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5e Shaped Companion v6+

So the shaped sheet is 11.3 and this requires 11.4. I'm not finding a way in the sheet library to update my sheet to 11.4. Is there a resource for this?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Answer given in response to your post on the sheet thread:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I posted this initially on the Sheet thread: Lucian wWould it be possible for you to push an update to the script to Roll20 which only does one thing: Give instructions on the manual install and why this is necessary? That way, people would have to use the supported method. If they were absolutely dead set on using 1-Click, they could always choose the previous version, but that initial disclaimer would tell them why this is a Bad Idea. I just don't know if Roll20 would go for it. It seems they would, as a working sheet-script combo would be far better for the general play experience than lack of workable integration. If nothing else, the perhaps script could just have that disclaimer at the beginning of every time the API comes on line, so that people would continually get fair warning.
I posted this to the wrong locale first try: I was wondering if it would be possible for the !shaped-abilities to include the option for setting up the class features Sheet's API command button as a token action. ie this bit /w @{CharacterName|character_name} &{template:5e-shaped} {{character_name=@{CharacterName|character_name}}} @{CharacterName|show_character_name} {{title=^{CLASS_FEATURES}}} {{text_big=@{CharacterName|classfeatures_macro_var}}}

Edited 1492204713
It can. Try&nbsp;!shaped-abilities --classFeatures
API Scripter
10.0.0 (2017-04-15) Bug Fixes config-ui: Remove config UI inline styles ( 54edcfe ) BREAKING CHANGES config-ui: This script now requires a minimum sheet version of 11.5.0.
API Scripter
10.0.1 (2017-04-16) Bug Fixes config-ui: Fix error on custom saves back button ( 0246f06 ), closes #480 rests: Script error on rest ( d5e2c31 ), closes #482 srd-data: Fixes for mummy/mummy lord ( 3c89645 )
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Ignore me, user error - restarting the API sandbox fixed the issue.
Just a note in case anyone runs into the same issue. Sometime in the last month the API command&nbsp; !shaped-import-statblock has stopped accepting a space between the XP value and the text XP .&nbsp; I had a statblock with no text XP in it and was trying to figure out why being rejected.&nbsp; Tested a previously working statblock with a space before the text XP and it also failed.&nbsp; Third statblock has no space and it worked..and removing the space fixed the others too.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jim W. said: Just a note in case anyone runs into the same issue. Sometime in the last month the API command&nbsp; !shaped-import-statblock has stopped accepting a space between the XP value and the text XP .&nbsp; I had a statblock with no text XP in it and was trying to figure out why being rejected.&nbsp; Tested a previously working statblock with a space before the text XP and it also failed.&nbsp; Third statblock has no space and it worked..and removing the space fixed the others too. You should open a bug for Lucian to fix this.
API Scripter
Jim W. said: Just a note in case anyone runs into the same issue. Sometime in the last month the API command&nbsp; !shaped-import-statblock has stopped accepting a space between the XP value and the text XP .&nbsp; I had a statblock with no text XP in it and was trying to figure out why being rejected.&nbsp; Tested a previously working statblock with a space before the text XP and it also failed.&nbsp; Third statblock has no space and it worked..and removing the space fixed the others too. Hey Jim, The only code relating to the statblock parser that has changed in the last 3-4 months is that traits names now allow text in parentheses and legendary actions costs can include hyphens. Looking at the regular expressions, a space is (optionally) permitted before the whole XP expression, after the first parenthesis, before the text "XP" and before the last parenthesis. At a guess, I'd say your problem is most likely that you have something that is *not* a space but looks like one to the naked eye. This might be introduced by your editor or it may be in the source text if you are pasting from somewhere. Please post an issue on github including a statblock that doesn't work and I'll track down the problem for you. Hopefully I can put in a find-and-replace for whatever strange character is causing the problem so that it doesn't catch anyone else out! Cheers, Lucian
Logged as <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... with statblock The statblock is taken from a post-import character sheet that was created via the same command.
API Scripter
1-Click Deprecation After some extensive discussions with Steve K. we have agreed that it no longer makes sense for the Companion Script to be distributed through 1-Click. It gives an illusion of automation that is dangerous given the dependencies on the sheet. People have done things like installing a custom sheet and then installing the script via 1-Click, which can create a whole world of problems, and there's nothing we can do to guard against that with the current 1-Click system. If you already have the sheet installed via 1-Click, it will continue to work, but no new versions will be distributed through that mechanism and new games will not be able to select it. From this point onwards, the only supported installation mechanism will be manually copying from Github. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, but in the end we decided that considerations of avoiding breaking people's games with auto-pushed updates outweighed the minor inconvenience involved in occasionally copy-pasting the script from github. For Pro users I'd still strongly recommend installing both the sheet and the script manually so that you can remain in complete control over how and when you update your game.
API Scripter
We finally tracked down Jim's issue to a brokenness in the Roll20 rich text editor. I'd like to re-emphasise to anyone working with statblock import that you should *always* paste the text of your statblock via a plain text editor . Do not paste it directly from a web page - including any of the Roll20 GM Notes fields or the forum - because this will include a bunch of hidden formatting that will most likely break the parser. I'm sorry that this stuff is so obtuse, but these are the only "input mechanisms" that we have to use, short of creating and hosting a separate web service to translate statblocks into JSON (which might be nice but isn't going to happen any time soon!)
Heyo Lucian. I've started getting a script error when I press Long Rest/Short Rest. Trying looking through the thread but didn't find what I was looking for. "5eShapedCompanion 1492633745166 ERROR : TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined" "5eShapedCompanion 1492633745170 ERROR : TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined\n at Reporter.sendCharacter (apiscript.js:1872:32)\n at SheetWorkerChatOutput.displaySheetChatOutput (apiscript.js:8780:22)\n at handlerWrapper (apiscript.js:7329:33)\n at forEach.handler (apiscript.js:7245:82)\n at Array.forEach (native)\n at EventDispatcher.roll20.on (apiscript.js:7245:63)\n at eval (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:65:16)\n at Object.publish (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:146:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:70:8)\n at TrackedObj.set (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:909:14)\n at updateLocalCache (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1194:18)" Pressing the button resets everything, HP Spell slots etc. But I get that error. XD
API Scripter
Calle M. said: Heyo Lucian. I've started getting a script error when I press Long Rest/Short Rest. Trying looking through the thread but didn't find what I was looking for. Are you using the latest version: 10.0.1 (2017-04-16) Bug Fixes rests: Script error on rest ( d5e2c31 ), closes #482

Edited 1492865860
I hit an issue with importing from Volo's Guide so (just now) updated to latest versions of sheet and script [was working about a week behind as running games Weds and Fri].&nbsp;&nbsp; Now that import works fine, but I get this in API output... "5eShapedCompanion 1492864333961 DEBUG : Roll template options: {\"title\":\"Shaped Scripts Error\",\"content\":\"Couldn't find Shaped Character Sheet. This Shaped Companion Script requires the Shaped Character Sheet to be installed in the campaign.\"}" EDIT: Char sheet 11.5.0 seems to be working fine.&nbsp; Reverted to older API script and that works fine as well.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I got that error earlier, but it seems to go away if I refresh my browser while in the campaign.
Kryx said: I got that error earlier, but it seems to go away if I refresh my browser while in the campaign. Thanks - that fixed it.&nbsp; Odd - I guess a roll20 read error....
Lucian said: Calle M. said: Heyo Lucian. I've started getting a script error when I press Long Rest/Short Rest. Trying looking through the thread but didn't find what I was looking for. Are you using the latest version: 10.0.1 (2017-04-16) Bug Fixes rests: Script error on rest ( d5e2c31 ), closes #482 Sorry for the extremely long responce time. I had the latest at the time, yes. (I think 95% sure) Anyway, updated today to sheet 11.5 and the newest script and everything is working fine now! &lt;3

Edited 1494210263
Lucian said: Aaron K. said: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I finished writing a little program for anyone who manually writes in any monsters/spells into a database that the API uses. I could also probably make it work backward in the future in case the format is ever changed again or if someone wants to extract raw monster data/values to be put into some kind of database unrelated to the Shaped script. I'm only going to do that if I have some incentive or if I'm forced to update my own stuff because I'm not too keen on sacrificing two to three straight days working on it/trying to figure it out. Hey Aaron, This is great! I've never really liked JSON as an "input format" for end users so this has always been a weak spot of the system for me. Up until fairly recently there haven't really been many people interested in entering custom data like this - most people have a monster/spell that they want to use once or twice and it's just easier to enter it through the sheet itself - so I never bothered making an effort with it. Sadly I can't test your latest version easily because I use Linux, so VB is a PITA involving WINE for me. In the long run, my preferred option would be to publish a JSON schema for the format and use this for validation of input data. Tools that wanted to assist users in entering custom data could use this to help set input constraints and possibly even generate UI from it. I did originally look at using this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> which seems to do what's needed, but it's incredibly buggy for anything other than the simplest use cases, and it turned out to be more hassle than it was worth. There's also: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> which might be better. For the future, I think one option might be that we invest some time in making a little downloadable web page with two textareas. You paste old file into one side, and some JS in the page reads it and converts it and spits it out in the other (read-only) textarea on the other side. This would be a better solution for upgrading people than you trying to second-guess what we meant when the format changes. I'll try and set something up, but my time is very limited at the moment and I'm currently trying to move to doing less rather than more on the script! I recently just finished rewriting the program in Java (the monster/creature one, not spells), so you may be able to test/use it now.
Nick S.
Marketplace Creator
Hello, I recently installed the latest 5e sheet and companion manually, and importing monsters/spells has been working great. However when I tried to install the 5e-monsters.js and 5e-spells.js for the added creatures, I get the following errors in the console and it doesn't seem to be adding anything new: "5eShapedCompanion 1494564846363 INFO : Summary of adding unnamed entity group to the lookup: {\"errors\":1,\"entityGroupName\":{},\"monsters\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":0}}" "5eShapedCompanion 1494564846384 INFO : Summary of adding unnamed entity group to the lookup: {\"errors\":1,\"entityGroupName\":{},\"spells\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":0}}" Any idea what might be the problem? Thank you!

Edited 1494581699
Nick S. said: Hello, I recently installed the latest 5e sheet and companion manually, and importing monsters/spells has been working great. However when I tried to install the 5e-monsters.js and 5e-spells.js for the added creatures, I get the following errors in the console and it doesn't seem to be adding anything new: "5eShapedCompanion 1494564846363 INFO : Summary of adding unnamed entity group to the lookup: {\"errors\":1,\"entityGroupName\":{},\"monsters\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":0}}" "5eShapedCompanion 1494564846384 INFO : Summary of adding unnamed entity group to the lookup: {\"errors\":1,\"entityGroupName\":{},\"spells\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":0}}" Any idea what might be the problem? Thank you! There should be something like this at the beginning of them:&nbsp;ShapedScripts.addEntities({"name": "PlayersHandbook", "version": "2.0.0", . . . For example: ShapedScripts.addEntities({ "name": "HomeBrew" , "dependencies": ["PlayersHandbook"], "version":"2.0.0", "monsters":[ {"name": "Frog", "size": "tiny", "type": "beast", "alignment": "unaligned", "AC": "11", "HP": "1 (1d4 - 1)", "speed": "20 ft., swim 20 ft.", "strength": 1, "dexterity": 13, "constitution": 8, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 8, "charisma": 3, "skills": "Perception +1, Stealth +3", "senses": "darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 11", "challenge": "0", "traits": [{"name": "Amphibious", "text": "The frog can breathe air and water."}, {"name": "Standing Leap", "text": "The frog's long jump is up to 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start."}]}] });
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nick S. said: Hello, I recently installed the latest 5e sheet and companion manually, and importing monsters/spells has been working great. However when I tried to install the 5e-monsters.js and 5e-spells.js for the added creatures, I get the following errors in the console and it doesn't seem to be adding anything new: "5eShapedCompanion 1494564846363 INFO : Summary of adding unnamed entity group to the lookup: {\"errors\":1,\"entityGroupName\":{},\"monsters\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":0}}" "5eShapedCompanion 1494564846384 INFO : Summary of adding unnamed entity group to the lookup: {\"errors\":1,\"entityGroupName\":{},\"spells\":{\"withErrors\":0,\"deleted\":0,\"patched\":0,\"added\":0}}" Any idea what might be the problem? Thank you! The latest companion expects a different format to what was given before. You can see the format included in the companion script (SRD data). If you've created your own data files you'll need to update your format to match.

Edited 1494591111
I've pretty much figured out the monster format for the most part, but I'm having trouble getting the spell format down for data files. I'm having trouble finding a set format, and the examples I've found have all looked different. I'm trying to get an overall guideline that covers all spells in D&D rather than one specific spell in particular. This is what I've put together so far; I'm not sure what I'm missing nor if there are any mistakes. { "name": " Spell Name ", "level": Spell Level with 0 for Cantrips , "school": " Spell School Name ", "castingTime": " The Casting Time ", "range": " The Spell Range ", "components": { "verbal": true/false , "somatic": true/false , "material": true/false , "materialMaterial": " Material Description ", "materialCost": Material Cost in GP }, "duration": " Spell Duration ", "target": " Target of the Spell ", "aoe": " Area of Effect of the Spell ", "description": " Spell Description Without Higher Level ", "higherLevel": " Higher Level Description ", "emote": " Fluff Description of Spell Casting ", "concentration": true/false , "attack": { "type": " Attack Type ", "damage": " XdY ", "damageType": " Damage Type ", "castingStat": true/false , "secondaryDamage": " XdY ", "secondaryDamageType": " Damage Type ", "higherLevelDice": X , "higherLevelSecondaryDice": X , "higherLevelDie": " dY ", "higherLevelSecondaryDie": " dY ", }, "heal": { "heal": " XdY ", "castingStat": true/false , "higherLevelDice": " X ", "higherLevelDie": " dY " }, "save": { "ability": " Ability for Save ", "damage": " XdY ", "damageType": " Damage Type " }, "source": " Data Source of the Spell ", "effects": " Effects of the Spell " } For scaling cantrip damage: [[ceil((@{level} + 2) / 6)]]dY For dice increases involving every two slot levels above X level, use 0.49 in higherLevelDice. Use {{GENDER_PRONOUN_HE_SHE}} in emotes.

Edited 1494593074
Nick S.
Marketplace Creator
Thank you for the tips! Managed to make monsters work for sure. I'll try spells later to see how it goes, but it "seems" to have imported them correctly. For monsters I had to edit the beginning as suggested and also removed a "version" line at the end. Cheers!
Nick S.
Marketplace Creator
Spells didn't work properly, but I'm guessing that's what you're struggling with Aaron. Monsters worked perfectly, and I managed to import every monster from CR 0 to 30, yay! On a different note, I'm trying to create an Utility Macro to perform some of the common tasks, as follows: /w gm &{template:5e-shaped} {{title=Utility Menu}} {{text=[Configure Shaped Options](!shaped-config) **Monsters** [Add Monster](!shaped-import-monster --?{Message}) **Character Macro Buttons** [Attacks](!shaped-abilities --attacks) | [Saving Throws](!shaped-abilities --savesQuery) | [Ability Checks](!shaped-abilities --abilityChecksQuery) | [Spells Macro](!shaped-abilities --spells) | [Add Spells](!shaped-import-spell --?{Message}) **Rests and Resets** [Short Rest](!shaped-rest --type short) | [Long Rest](!shaped-rest --type long) }} However when I try to run it, the [Add monsters] and [Add spells] conflict with the macro and directly open a text box. Is there any way to let code such as&nbsp;[Add Monster](!shaped-import-monster --?{Message}) be displayed in the chat window? It'd really come in handy to have there. Thanks! Nick
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nick S. said: I managed to import every monster from CR 0 to 30, yay! I really recommend that people do not do this for performance reasons. Nick S. said: However when I try to run it, the [Add monsters] and [Add spells] conflict with the macro and directly open a text box. Wouldn't the !shaped-monsters and !shaped-spells be an easier option to use? It seems queries cannot exist in an inline macro so it seems your desired way isn't an option. I'm quite confused on the purpose of the macro tbh. Why not use the default token action that can be added to every character by default via !shaped-config instead of the !shaped-abilities like you have?
Nick S.
Marketplace Creator
Kryx said: Nick S. said: I managed to import every monster from CR 0 to 30, yay! I really recommend that people do not do this for performance reasons. I'm hoping I don't run into performance problems, but if it happens I'll create a new campaign and import the ones I need at any given time there. So far it seems to be fine, is there anything running that's constantly checking on all the sheets or something of the sort? Nick S. said: However when I try to run it, the [Add monsters] and [Add spells] conflict with the macro and directly open a text box. Wouldn't the !shaped-monsters and !shaped-spells be an easier option to use? It seems queries cannot exist in an inline macro so it seems your desired way isn't an option. I'm quite confused on the purpose of the macro tbh. Why not use the default token action that can be added to every character by default via !shaped-config instead of the !shaped-abilities like you have? It's a shame that won't work. I found it easier and faster to do because I copied the names of the monsters to search for the tokens, so after that I only needed to click on the macro [Add monsters] and paste the name and it'd be quicker. Since as a single Macro that worked, I didn't really run into any problems until I wanted to add it to that Utility Macro. The default tokens have absolutely everything I need for the monsters, so every time I import they get their checks, saves, action, spells, lair & legendary actions. Those are there for new PC Characters; I intend to use the campaign to run several one-shots, so when a new character is added I can quickly add the spells to the sheet when the player gives me the list, for example, or also attacks (if they want, since many want to make their own macros), etc. Simply for better individual "control" of what gets added. Thanks again!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nick S. said: I'm hoping I don't run into performance problems, but if it happens I'll create a new campaign and import the ones I need at any given time there. So far it seems to be fine, is there anything running that's constantly checking on all the sheets or something of the sort? Nothing on my sheet. It's roll20's system that causes the lag
Nick S. said: Spells didn't work properly, but I'm guessing that's what you're struggling with Aaron. Monsters worked perfectly, and I managed to import every monster from CR 0 to 30, yay! On a different note, I'm trying to create an Utility Macro to perform some of the common tasks, as follows: /w gm &{template:5e-shaped} {{title=Utility Menu}} {{text=[Configure Shaped Options](!shaped-config) **Monsters** [Add Monster](!shaped-import-monster --?{Message}) **Character Macro Buttons** [Attacks](!shaped-abilities --attacks) | [Saving Throws](!shaped-abilities --savesQuery) | [Ability Checks](!shaped-abilities --abilityChecksQuery) | [Spells Macro](!shaped-abilities --spells) | [Add Spells](!shaped-import-spell --?{Message}) **Rests and Resets** [Short Rest](!shaped-rest --type short) | [Long Rest](!shaped-rest --type long) }} However when I try to run it, the [Add monsters] and [Add spells] conflict with the macro and directly open a text box. Is there any way to let code such as&nbsp;[Add Monster](!shaped-import-monster --?{Message}) be displayed in the chat window? It'd really come in handy to have there. Thanks! Nick Nick - What you are trying to do is very doable, but it takes a bit of planning. &nbsp;First I would highly recommend making a GM character journal to hold all of these macros. &nbsp;It is easy, as a pro account, to then transmogrify all of your macro from one game to the next. If you do this, then it is quite easy to accomplish what you want to do. &nbsp;To accomplish this you will want to create all of your macros that require some type of input as individual ability macros on the GM character sheet. &nbsp;Then in your "menu macro" you can reference the macros that require input. In your example above you would create a macro named ImportMonsterQuery on the GM sheet, it would simply have the command you want to run: !shaped-import-monster --?{Message} Then in your menu macro, you change the syntax to reference the GM|ImportMonsterQuery macro: /w gm &{template:5e-shaped} {{title=Utility Menu}} {{text=[Configure Shaped Options](!shaped-config) **Monsters** [Add Monster](~GM|ImportMonsterQuery) **Character Macro Buttons** [Attacks](!shaped-abilities --attacks) | [Saving Throws](!shaped-abilities --savesQuery) | [Ability Checks](!shaped-abilities --abilityChecksQuery) | [Spells Macro](!shaped-abilities --spells) | [Add Spells](!shaped-import-spell --?{Message}) **Rests and Resets**[Short Rest](!shaped-rest --type short) | [Long Rest](!shaped-rest --type long)}} In the above ~ represents calling an ability macro, GM refers to the character sheet you are calling it from, and then of course ImportMonsterQuery is the name of the macro that exists on the GM sheet. &nbsp;When you execute the menu macro it will not pop up the query, however when you click the Add Monsters button it will open the query.
Nick S.
Marketplace Creator
Thank you Kevin, worked like a charm!
It's only a guess but I'm thinking there will be a new Companion for sheet 14?
API Scripter
Jerry F. said: It's only a guess but I'm thinking there will be a new Companion for sheet 14? Hi Guys, Sorry for the radio silence for the last month or so. Living off-grid in the mountains means that when real life happens, it happens HARD, with no room for negotiation :-) I have a bunch of stuff to fix for sheet v14 which I will try and get to in the next few days.
Yikes! I can imagine. Looking forward to next build.
Apologies but I have the shaped sheet 11.5.0 and the latest version of the companion and I keep getting this message Where do i exactly get the spells data format?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The content provided by the Script (SRD content) follows the 2.0.0 format. If you've made your own content you'll need to update to that format. If you have content from somewhere then get it from there again.
Kryx said: The content provided by the Script (SRD content) follows the 2.0.0 format. If you've made your own content you'll need to update to that format. If you have content from somewhere then get it from there again. Where would one get the SRD fifthSpells.js content?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
All the SRD data including monsters and spells is included in the latest companion script.
Ah. I noticed that it doesn't put any data in the spells for npcs upon import anymore (only spell names) so was wondering if I needed a database. I guess it doesn't do that anymore?
Dvergr76 said: Ah. I noticed that it doesn't put any data in the spells for npcs upon import anymore (only spell names) so was wondering if I needed a database. I guess it doesn't do that anymore? You can use !shaped-expand-spells to get that functionality. As far as I'm aware it was never done automatically before.
Yeah, before I would just type !shaped-import-monster --X and it would fill out all the info in the spells if that monster had spells. I had a separate API file (database) set up though. Now it just puts in titles since the old API database isn't compatible anymore. I did not know about the command you posted techiecarer, so I'll check that out.&nbsp;
Hi, maybe someone can point me at this I'm sure I've missed something simple. I've created a fairly large json of spells out of my PHB , &nbsp;formatted like this (except with tons more spells). I can save it as an additional script , no problem - but the companion script doesn't see it. Do i have to add a line entry to reference my script, or is there something specific I need to add at the start? The documentation doesn't explain how the script is referencing the custom databases for spells/monsters, so I don't know if there are specific filenames or headers or reference that need to be made. Spells = { spells: [ { "name": "Blade Barrier", "level": "6", "school": "EV", "time": "1 action", "range": "90 feet", "components": "V, S", "duration": "Concentration, up to 10 minutes", "classes": "Cleric", "text": [ "You create a vertical wall of whirling, razor-sharp blades made of magical energy. The wall appears within range and lasts for the duration. You can make a straight wall up to 100 feet long, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick, or a ringed wall up to 60 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick. The wall provides three-quarters cover to creatures behind it, and its space is difficult terrain.", "", "When a creature enters the wall's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 6d10 slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage." ], "roll": "6d10" } ] };
Yeah, I'd like to know the format as well to add the spells not contained in the SRD to import, but neither have the time nor patience to figure it out for myself. If anyone knows where to get this info it would be much appreciated. I kinda wish I would have never updated the sheet and companion since it doesn't do everything it used to. :-(
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Not updating would cut yourself off from future updates of both the script and sheet which is likely not what you want. The script has lost no functionality. If you've acquired data from somewhere then just acquire it again. You'll only need to update your format if you've created custom data. If that's the case here are some samples that are available in the SRD data included with the script: { "name": "Fireball", "level": 3, "school": "Evocation", "castingTime": "1 action", "range": "150 feet", "components": {"verbal": true, "somatic": true, "material": true, "materialMaterial": "a tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur"}, "duration": "Instantaneous", "description": "A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\nThe fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.", "higherLevel": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.", "emote": "evokes a bright streak that flashes from {{GENDER_PRONOUN_HIS_HER}} pointing finger to a point and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame", "save": {"ability": "Dexterity", "damage": "8d6", "damageType": "fire", "saveSuccess": "half damage", "higherLevelDice": 1} }, { "name": "Fire Bolt", "level": 0, "school": "Evocation", "castingTime": "1 action", "range": "120 feet", "components": {"verbal": true, "somatic": true}, "duration": "Instantaneous", "description": "You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 fire damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.", "higherLevel": "This spell's damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).", "emote": "hurls a mote of fire at a creature or object", "attack": {"type": "ranged", "damage": "[[ceil((@{level} + 2) / 6)]]d10", "damageType": "fire"} }, { "name": "Fire Shield", "level": 4, "school": "Evocation", "castingTime": "1 action", "range": "Self", "components": {"verbal": true, "somatic": true, "material": true, "materialMaterial": "a little phosphorus or a firefly"}, "duration": "10 minutes", "description": "Thin and vaporous flame surround your body for the duration of the spell, radiating a bright light bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can end the spell using an action to make it disappear.\nThe flames are around you a heat shield or cold, your choice. The heat shield gives you cold damage resistance and the cold resistance to fire damage.\nIn addition, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, flames spring from the shield. The attacker then suffers 2d8 points of fire damage or cold, depending on the model.", "emote": "evokes thin and vaporous flames that surround {{GENDER_PRONOUN_HIS_HER}} body, radiating a bright light bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet" }, { "name": "Healing Word", "level": 1, "school": "Evocation", "castingTime": "1 bonus action", "range": "60 feet", "components": {"verbal": true}, "duration": "Instantaneous", "description": "A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.", "higherLevel": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.", "emote": "heals an ally's wounds", "heal": {"heal": "1d4", "castingStat": true, "higherLevelDice": 1} }, { "name": "Heat Metal", "level": 2, "school": "Transmutation", "castingTime": "1 action", "range": "60 feet", "components": {"verbal": true, "somatic": true, "material": true, "materialMaterial": "a piece of iron and a flame"}, "duration": "up to 1 minute", "description": "Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see within range. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes 2d8 fire damage when you cast the spell. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage again.\nIf a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn't drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.", "higherLevel": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.", "emote": "causes an object to glow red-hot", "save": {"ability": "Constitution"}, "damage": {"damage": "2d8", "damageType": "fire", "higherLevelDice": 1}, "concentration": true }, { "name": "Hunter's Mark", "level": 1, "school": "Divination", "castingTime": "1 bonus action", "range": "90 feet", "components": {"verbal": true}, "duration": "up to 1 hour", "description": "You choose a creature you can see within range and mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack, and you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature.", "higherLevel": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.", "emote": "mystically marks a target as {{GENDER_PRONOUN_HIS_HER}} quarry", "damage": {"damage": "1d6"}, "concentration": true }
First off love this sheet and the companion. I am using both 14.0.2 and 10.0.1 of the companion, and when I cast a spell, it is deducting 2 spell slots for some reason. I apolgize if this seems like a silly question, but I can not for the life of me figure out what is going wrong.&nbsp;
The Aaron
API Scripter
The Companion Script has lagged a little bit behind the Sheet. &nbsp;Lucian is working on an update to it. &nbsp;That's likely the issue.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mindframe said: First off love this sheet and the companion. I am using both 14.0.2 and 10.0.1 of the companion, and when I cast a spell, it is deducting 2 spell slots for some reason.&nbsp; I've never seen this occur. Can you post an issue on&nbsp; Lucian's issue tracker with reproduction steps on a clean character.