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Bring Your Own Beat Bug Thread

May 02 (5 years ago)

Edited May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Here's the bug thread for Bring Your Own Beat!

The My Audio Upload portion this update went out previously, and you can read about it in the wiki, but here are the rest of these exciting features!

Better Playlist Management

You now manage your Playlists in the audio management dialog box, where you can set up playlists that use audio from any source (currently including Battle Bards, Incompetech, Tabletop Audio, and your own uploaded audio files), and Playlists are can be copied out of a game and into another game easily.

Open the Manage Audio dialog box by clicking the Manage Audio button in the Jukebox.

Click the Playlist tab to navigate to your playlists. The search box returns results for terms that match Track titles, Track tags, Playlist titles, or Playlists that contain Track matching tags.

Click New Playlist to create a new playlist for your tracks.

Click to the Tracks tab to add tracks from your uploaded audio, Tabletop Audio, Battlebards, or Incompetech. Find the track and click Add to... to select either the current game, or the playlist by name.

Add the playlist to your game by returning to the Playlist tab and clicking Add to Game:

Note that, because the playlist is in your audio library, when you go into a different game where you are the GM, you can copy the playlist to the new game.

You can also rename the playlist by clicking the pencil icon, or delete tracks from the playlist by clicking the X icon. To delete a playlist, click the pencil icon and then select the trash can:

Note that this feature creates a new copy of the Playlist in the game. In this way, you can change a playlist for any one dramatic role playing scene or amazing action battle sequence without affecting any other game. If you delete a track from a playlist, it will not be deleted from the playlist in your Playlist tool, nor any games that the playlist is already in. However, if you like the changes, you can export the Playlist out of the game and into the Manage Audio tool for safe keeping.

To export a playlist, click the Export button on the far right of the playlist in the Jukebox.

You can also rearrange the tracks in your playlist by dragging the little dots on the left:

Playback Modes

There are now several playback modes in the Jukebox for playlists. You can set different playlists to different playback modes that will be used when you start that playlist.

Note that you cannot change the playback mode for a playlist while it is playing; either stop the playlist, or wait for it to finish.

IconWhat it Does

Loop: Each track will play one after the other, and the playlist will start over when it reaches the end of the list.

Shuffle: The tracks will play in random order and may repeat tracks.

Simulplay: All tracks will play at the same time. 

Play Once: Each track will play one after the other, and the playlist will stop when it reaches the end of the list.

Better Playback Controls

Audio is now synchronized for all connected players when a new track begins playing, or when the GM uses the scrub controls. Players who connect after the GM has started a track will hear the track from the beginning until the players are re-synced (by a new track starting, or GM scrubbing).

You can change the volume of different tracks in to get the right mix of ambient noise and sound effects. You can also start and stop individual tracks while the rest of the playlist continues to play. To do this, open the playlist in the Jukebox by clicking the arrow next to it.

Click the play/stop button to individually start or stop a track.

Click the Arrow icons on the track in Now Playing to move to the next or previous track in the playlist (not available in Simulplay mode).

Click the loop icon to set an individual track to loop.

The volume sliders let you change how loud an individual track is.

Click the three-dot icon next to a track to select if the track should fade in or out. You can also right-click on a track to reach this menu.

The three-dot icon also lets you remove a track from a game or a Playlist. This will not remove the track from your uploaded library, only from its placement in this playlist or game.

Track Waveforms and Scrubbing

Finally, when tracks are playing, a waveform appears to show you where you are in the track.

If you click the waveform, the playback will scrub to that point in the track, and all players who are connected will be synchronized to that point in the track.

Note that scrubbing is not available in Simulplay mode.

Because the waveform may have "hidden" information, only GMs can see the waveform.

Multi-Channel Audio

You can now arrange and play multiple channels of audio at the same time. The Jukebox can play individual tracks, Playlists, and Simultaneous Playlists - all at the same time with control over each one. In this way, you can queue up the campfire audio, the haunted spacecraft sound effects, and many other sound organization schemes with ease. Want background music and a set of sound effects? You got that! Want a battle of the bands playoff? Sure!

Any track or playlist in the Jukebox can be played while other tracks are playing, and have individual volume and playback controls for the GM. 

Manage Audio Outside the VTT

Want to upload tracks and manage your audio files and playlist without loading the VTT? You can do that! Click the Tools menu at the top of any page in Roll20 and select Manage Audio:

From there, you'll have access to the Playlist and My Audio manager, just like in the tabletop!

All the same audio management tools are available except "Add to Game." To add a track or playlist to a game, you must already be in the game in the VTT.

May 02 (5 years ago)

Edited May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Known Issues

  • If you have already uploaded tracks to My Audio, those tracks won't have a waveform yet. Waveforms for them will be generated over the next few days.
  • Sometimes, a waveform is not immediately created when an audio file is uploaded. In this case, your track will display without a waveform. You can still scrub the track as normal.
  • Deleting a track from My Audio does not remove it from the Jukebox playlist. However, the track will not play and will not be exported when exporting the playlist.
  • When playing a track in My Audio, if you change the tab, the play button resets, even though the audio is still playing.
  • When playing a track in the Manage Audio playlist editor, if the same track is duplicated in the playlist editor, you can scrub the currently-playing track by clicking in the inactive track.
  • My Audio files can only be added to a playlist once.
  • If you have reached your storage limit and attempt to upload an audio file, it will spin for a while, then fail to upload with an HTML error message that is hard to read. You can see your storage usage by going to the My Account page. There's also a notice in the My Games page to warn you that you're over your limit. (added May 2)
  • The master music volume setting in the game settings does not work. (Fixed: May 2)
May 02 (5 years ago)

Edited May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Related Suggestions

Playlist management and better audio controls get requested a lot:


The players in our game can't change the music volume anymore, only the DM can, is this a bug as it's really annoying.

May 02 (5 years ago)

Edited May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Simon D. said:

The players in our game can't change the music volume anymore, only the DM can, is this a bug as it's really annoying.

Are they unable to change the master music volume in the settings (gear icon)? 

Confirmed the issue and reproduced it. We'll be fixing it shortly. Thanks for the catch!

Hello there! I do not know if there is any relation with the new audio interface, but I cannot upload photos anymore. Not even change my profile picture! Thank you for your attention.

May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Hi, Leonardo.

Thanks for your report. We're unable to reproduce the issue on our end.

Please make sure you follow all the steps in Solving Technical Issues wiki page. If you're still having issues, please make a separate thread in the bug forums detailing the issue, a copy of your console log, and the steps to reproduce the issue.

Leonardo M. said:

Hello there! I do not know if there is any relation with the new audio interface, but I cannot upload photos anymore. Not even change my profile picture! Thank you for your attention.

May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

This has been fixed in a hotfix about 10 minutes ago. Thanks!

Simon D. said:

The players in our game can't change the music volume anymore, only the DM can, is this a bug as it's really annoying.

May 02 (5 years ago)

Edited May 02 (5 years ago)


ive been getting this issue the past 2 days, in both chrome and firefox, on my desktop and laptop, with mp3s from different sources.i checked that it was the same after the update and its persisting.
This includes songs i previously uploaded, deleted and tried to upload again, same error

May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Thanks for your report, ClockworkMuppet.

We haven't been able to reproduce this issue, so can I ask you to try a few things to troubleshoot for us? First, make sure you've cleared your browser cache and don't have any browser extensions turned on (to make sure you have the most recent code). You said you can reproduce this in both Firefox and Chrome, so we can skip the "try another browser" step.

Then, can you try uploading an audio file using the new Manage Audio tool? If you can upload in one place and not the other, that would help us diagnose the issue.

Finally, can you provide a console log from when you drag and drop the file onto the uploader?  Step 4 in Solving Technical Issues has instructions for getting the console log from your browser-- you can just copy and paste it into a reply here.

ClockworkMuppet said:


ive been getting this issue the past 2 days, in both chrome and firefox, on my desktop and laptop, with mp3s from different sources.i checked that it was the same after the update and its persisting

i disabled my extensions and cleared my cache. in addition after its dragged on it goes through the process with the spinny circle, then the loading bar fills then it shows the x and this error. the manage audio tool diddnt seem to change anything

May 02 (5 years ago)

Edited May 02 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

OK, looking more closely at your account, it looks like you have reached your storage limit, which would explain why you can't upload any more audio.

You can see your storage usage by going to the My Account page. There's also a notice in the My Games page to warn you that you're over your limit. 

You can remove audio files from your account in the Manage Audio tool, or delete some images to free up some space. After you've done this, try uploading an audio file that's smaller than the space you have available, and see if you still have the error.

In the meantime, I'll make sure to have the devs check on the error message so it's more useful.

May 03 (5 years ago)

No bug to report, but couldn't find anywhere else to post this: I love the new update!

May 03 (5 years ago)
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Thank you, Vegas! I've forwarded your kind words to the rest of the team! 

Vegas said:

No bug to report, but couldn't find anywhere else to post this: I love the new update!

Playlists no longer stop when starting another one. This is useful sometimes, but here's a specific situation in which it's not the best:

> have Playlist A playing on the splash page
> set Playlist B to autoplay when switching to game page

> switch to game page during session
> playlist B starts, but playlist A keeps playing in the background
> chaos

There's a setting under pages for selecting 'None, but stop all tracks' for music. It'd be useful for something like that to be enacted or for there to be a toggle for stopping all tracks & starting the one selected when switching to a page with music selected.

Can you provide some additional information regarding the browser you are using and how you are switching between the pages? I attempted to reproduce the problem and saw that the playlist continued to show in the Now Playing box but all tracks ceased playing. The only time the playlist continued playing was when the "Play on Load" setting was set to "None". I have forwarded the Now Playing display issue to development.
May 03 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

I just ran across a definite issue.  I created a playlist, uploaded it and brought into one of my games.  Now I'm trying to bring the same playlist, with no changes from the manage audio into another game and they somehow have all become 0 length files.  

May 03 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Somehow ALL my playlists in manage audio are now 0 length.  

May 04 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion

Hi Victor B,

We're happy to take a look at this for you. Do these tracks play when you're testing them in the Manage Audio tool? Could you also post a screenshot of the files displaying 0 length in Manage Audio and in your game so that we can accurately identify the issue?

May 04 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

One other thing.  I'm trying to reload a playlist (50-60 tracks) and Roll20 browser (chrome) is crashing after around 5-6 songs, consistently.  Prior to new audio release it would rarely crash, but now, it's consistent.  

May 04 (5 years ago)

Edited May 04 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Sure thing.  I'll wait for Roll20 to crash again (as I'm still trying to reload a playlist) and when it does I'll post some screen shots.  

May 04 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Not an issue.  They were showing and playing zero length and now they are fine.  I must have had a bit of lag involved there.  FYI, roll20 crashed again trying to upload tracks.  

We are having a problem where no one is able to see or hear eachother, We have switched webrtc to legacy and back a few times, everyone has reconnected, no luck. Any ideas?

May 04 (5 years ago)
Jeff L.
Roll20 Team

Victor B. said:

One other thing.  I'm trying to reload a playlist (50-60 tracks) and Roll20 browser (chrome) is crashing after around 5-6 songs, consistently.  Prior to new audio release it would rarely crash, but now, it's consistent.  

We've acknowledged an issue with uploading many files simultaneously and have resolved the issue with the Audio Manager inside the VTT.  We are working on a fix for the external tool, and will update here when that fix goes live.

Hello Roll20. 

I am getting an error trying to upload a song file. I am getting this

What does it mean 413 code? I tought the limit of audio files are 20 mb, this file is just 14 mb

May 04 (5 years ago)
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator

Danny C. said:

Hello Roll20. 

I am getting an error trying to upload a song file. I am getting this

What does it mean 413 code? I tought the limit of audio files are 20 mb, this file is just 14 mb

413 is "Payload too large"

May 04 (5 years ago)

Edited May 04 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Alright the zero length issue is back.  I'm going to give it some time to see if there's lag to the music server before resetting these tracks, but these were all in game and used.  Now they are zero length.  For some of these tracks, nothing was done.  For others, I moved them within Jukebox to diff playlists.  

And you've fixed the crashing issue with uploads.  No crashes around 15 tracks.  

May 04 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

It is looking like lag from server .  I ran those tracks and they had zero length and therefore stopped.  I've gone back in and they are now working.  You might need to put something in to tell the user that tracks are loading up.   

Not a bug report, just wanted to say that I LOVE these features and to say thank you for the new toys to play with!  This is a huge improvement and opens up a lot of possibilities for one of my favorite parts of DMing (audio immersion).

May 04 (5 years ago)
Jeff L.
Roll20 Team

Jeff L. said:

Victor B. said:

One other thing.  I'm trying to reload a playlist (50-60 tracks) and Roll20 browser (chrome) is crashing after around 5-6 songs, consistently.  Prior to new audio release it would rarely crash, but now, it's consistent.  

We've acknowledged an issue with uploading many files simultaneously and have resolved the issue with the Audio Manager inside the VTT.  We are working on a fix for the external tool, and will update here when that fix goes live.

Just wanted to give an update on many simultaneous uploads on the external tool -- the fix for this is now live as well.

May 05 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion

Victor B. said:

It is looking like lag from server .  I ran those tracks and they had zero length and therefore stopped.  I've gone back in and they are now working.  You might need to put something in to tell the user that tracks are loading up.   

Hey Victor. Thanks for giving the new features a try, and thanks for the feedback. I think your logic checks out. The track length and duration are populated once a certain amount of audio has loaded. It looks like you're not getting the track length because enough information hasn't downloaded by the time you're looking. This could also explain why the audio and times are there after more time.

The cause of slower loads times could be several things, including speeds from your internet service provider, high bandwidth demand in your area, the router or network you're connected to, or a combination of those.
If you have the option, try testing by connecting to a different network or getting a wired (if you're using wifi), and let us know if any of those work better for you.

May 05 (5 years ago)

Edited May 05 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion

Danny C. said:

Hello Roll20. 

I am getting an error trying to upload a song file. I am getting this (link to image)
What does it mean 413 code? I tought the limit of audio files are 20 mb, this file is just 14 mb

When files are uploaded, we run them through a processing procedure to get the file in an optimal format for synchronized streaming. There is a small set of circumstances where a file can be made _larger_ after going through our processing. Basically, if a file has been downsampled significantly (like a very long mp3) then when it will get processed then fail to upload.

I think your file might be one of those. Based on the name, I'm deducing this is a 60 minute mp3. If you could convert that file to an Opus OGG at a 96 kbps bitrate with one of these, and check the file size. 

On another note, and as a purely personal opinion:

You're going to have a better time overall with more, smaller files. I would highly suggest files shorter than 20 minutes in length. The second suggestion would be to separate elements. Keep music in one file, and put sound effects in closely related groups.

May 05 (5 years ago)

Rebecca W. said:

Not a bug report, just wanted to say that I LOVE these features and to say thank you for the new toys to play with!  This is a huge improvement and opens up a lot of possibilities for one of my favorite parts of DMing (audio immersion).

Hey Rebecca!

Thanks for dropping by show these new features some love! Glad to hear you're enjoying em'! 

May 05 (5 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Any chance of having getJukeBox function expanded to include track length and current position.  It's clear you're tracking them now.  With that, I could add pause/restart, fast forward and reverse functionality into Roll20AM.  That would be awesome.  

Shawn C. said:

Can you provide some additional information regarding the browser you are using and how you are switching between the pages? I attempted to reproduce the problem and saw that the playlist continued to show in the Now Playing box but all tracks ceased playing. The only time the playlist continued playing was when the "Play on Load" setting was set to "None". I have forwarded the Now Playing display issue to development.

Hey Shawn! You're totally right, and sorry for not responding to this earlier.

The same issue I was talking about has a further implication, though.

> set Playlist A to autoplay on Page A
> set Playlist B to autoplay on Page B

> switch to Page A
        + Playlist A starts playing
> switch to Page B
        + Playlist A remains queued but stops playing
        + Playlist B starts playing
> switch back to Page A
        + Playlist B remains queued but stops playing
        + Playlist A doesn't start

I'm using Google Chrome, Version 73.0.3683.103. I'm unable to test with other browsers, sorry in advance!

Nik said:

Hey Shawn! You're totally right, and sorry for not responding to this earlier.

The same issue I was talking about has a further implication, though.

> set Playlist A to autoplay on Page A
> set Playlist B to autoplay on Page B

> switch to Page A
        + Playlist A starts playing
> switch to Page B
        + Playlist A remains queued but stops playing
        + Playlist B starts playing
> switch back to Page A
        + Playlist B remains queued but stops playing
        + Playlist A doesn't start

I'm using Google Chrome, Version 73.0.3683.103. I'm unable to test with other browsers, sorry in advance!

Thank you for the update. I was able to reproduce this and will add this information to the report.

May 06 (5 years ago)
Patrick Von Raven
Marketplace Creator

After uploading the music file, it won't let me add to a particular playlist, it only allows me to add to game. The pull down options for the various playlists are offered, but when clicked nothing happens. Only add to game works


May 07 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion

Patrick Von Raven said:

After uploading the music file, it won't let me add to a particular playlist, it only allows me to add to game. The pull down options for the various playlists are offered, but when clicked nothing happens. Only add to game works


Could you double check something for me? Make sure the track isn’t in the playlist. I just tested, and there’s not much confirmation that anything happens — even though it does get added.

Hey, I keep having this issue where the Jukebox will randomly go into a state where only some songs will play (at random, by the looks), and others will just stop at 3 seconds in and just not load or work anymore. This happens randomly and resetting the browser works, and all of my players have to do it, but is there a reason it does that? I use Chrome. It's not the issue with the audio files I think, because they do play when I set them after the refresh. It's just annoying when half of the players just don't have audio for some reason. 

Thanks guys, awesome work.

Swood said:

Hey, I keep having this issue where the Jukebox will randomly go into a state where only some songs will play (at random, by the looks), and others will just stop at 3 seconds in and just not load or work anymore. This happens randomly and resetting the browser works, and all of my players have to do it, but is there a reason it does that? I use Chrome. It's not the issue with the audio files I think, because they do play when I set them after the refresh. It's just annoying when half of the players just don't have audio for some reason. 

Thanks guys, awesome work.

This has been the state ever since the jukebox update happened. Roll20 has yet to acknowledge similar reports from the previous thread.

May 07 (5 years ago)
Alan S.
Sheet Author

I'm also seeing situations where songs will randomly stop at 3 seconds in (for both me the GM and my players), and then no audio will play correctly for the rest of the session.

Having an issue where the next song on the playlist doesn't play, seems to hang and refuse to load, here's the process failure:

May 08 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion

Ooh, that's definitely a bug, Jordan P. - thanks for spotting it and extra thanks for the detailed failure report! I've flagged this up to the devs so they can come along with their little jar and scoop the bug safely inside. Alan S, is the bug you're experiencing similar to what Jordan described?

While you're waiting for the bug jar, we recommend you try stopping your playlist, counting to 5, and then starting it again. We're going to fix the underlying issue, but this workaround might help you keep your games on track (!) until we do.

May 08 (5 years ago)

I have this problem as well-need to log onto a friend's game in Roll20 since we no longer use Discord-I'm the GM and my players can hear each other but not me-and I cannot hear them. In my player's game we can still all hear each other, but logging on in two games simultaneously is getting ridiculous. When I select the newer WebRTC it does not allow me any options (input or output) and the older version is 'not supported'. Please advise or direct me to the correct forum-thanks!

David said:

We are having a problem where no one is able to see or hear eachother, We have switched webrtc to legacy and back a few times, everyone has reconnected, no luck. Any ideas?

May 08 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion

The GM said:

I have this problem as well-need to log onto a friend's game in Roll20 since we no longer use Discord-I'm the GM and my players can hear each other but not me-and I cannot hear them. In my player's game we can still all hear each other, but logging on in two games simultaneously is getting ridiculous. When I select the newer WebRTC it does not allow me any options (input or output) and the older version is 'not supported'. Please advise or direct me to the correct forum-thanks!

David said:

We are having a problem where no one is able to see or hear eachother, We have switched webrtc to legacy and back a few times, everyone has reconnected, no luck. Any ideas?

Sorry you're having trouble, The GM! Would you check your Broadcast and Receive Settings for me?

May 09 (5 years ago)

Edited May 09 (5 years ago)

Thanks for getting back to me here- I'm set (as are my players) to send voice only, receive voice only. I now have seen you have reset my game-I accepted use of mic and saw three options for input-default (name of device), communications (name of device) and (name of device). Tested all three with a player though and nothing-no sound from him to me nor me to him-though we both hear my music tracks.

May 09 (5 years ago)

Main issue in log is : Connection ERROR: ConnectionNotEstablished Could not establish connectivity with remote peer. Shutting down connection.

Whenever I switch to a different map that autoplays the same Simulplay Playlist, the music stops?

May 09 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

joshscorcher said:

Whenever I switch to a different map that autoplays the same Simulplay Playlist, the music stops?

Might be related to this issue, above?

May 11 (5 years ago)
Alan S.
Sheet Author

Mine usually happens after I've clicked play for a single track or the start of the playlist, not when the next track automatically loads.  Not sure if that makes a difference.  And it's definitely playing the first few seconds of audio before it stops.

Waiting a bit and playing again doesn't seem to solve, but I haven't tried very consistently.  Since it happens when I'm mid-session, I haven't really had the opportunity to stop the game and investigate.