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Custom Compendium

Score + 1508
I can't imagine this is anymore difficult than creating a character sheet. Other VTTs such as Foundry offer this. Roll20 is really behind on this feature and if you wait too long, your user base is going to go elsewhere.
It's a lot more difficult if you expect to be able to drag and drop things from your custom compendium onto a character sheet and have them apply relevant adjustments accordingly, for example.  To say nothing of creating the hyperlinked type of structure between hundreds or more compendium elements. I agree it should be a high priority project for Roll20, especially if they want to incentivize paid subscriptions more, but it's not a simple, few lines of code, undertaking.
Razzed25 said: Perhaps the devs could release a video or instructions on how it works currently so that the "average" user can see how difficult and unintuitive it is. Maybe we can then start concentrating on ways they can make it better and more usable instead of endlessly asking/voting for updates. I want Homebrew compendiums as well and am almost ready to pull the plug on my Roll20 subscription because it is VERY important for me to use all of the homebrew content that I have access to and would like to use in multiple games. The current model makes this so tedious as to be impossible. I believe there should be a way that these items can be linked to an account and not required to be transmogrified from game to game within an account. I have to admit, I'm still largely just wondering how difficult this can possibly be for many of the users of this site. I may, admittedly, be oversimplifying, but it seems like it has to just be a database. How hard can it really be to enter things in even a very clunky database, as compared to writing API scripts and custom sheets and all that sort of thing? I can understand that the average user might have trouble with it, but for those of us who are used to dealing with any kind of code--or less user-friendly sorts of databases--it's just hard to imagine it being that prohibitively difficult. At the very least, an example of how difficult it actually is would do a lot to satisfy my curiosity!
Jesse, just look at some of the mods put together for Foundry VTT by the community, all within like a years time. There are some very competent coders out that could do this. Just google Foundry VTT Warhammer and watch some of the YouTube videos. This modder built in a character sheet,character creator, compendium with drag and drop items, theming, enhanced combat tracker, etc. 
+1 It would be nice, to add items to the compendium, instead of making handouts for special magic items, etc. easier for players to add to their character.
Just adding my voice to the mix as a DM new to Roll20.  My biggest disappointment with the Roll20 platform thus far is the lack of tools for customizing (or in the case of one of my campaigns, creating) a compendium.  Had I done my homework prior to investing a year's Pro subscription and a couple hundred in marketplace assets, I probably would have opted for a different platform like Foundry. This will be a major consideration ten months from now when I'm faced with the decision of whether to continue my subscription.  Other than this, I've been quite satisfied with the tools provided as well as the Roll20 community in general.  But as a DM whose campaigns are heavily homebrewed, a customizable compendium would be quite useful.
+1 !!!
Well the compendium selection tool solved my problem :D Woo!
Has there been any movement on this? I would love to use this.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There's a community roundtable coming up - it might be a good idea to post a question about this feature's progress. At least it would be if I had any idea where to post questions...
Foundry do it
+1 much needed
Arashi said: Just adding my voice to the mix as a DM new to Roll20.  My biggest disappointment with the Roll20 platform thus far is the lack of tools for customizing (or in the case of one of my campaigns, creating) a compendium.  Had I done my homework prior to investing a year's Pro subscription and a couple hundred in marketplace assets, I probably would have opted for a different platform like Foundry. This will be a major consideration ten months from now when I'm faced with the decision of whether to continue my subscription.  Other than this, I've been quite satisfied with the tools provided as well as the Roll20 community in general.  But as a DM whose campaigns are heavily homebrewed, a customizable compendium would be quite useful. Same here. Why would I bother paying $99/year for an inferior platform when I can purchase Foundry for $50. Jesse said: It's a lot more difficult if you expect to be able to drag and drop things from your custom compendium onto a character sheet and have them apply relevant adjustments accordingly, for example.  To say nothing of creating the hyperlinked type of structure between hundreds or more compendium elements. I agree it should be a high priority project for Roll20, especially if they want to incentivize paid subscriptions more, but it's not a simple, few lines of code, undertaking. There is already a toolkit and system in place for custom compendium creation, but it is only available for people looking to put content up for purchase.  This feature is a must. I like roll20. I don't want to switch, but I will if this product isn't up to par.
The lack of this feature really hurts the system.
+1 Please- this would be life-changing
+1 . This would be great.
+1 Get it done.
I definitely feel like Roll20 is going to get left in the dust when it comes to features in very short order. I think the only thing keeping them from releasing custom compendiums is that they believe it would be the same as competing with themselves. After all, I probably wouldn't buy a Roll20 module for a book I already owned in physical or PDF format if I could make my own compendium entries. Not like the selection is particularly impressive on the platform anyway.
+1 as a gm who Likes to use a lot of homebrew content, Not having the option of a custom compendium is one of my major annoyances, and will be one of the main selling points, should I decide to switch to a different service.
Alex said: Arashi said: Just adding my voice to the mix as a DM new to Roll20.  My biggest disappointment with the Roll20 platform thus far is the lack of tools for customizing (or in the case of one of my campaigns, creating) a compendium.  Had I done my homework prior to investing a year's Pro subscription and a couple hundred in marketplace assets, I probably would have opted for a different platform like Foundry. This will be a major consideration ten months from now when I'm faced with the decision of whether to continue my subscription.  Other than this, I've been quite satisfied with the tools provided as well as the Roll20 community in general.  But as a DM whose campaigns are heavily homebrewed, a customizable compendium would be quite useful. Same here. Why would I bother paying $99/year for an inferior platform when I can purchase Foundry for $50. Jesse said: It's a lot more difficult if you expect to be able to drag and drop things from your custom compendium onto a character sheet and have them apply relevant adjustments accordingly, for example.  To say nothing of creating the hyperlinked type of structure between hundreds or more compendium elements. I agree it should be a high priority project for Roll20, especially if they want to incentivize paid subscriptions more, but it's not a simple, few lines of code, undertaking. There is already a toolkit and system in place for custom compendium creation, but it is only available for people looking to put content up for purchase.  This feature is a must. I like roll20. I don't want to switch, but I will if this product isn't up to par. I switched, it was not easy, it was a lot of work, but now i just regret to not have switched earlier. 

Edited 1594047007
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
GiGs said: There's a community roundtable coming up - it might be a good idea to post a question about this feature's progress. At least it would be if I had any idea where to post questions... I don't recall there being any updates on this on the community roundtable, but Roll20 have said they want to do this, but that they are focusing on improving the tools to be able to roll it out to users, among things. It's about two weeks to the next community roundtable, so let's see what they they say then. I agree it should be a high priority project for Roll20, especially if they want to incentivize paid subscriptions more, but it's not a simple, few lines of code, undertaking. Roll20's current focus on improving stability and reworking the DL system is right, and the remake of the mobile app was rightfully pushed somewhat back to focus on the core. But after these three issues, I agree that creating custom compendiums is one of the larger feature they should be working on getting out next.
any movement on this?