Today we launched My Audio and tripled storage for Roll20 subscribers. Plus users have gone from only 1GB of storage space up to 3GB of storage space, while Pro users have gone from 2GB to 6GB of storage space. Subscribers can use that space to upload their own audio files as well as the animations introduced by Get a New Look last month.
Between these new features and recent data trends we've been tracking, we expect larger and larger game campaigns to be built on Roll20. We have updated our best file practices to help keep your game running smoothly.
On our end, we continue to optimize storage, transferring, and rendering data. There are lots of performance pieces we’re working on right now including:
- The recent improvements to Advanced Fog of War that came in the Get a New Look update. We're expecting further enhancements in coming months as we roll out new layer support. (Also, keep your eyes peeled for a developer chat similar to what we had with the Behind the Scenes of the Charactermancer that will offer some more insight into just how much an impact these rendering improvements made!)
- An overhaul of how we structure data, with a mindset on prepping for better mobile support and optimization of character sheets within Roll20.
- Further enhancement to software and hardware running the Voice and Video Streaming feature (WebRTC), including some finessing of how we handle server connections.
- Closing piracy loopholes which, in addition to breaking our Terms of Service, enable recurring malicious practices that break individual users' games and strain the Roll20 system.
All those things are in the pipeline for the months ahead. Between users following our best practices and our development team constantly improving efficiency, we can continue to add new and exciting pieces to the virtual tabletop without performance dragging.
In the coming weeks, we will announce the next feature roll-out plan as well as schedule another Community Roundtable for the month of March.
If you have questions about today's releases or other updates from Roll20 Resolutions, feel free to ask here in this thread! We have also made significant changes to improve transparency and communication on our Suggestions Forum, where we welcome you to share your own ideas about how you'd like to see Roll20 grow in the future.
The technical release note is here.