Wait - would adding a "use this token" to a handout in its edit mode be an option? I mean, right now characters are different from handouts primarily in having a few extra tabs, and this: an attached token. This would allow a few things: map pins would open handouts directly, you could put stores on the map as large token and have it open a handout of what goods the store has (or on the store clerk, or a cash register or a store display...) or have points of interest or even quest givers with handouts attached... all sorts of fun stuff! Just allow handouts to have tokens, and have clicking the token open the handout. Handout tokens are always treated as drawings, or can ONLY be drawings, keeping them from having complicated features or any extra attributes. I'm wondering if I couldn't make an API for this... Issues: moving a token after it is set down - who has permissions, who doesn't? Same person as who set the token down? The list of people who can see versus edit? Editors can move handout tokens. Hold and drag versus click starts movement, versus single click. Maybe hovering over the token gives the label, or the token has the label/title of the handout by default? I can see fun versions of this where you have a sign in a particular language - so you make two handouts and two tokens - whoever has the language can "view" the one token, those who can't can "view" the other token... a token-handout you can't "view" is not clickable by you (transparent to your mouse interactions) meaning you could potentially stack them.