Ulti said:
Yes, it's getting hard to find what you want when transmogrifying...
Antilles said:
+1...I just bought Rise of Tiamat and want to transfer the content to my active game. It is a nightmare with the current transmogrifier implementation.
CrusaderElly said:
When you have over 20 playlists and over 500 soundtracks, dragging them all over one by one and re-sorting them is a pain!
Yup, I keep a "My Monsters" game that also includes spell effect tokens and whatnot. Being able to bring those over easily to new games would really be nice.
Kyle, I take a similar approach and whenever I start a new game, I just copy my main "My Monsters" (equivalent) game and use that.
But regardless, we still need this suggestion!
+1. I just upgraded to Pro in large part for the transmogrifier, and it never occurred to me that it wouldn't support copying entire folders.
Bacon Awesome said:
+1. I just upgraded to Pro in large part for the transmogrifier, and it never occurred to me that it wouldn't support copying entire folders.
+1 Also. Just did the exact same thing.
I keep a personal "monster manual" game of monsters I've created myself (i.e. not from the compendium), and it's well organized. Sure would be nice to make use of that organization.
The area this tends to affect me the most is music. Often I create playlists with tons of songs or sound files in a game, and then want those same options in a new game that I'm about to start. Transmogrifier helps to move those around, but it is always out of order and really frustrating to have to reorganize every new game.
I am usually not mass copying in most other areas, so having to drag a few character sheets around isn't terrible. But I can imagine situations where I might want to copy lots of notes or something, and again having the option to move a folder rather than just one file at a time that I then have to reorganize would be incredibly helpful.
As someone who helps run an insanely large campaign (over 100 players, 6000+ journal entries, 4000+ maps) we already have to break apart a lot of things in our campaign so that it will actually function on R20 at all. Being able to easily copy over a folder of journals with the transmog system would be extremely useful, to the point where I would likely immediately upgrade to pro.
It should also, ideally, come with some way to select folders when trying to transmog. Having to look through thousands of journals (even alphabetized) is really annoying. Our short term fix is to have players put an * in front of their name when they are to be transferred to another campaign (which we use several linked together due to roll20 limitations on maps), but it would be nice to be able to not have to jerry-rig a system for it.
+1 I would love to have this option as well. I am currently facing the issue where I need to move a bunch of character sheets. One by one is a pain...
+1 here as well. I've been using a single game where I create all my custom content, and then copy it out to my active campaigns - would be nice to be able to do some of the work in bulk.
The transmogrifier could do with some enhancements. This suggestion and the one to allow searching and sorting really need to be implemented imo. If you have a vote and have not voted that one up, do it! Let's make sure we're reaching our full vote potential in both threads!
+1 This NEEDS to happen. I started creating a campaign world encyclopedia thinking I could use the transmogrifier to bring it into all my active campaigns when I'm done making the information on the encyclopedia. Didn't occur to me I'd have to recreate the folder structure and copy each individual item one at a time! How is this NOT a feature already? And how was this requested 3 years ago with no answer at all?