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Map Pins linked to Handouts

Score + 688
Are there any news about this update? It would be extremely helpful to my GMing!!!
+1 still hopin'!!
This is not exactly a fix, but since the feature is marked as blocked, you could try using this trick in the meantime. Use the process described in that trick, with the following changes: To find out the url for the Handout you want to link, open any Character Sheet or Handout. You just need a place to write down the following code in the description or GM notes field: [Name of the Handout] Save.  You'll notice that the name is now written in pink and can be clicked to open the corresponding Handout. Right click  that pink name and select "copy link address" Now double click the map marker you want to link to a Handout. In its Name field, type the Name of the Handout  (without [ ] brackets). In its Bar 1 field, copy/paste the URL of the Handout  (without any ( ) brackets). Then create a Macro or Ability with this code: /w gm [@{selected|token_name}](@{selected|Bar1}) Add the Macro to your quick bar. When you select a map marker and click the Macro button, it will print out a link to the Handout (that only the GM can see) in the chat. Click it to open up the Handout. ALTERNATIVE METHOD If you are on a Mac or if you have a browser extension that can execute JavaScript or Bookmarklets in general, you can use the Macro code with the  Keyboard Macro Shortcuts   by keithcurtis to use a shortcut instead of having to click the macro button.
Forum Champion
We have been focused on Dynamic Lighting along with the upgrades to infrastructure I mentioned in my last post. Work on this feature hasn't been scheduled. 
Sad panda... :(
+1 This is clearly what the people want. Dynamic Lighting is cool, but I can honestly say it's way too cumbersome to implement in my games. This map pin linking to handouts would be much more useful to me. This post is two years old. Dynamic Lighting has been out for a while. Take the small win and implement this. You can always improve upon Dynamic Lighting later. Sorry, my Continual Service Improvement training kicked in there.

Edited 1582079943
+1 For anyone interested in world building at the macro or micro level, this is a really good suggestion. Roll20 has been coming out with all kinds of upgrades lately, but I would rank this above anything I've seen recently. How many hits and separate forum posts will it take to get this feature "scheduled"?

Edited 1582089201
Sheet Author
Mark said: +1 For anyone interested in world building at the macro or micro level, this is a really good suggestion. Roll20 has been coming out with all kinds of upgrades lately, but I would rank this above anything I've seen recently. How many hits and separate forum posts will it take to get this feature "scheduled"? It is tagged as blocked/obstructed, meaning that there is something else that needs addressed before this becomes a possibility.  The meaning of the different tags is in the pinned thread at the top of the suggestion forum.
This seems like such core functionality. +1.
Another vote for this. Would be really useful.
+1 Core functionality, embarrassing for Roll20 that it's not available.
I am looking at alternatives to Roll20 for this specific feature.
Rinzler said: I am looking at alternatives to Roll20 for this specific feature. Foundry VTT has had this for over a year now. I left Roll20 long ago because of this and the better way to organize pages issues.
+1 I'd like to link player-controlled handouts to a splash-screen so they can maintain things like "Pooled Gold/Treasure", "Objectives", etc. through an icon w/o navigating through the Journal.  Allowing 'Handouts' instead of only characters to the Icon seems like it would do the trick (though I realize another interface to select the journal entry may be required to prevent the dropdown itself from becoming unmanageable).
+1 I want this.
d20 +1
+1 Seems like basic functionality.
Sheet Author
I have read a lot of "work arounds" offered by the community members on how they implement this feature which is great, but my neighbor flushes his broken toilet by filling and dumping a bucket of water in the bowl every time it needs a flush. Most work arounds are a pain in the ass.  At this point I feel this request should be for discussion.  With the roll20 teams constraints due to the current infastructe of the VTT, what is the closest thing to this request that the team CAN implement for us? I asked for a Maserati on my 16th birthday but the best dad could do was a Chevy Cavalier. It wasn't what I asked for but I was grateful to have something. As for dad, he showed he actually cared by providing me with something that was attainable and within his means instead of leaving me empty handed. After 3 years of dumping buckets of water in the toilet, im asking the roll20 team to at least offer us the Chevy Cavalier option.
After numerous complaints of lag and needing to turn off dynamic lighting on wizards of the coast module maps, I have moved to FoundaryVTT.  I was pleased to see that this is a feature there as well as many other improvements.  I would recommend having a look at the platform as it has been a great success with my group. Vesimus said: I have read a lot of "work arounds" offered by the community members on how they implement this feature which is great, but my neighbor flushes his broken toilet by filling and dumping a bucket of water in the bowl every time it needs a flush. Most work arounds are a pain in the ass.  At this point I feel this request should be for discussion.  With the roll20 teams constraints due to the current infastructe of the VTT, what is the closest thing to this request that the team CAN implement for us? I asked for a Maserati on my 16th birthday but the best dad could do was a Chevy Cavalier. It wasn't what I asked for but I was grateful to have something. As for dad, he showed he actually cared by providing me with something that was attainable and within his means instead of leaving me empty handed. After 3 years of dumping buckets of water in the toilet, im asking the roll20 team to at least offer us the Chevy Cavalier option.