well as normal classes. Calculated the global ability bonus in for skills. For example if dexterity has 100 on it’s “Check Bonus” that’ll apply to all skills with dex. Attachers now have freetext and freeform. The name is shown for freetext (freetext will only show if it isn’t empty). Fixed tabindex so you can tab from str to dex to con. Everything seems stable besides the red boxes. If people want to it'd be helpful to have everything (besides the ghost skills/attacks/spells) tested so I can make a release tomorrow.
Apologies, A complete noob when it comes to this stuff, is there any way to have a common ammo supply that all my ranged weapons draw from?&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Thomas in the redesign you can track ammo in the equipment area.