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Map Pins linked to Handouts

Score + 690
Marco M. said: Tokens are linked to character sheet not handouts (sadly). What I want is the ability for an handout to be dropped and moved by the player (for investigative games using a corkboard). If you make a character sheet dressed as an handout, you always have the sheet and attribute tab popping out when you open it. It's serviceable? It is something you would accept from a premade module you buy? No! In particular now that there is a competitor that has those features allowed by default (see the Chariot of the Gods module for Foundry). I understand that the crosslinking part is difficult, but just a handout as token would be a great improvement in terms of quality of life. OK. I'm having a hard time understanding why you couldn't just create a handout and give a player control of it and let them fill it in as they need. Also, what do you mean by corkboard in a Roll20 context? Believe me, I am very far from being a Roll20 apologist, and I'm quite aware of Foundry. I just don't understand what you're looking for.

Edited 1615178505
Marco M.
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Literally a corkboard to make connections. It's pretty useful for campaigns of Kult, or games of Delta Green or Call of Cthulhu, or even for something like City of Myst.  And as I said, yes there is a workaround: making all your handouts into characters. But as you can see, you cannot drop an handout as if it were a token. And the "problem" of using a character instead of an handout is that now your handout has a character sheet tab and and attribute tab on top of the info ones.  Is it a big issue? Not really, but just being able to drop handouts as tokens (and nothing else) would be an improvement. And at the same time, giving the player the ability to modify the Journal allow them to take notes
looks like ill be giving my money to FG. over 4 years plenty of new modules and other gimmicks to bring in money. but no map pins and still crickets from roll20
Also, the more characters in your roll20 instance, the laggier it gets. Marco M. said: Literally a corkboard to make connections. It's pretty useful for campaigns of Kult, or games of Delta Green or Call of Cthulhu, or even for something like City of Myst.  And as I said, yes there is a workaround: making all your handouts into characters. But as you can see, you cannot drop an handout as if it were a token. And the "problem" of using a character instead of an handout is that now your handout has a character sheet tab and and attribute tab on top of the info ones.  Is it a big issue? Not really, but just being able to drop handouts as tokens (and nothing else) would be an improvement. And at the same time, giving the player the ability to modify the Journal allow them to take notes
+1, sadly not even the workwarounds work for me, since I need pins that the players are able to click and read whenever they want, but without allowing them to move the token.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Lekgolo said: +1, sadly not even the workwarounds work for me, since I need pins that the players are able to click and read whenever they want, but without allowing them to move the token. If you where a Pro user, you could use MapLock to prevent players from moving individual Map Pin tokens, but letting them still move other tokens they control(tokens locked with this would also stop the GM from moving them, unless they temporally unlock a locked token). TokenLock can be used for locking/unlocking all token movements by players, while not restricting the GM. (It's all or nothing, so can't lock individual tokens for players)
Please please please! I've wanted this feature for so long and I've seen TONS of posts on different forums trying to find workarounds and all saying this feature is a must! There's also plenty of posts saying they have moved to different products because this was so crucial to what they were trying to achieve in their games.
+1 This would be VERY USEFUL
+1 please implement.
So this feature has been out there for 4 years now...but it never makes the schedule. Seems odd
Obligatory +1 and a general shaming towards Roll20 for not implementing this yet. Seems like a quick win and a practical one considering Foundry offers it out of the box and they don't require a monthly subscription fee. 
+1 I hope Roll20 starts implementing stuff people want, like this. It's disappointing to see how lazy Roll20 has become in adding useful features that other VTT have and I may have to fully switch over to Fantasy Grounds if they keep lagging behind.
+1  This is a seriously expected functionality 
we need this
Yea not sure why this is still not a thing.....strange that all these years later and we still need this
4 years. Damn. This'll probably never happen, will it?
+1   I'm running Masks of Nyarlathotep for Call of Cthulhu; my clue collection tabletops would be a lot more user friendly if the tokens linked to the handouts.
+1 I just bought a module where certain handouts are claimed to have a pin on the map. but there are none, for obvious reasons
Tony R.
Sheet Author
This would be a gargantuan quality of life increase! Bonus points for allowing it to link to a certain section of handout (Example: Room 1, room 2 etc in a single handout so you wouldn't need to make a new handout for every room). I know there are workarounds for this, but having this added as a baseline feature would really make my day!
I also really would like to have this feature. I have a sector map for Traveller and I would like for players to be able to click on a hex field and then open a handout with a description of the world in that field.
I really would love this! A visual reminder would be nice in some situations. For example, D&D campaigns have images that you are mean to show your players (if you want) in certain places. And having to dive into the handouts list is a turn-off and breaks the phase. A pin for each handout would be an awesome tool to make GMs lives easier. =D
Hmm… I just noticed this is marked as obstructed? What is the hold up? I mean, I'm totally happy with this feature working exactly as tokens do but linked to a handout instead. This is literally the only feature i care about atm... Who needs dark mode? Just wear sunglasses. =P
API Scripter
Is this related to "Multiple Character Sheets?" - these might be related in that one "alternate" character sheet could be the standard handout - right now, double-clicking on a token pulls up the token interface, shift-clicking pulls up the character sheet, and you'd have to differentiate between a token's attributes and pulling up a pin-marker. There are already "graphics" which aren't tokens, technically, which are what groups end up being - would a different class of object be something, kind of like the "torch" tool (that works kind of strangely, frankly) be a possible solution? 
Forum Champion
Hello all - A few days ago, Morgan announced several items on our Roadmap , with Map Pins bring one of the planned VTT Features and Innovations. I've updating the status of this suggestion.
Kenton said: Hello all - A few days ago, Morgan announced several items on our Roadmap , with Map Pins bring one of the planned VTT Features and Innovations. I've updating the status of this suggestion. Oh! That's awesome to hear =D I came here right after reading that post. Because I didn't find this feature on the announcement list (and i really want it) But I'm sure it was accounted on "Improved Gm Tools" Time to wait patiently! Thanks for the info!
Pat said: Is this related to "Multiple Character Sheets?" - these might be related in that one "alternate" character sheet could be the standard handout - right now, double-clicking on a token pulls up the token interface, shift-clicking pulls up the character sheet, and you'd have to differentiate between a token's attributes and pulling up a pin-marker. There are already "graphics" which aren't tokens, technically, which are what groups end up being - would a different class of object be something, kind of like the "torch" tool (that works kind of strangely, frankly) be a possible solution?  Didn't understand that well what you mean. What this request refers is tokens that are linked to handouts instead of character sheets. So you could, for example, add a token for items and have it linked to its handout with the item info. Or add tokens on every map, so players can click and see a cinematic picture of the place and some info like NPCs that could be found there or a small description. This is going to help for my DMing style =D

Edited 1645910687
API Scripter
TheAstra said: Pat said: Is this related to "Multiple Character Sheets?" - these might be related in that one "alternate" character sheet could be the standard handout - right now, double-clicking on a token pulls up the token interface, shift-clicking pulls up the character sheet, and you'd have to differentiate between a token's attributes and pulling up a pin-marker. There are already "graphics" which aren't tokens, technically, which are what groups end up being - would a different class of object be something, kind of like the "torch" tool (that works kind of strangely, frankly) be a possible solution?  Didn't understand that well what you mean. What this request refers is tokens that are linked to handouts instead of character sheets. So you could, for example, add a token for items and have it linked to its handout with the item info. Or add tokens on every map, so players can click and see a cinematic picture of the place and some info like NPCs that could be found there or a small description. This is going to help for my DMing style =D Originally, character sheets were handouts - so they share a history in how they started, and I was wondering if the difficulty of having multiple kinds of character sheets in a game was related to this original split, otherwise you could pick to associate a token with a character sheet or a handout, meaning that while you couldn't directly double-click to pull up a handout, you could shift-click to do so from a token, if it could be associated instead of a character sheet. Graphics are different from tokens, but both tokens and graphics share the double-click-to-edit, so overriding this to single-click-to-open handout might entail some more shenanigans.  One thing that interests me from the original suggestion is this:  could be marked as visible/not visible to player or players could be clickable/not clickable by player or players Right now, there isn't a way to make an object that is visible to *some* players, such as players with "see invisible," or a way to make say a token that you can make visible to players who pass a perception check. The closest you can get right now is darkvision, which exposes some tokens to some players, but is not controlled directly with a list of who can/cannot see a token. 
API Scripter
I'm wondering if it would be useful to re-class a token/graphic as a "button" - which would allow it to single-click, double click to edit if you have permission to edit, right-click for re-classing menu - then you could do a lot more with that and the API or rollable tokens or macros or anything else in addition to using it for handouts/map pins. Being able to place buttons/clickable entities directly on the tabletop, without having to select a token first for context-sensitive buttons at the top, or having a list of permanent actions at the bottom... 

Edited 1653987013
+1 I can envision to use them on geographic maps, as short descriptions of Points of Interest, pre-texted and laying first on the GM layer, moving them to the Token Layer as soon the players visited the POI. Players should be able to read the text, add their own notes, but not able to delete what the GM has written initially. Transmogrifier should be able to  move such such map including  pins + text from game to game
+1 I'm trying to create a regional map for a West Marches campaign under Roll20 and such function would be a very useful tool, instead of DYI-ing something.
+1 5 years waiting for this feature and they still don't implement it... how hard is it to link from one point to another?
It would be relatively simple to implement Map Pins, they could be a simplified version of a token or a handout that could be placed on the tabletop. Why won't Roll20 implement them?
Really disappointing that there is no feature like this.
I would absolutely love something like this! Especially for dungeon crawling or murder-mystery type campaigns!
Hang in there guys! Keep the spirits up and the mood light, the feature has been placed in Queue which means that it is confirmed as being worked on and that we'll be seeing it sometime in the future. Now it's just a matter of waiting until the dear devs and programmers find the time to get this feature live and functional. Happy gaming everyone!
Daniel S.
Marketplace Creator
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Compendium Curator
I see this is in queu. Hopeful for this. Wanted to add my own tweak to this request. I made a separate request, but maybe it's better to add my thoughts here. I think we need a map icon/token which displays a small text bubble (and maybe images too) with information when you hover over it. (without requiring shift double click or other tedium). Followed by a single click &nbsp;opening a handout. The difference in usability doing that vs. only opening a handout is pretty massive imo. Basically referencing world anvil map editors. My full thoughts: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Daniel S.
Marketplace Creator
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Compendium Curator
Any sort of update on an eta on this? Last announcement was a year ago that it moved to 'queued'. It's #3 on the queued list. Any sort of timeline on this? Thanks.
Oh man!&nbsp; This is queued?&nbsp; That's awesome!!