+1 would love to see this as a feature to make my player's lives easier when I'm using homebrew content.
+1 would love to see this as a feature to make my player's lives easier when I'm using homebrew content.
Been a Roll20 GM for several years now. Pulled the trigger on Foundry on Black Friday. It's not an exaggeration to say that custom compendiums could keep me here as a subscriber if Roll20 adopts them, or push me to learn the ins and outs of Foundry if Roll20 does not.
I understand why this could be problematic, what with the possibility for piracy and illegal content.
Still, this would be a terrific feature to have for homebrews
+1 I want to be able to easily implement my own honebrew into my games, as well as my own system (between sheet editor and compendium) without having to pay through the nose to go on a waiting list for a 3rd party company to do it for me. This is something that should have been added long ago.
Please do this. Its so annoying that I have to pull campaigns out of cold storage to access the content ive made between games. A consolidated place for all my assets would be a godsend.
I know it should be, but it takes time and money to look into things. They barely got dark mode, and most other sites have that built in. Give it time unless you want to help them make it?
Reoatokey said:
I know it should be, but it takes time and money to look into things. They barely got dark mode, and most other sites have that built in. Give it time unless you want to help them make it?
That doesn't make sense... Yes it takes development time, but we're paying subscribers, that's how we are helping them "make it" and requesting it for 8 years via this thread. If I had access to this systems/source code/etc etc etc, sure, but we don't. Heck, I would love an external API/Webhook system to push data in/out of Roll20 then I could build an external compendium/sheet/etc system without waiting on them. Instead my only option is to wait or go to another system.
I have the highest paid tier account and would happily pay even more to be able to load in all my custom campaign content
Indeed, I would absolutely love this feature to the point I was looking at how I could accomplish this at the current state of Roll20.
Turns out it's really difficult to find, and even more so to actually get it as you'd have to publish something yourself and as a solo DM, not a company or anything this is just not feasible.
As others have stated, this is something the community NEEDS or Roll20 will die out when its competition eventually overtakes them on this front.
So much this!
The biggest and most massive of +1's possible
My group wanted to play a Total Conversion homebrew of DnD 5e, being able to adjust and add to the compendium, as I see fit, to match what's in the homebrew, add traits, feats, rules, backgrounds with traits, classes, races and everything, just blow the gates open on it, would be amazing, I almost went with DiceRight because they offer this feature, but eventually got pressured into continuing to use Roll20, the real work is gonna be on the players and GM's adding to it, and that's okay... And if the feature is added, allow a GM to make a participant co-GM temporarily so they can add to the compendium as well, making it a group effort.
+1. I spent many hours customizing Foundry and adding custom compendiums. I want to come back to Roll20 because of various issues, but the lack of custom compendiums - and the fact that Pinnacle has not released a lot of their content on the Roll20 platform yet - is holding me back.
+1 This is something that will be desired 8 years ago, today, and tomorrow. Will hands down be one of the most used features (beyond the necessary ones)
Homebrew content is a core part of 5e, it would be very helpful to be able to create homebrew compediums and add content to our games.