Angelo said: cool, i haven't used PowerCard so i am not sure how you can integrate my API menus with that to display the wild shape resource usage left AFTER you shapeshift, but I will do that, no prob :) Fyi all other GM messages (and player errors, like if they try to shapeshift through the API but they don't have resources left) will still be active, but in case you want to disable those for some reason you can go in the WildHelpers.js and comment out the code of all the chat functions, i really do not recommend doing that tho Well, I probably can't do much about the Menus itself, so I'll probably have to live with them, though I could use the --api tag to directly access your api from within powercards (so if you had something like "!wc --shift wolf" I could just call something like "!power --api_wc|_shape wolf") but that's not really what I'm trying to do. I'm mostly worried about the public messages. Only the player himself would see these menus most of the time (except for me when setting the shapes up), so I'm not that worried about the menus. Getting the wildshape resource is easy, though, and even if it hasn't decreased at the time powercards gets it from the char sheet, I just have to check if its >0 and then substract one when displaying it.