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Updated Dynamic Lighting - Feedback Thread

keithcurtis said: Valys, I can understand your frustration regarding Rime of the Frostmaiden. It should certainly have been released with LDL as the default. If conversion is to big a headache, I would suggest filing a  Help Center Request  to either request that the issue be addressed, or if you prefer, to request a refund. I have, thank you.  I started running two games or RothFM before I was aware it was set up for UDL.  So I can hardly back out now without hurting a lot of players.  I am also posting here because: Roll20 has yet to acknowledge these bugs at the top of the thread Even if these are fixed, forcing me to use a Beta project that is being updated and causing new bugs between my games is a nightmare There does not appear to be a way for me to even sign up for updates so that I know when to retest lighting features prior to a game. Wait....since my post earlier today UDL was updated again.   So I need to go back in tomorrow and test everything before my game.  Again. In five years of Pro membership, frequently running and playing in multiple games, neither I nor my players have complained about anything.  Now, I'm stuck talking them down from revolting and leaving for another platform.  There aren't any excuses for releasing a paid module this way without offering significant refunds.  (Which it is not my understanding they are considering.)  Even a 100% refund on this purchase won't even begin to recoup the financial cost for me to convert to another platform.  I chose Roll20 from the start to invest my time, money, and player relationships in because it had the most impressive Dynamic Lighting effects.  At this point it is a liability. ~ V
Mark said: I think I found a bug; it doesn't seem like Explorer mode is working.  I have a token (that I have set to myself) with vision enabled.  When I CTRL-L to see through its eyes, I can see the lighting I've set up, but when I move away, it doesn't "remember" where I've been.  It doesn't show past explored areas. Yes, I do have Explorer mode activated.  Any suggestions? There have been Ctl+L issues reported.  (I believe since the 9/22 update or farther back.) Troubleshoot lighting with a friend or a dummy account. Otherwise, the only thing I can suggest is to avoid using UDL until it is out of testing
Mark said: I made a new game and figured I'd try out the new lighting system to see how it is. I think I found a bug; it doesn't seem like Explorer mode is working.&nbsp; I have a token (that I have set to myself) with vision enabled.&nbsp; When I CTRL-L to see through its eyes, I can see the lighting I've set up, but when I move away, it doesn't "remember" where I've been.&nbsp; It doesn't show past explored areas. Yes, I do have Explorer mode activated.&nbsp; Any suggestions? It's likely the same bug I encountered at the bottom of here where nightvision on tokens doesn't reveal areas like "normal" light does:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> As far as I know they haven't acknowledged this bug despite me reporting it two weeks ago, nor it's sister bug where the area is only revealed for the client that moves the token and no one else (even if it's the same player viewing in both cases):
Sheet Author
Mark said: I made a new game and figured I'd try out the new lighting system to see how it is. I think I found a bug; it doesn't seem like Explorer mode is working.&nbsp; I have a token (that I have set to myself) with vision enabled.&nbsp; When I CTRL-L to see through its eyes, I can see the lighting I've set up, but when I move away, it doesn't "remember" where I've been.&nbsp; It doesn't show past explored areas. Yes, I do have Explorer mode activated.&nbsp; Any suggestions? Unless something has changed since my last test, control + L won't show you that at the moment.&nbsp; You need to use a dummy account, or at least set yourself as a direct controller of a character and rejoin as player to see explorer mode in action.&nbsp; Explorer mode seemed to work just fine when I was fiddling with it, but control + L won't allow you to see it as the GM.

Edited 1602081085
It used to work properly before September's last update, I used Ctrl + L to see what areas were revealed for different player tokens multiple times. I reported it recently as a new issue.

Edited 1602082993
Good afternoon, my name is Dario and I've been a user of Roll20 (free versione) for over a year;&nbsp; yesterday I upgrade my subscription to Plus (I'm the GM anche I want to upgrade the game for my players) and I tried the Updated Dynamic Lighting, the Advanced Fog of War ecc. The result is that none of my players (or me as a player in my own game) can't see anything, only a wall of black (neither the tokens are visible). I looked for a solution everywhere, I saw videos on Youtube about the argument, checked every possible problem (every player has sight, all of them can see lights, I tried Night vision On ecc) and today I don't know what to do. I created different games to test it and the problem persists in all of them, I wrote a mail to Roll20 and I hope to have an answer, but at the moment I ask all of you what I can do.
@Dario Short answer, avoid the so called updated light system and use the "legacy" version.
Ravenknight said: @Dario Short answer, avoid the so called updated light system and use the "legacy" version. I'll try, is it possible to have the same problem also in the "legacy" version? (I'll try in a new game without the "conversion" to have more security)
Dario said: Good afternoon, my name is Dario and I've been a user of Roll20 (free versione) for over a year;&nbsp; yesterday I upgrade my subscription to Plus (I'm the GM anche I want to upgrade the game for my players) and I tried the Updated Dynamic Lighting, the Advanced Fog of War ecc. The result is that none of my players (or me as a player in my own game) can't see anything, only a wall of black (neither the tokens are visible). I looked for a solution everywhere, I saw videos on Youtube about the argument, checked every possible problem (every player has sight, all of them can see lights, I tried Night vision On ecc) and today I don't know what to do. I created different games to test it and the problem persists in all of them, I wrote a mail to Roll20 and I hope to have an answer, but at the moment I ask all of you what I can do. If you haven't disabled "Fog of War" in your map's settings then the Dynamic Lighting/Advanced Fog of War won't reveal the normal Fog of War. Try making a new "test" map with no Fog of War, Advanced Fog of War, or Dynamic Lighting enabled to see if your players can see anything. If they can, then toggle the Dynamic Lighting/Advanced Fog of War on and see if that works for you.
Has anyone tested the new dim toggle for night vision?
Created a new map and token using UDL. Still unusable in it's current state. Objects on the map layer are "moved" as the token moves away from the object. It occurs as the object leaves the token's visible sight. This is with only Explorer Mode enabled, and the token has 10 ft of normal and 10 ft dim light. GM view of map: Black lines are setup on both the Object and Dynamic Sight layers. The "map" and the chests are on the Map layer. Player's view of map as the player moves the token around: Small chest disappears and the large chests are "moved" 1 square to the left. Also map appears to have 2 defining edges on the left. Chests appear in their actual locations as player token is moved to right, yet map image is imposed over itself. Small chest disappears but now there's double the number of large chests! The token movement was done while logged in on the Player's account.
Tried new lighting system and it was very bad experience. Can't use doors - basically it means that I can't use it at all. Tried to switch some of my maps to old lighting system and now they are laggy as hell. What have you done recently (in 1-2 months) so maps, where everyone of my players and me could play without issues are now basically lag fest of 1 frame per second? I had to completely stop using all types of dynamic lighting. Major feature is not working, nice.
Dario said: Good afternoon, my name is Dario and I've been a user of Roll20 (free versione) for over a year;&nbsp; yesterday I upgrade my subscription to Plus (I'm the GM anche I want to upgrade the game for my players) and I tried the Updated Dynamic Lighting, the Advanced Fog of War ecc. The result is that none of my players (or me as a player in my own game) can't see anything, only a wall of black (neither the tokens are visible). I looked for a solution everywhere, I saw videos on Youtube about the argument, checked every possible problem (every player has sight, all of them can see lights, I tried Night vision On ecc) and today I don't know what to do. I created different games to test it and the problem persists in all of them, I wrote a mail to Roll20 and I hope to have an answer, but at the moment I ask all of you what I can do. @Dario, If you are new to Dynamic Lighting, it is possible that you have not added any light sources, or alternatively turn on global illumination. And as others have mentioned just use LDL, not UDL.
It seems you guys broke your initiative tracking yellow box again with whatever update may have been pushed out recently. Didn't have this issue this past Sunday, but our game last night had no yellow boxes over tokens to tell me what the turn order was. Thankfully I use an API to auto number things, so it worked out... but that's kind of not the point, is it?
Sheet Author
Andrew said: It seems you guys broke your initiative tracking yellow box again with whatever update may have been pushed out recently. Didn't have this issue this past Sunday, but our game last night had no yellow boxes over tokens to tell me what the turn order was. Thankfully I use an API to auto number things, so it worked out... but that's kind of not the point, is it? If you look at the Announcement post of code changes pushed this week, they said they rolled back the fix they had originally put out for that outline.&nbsp; They didn't state what was wrong with that latest fix, but they said they needed to redo the fix so it must have been breaking something else.
Gianluca Astore said: Has anyone tested the new dim toggle for night vision? I have, and it seemed pretty good. I can't quite tell if it's working with quite the same additive nature as the LDL version, in which a character with night vision will see separate sources of dim light as bright light (per 5E darkvision rules). BUT... it's dim light. At last. No tinting required. So generally speaking? I'm relieved.

Edited 1602205370
The UDL was surprisingly smooth and lag-free compared to LDL during my tests a couple months ago, but now it's in a completely unplayable state with any more than 5 light sources across the entire map (even in areas being viewed by literally no tokens).&nbsp; Legacy is also significantly laggier than its been in months.&nbsp; I'm not sure what recent code you pushed in the last week or two, but it's significantly damaged performance of all dynamic lighting.&nbsp; The only maps that I can scroll or move tokens around (as a player or DM) are those with no dynamic lighting of any kind enabled.&nbsp; Otherwise there's 2+ seconds of lag before any token or scroll movement actually occurs, or even when simply selecting a token to modify its hp etc.&nbsp; I've been using Roll20 actively for 4 years now and this is the most unplayable state it's ever been in. Using Chrome on Windows 10 with hardware acceleration (admittedly on an old, weak PC, but that's always what I've used Roll20 on)
Ctrl+L currently seems to show all tokens with sight, not just the one that is selected.
Kraynic said: Andrew said: It seems you guys broke your initiative tracking yellow box again with whatever update may have been pushed out recently. Didn't have this issue this past Sunday, but our game last night had no yellow boxes over tokens to tell me what the turn order was. Thankfully I use an API to auto number things, so it worked out... but that's kind of not the point, is it? If you look at the Announcement post of code changes pushed this week, they said they rolled back the fix they had originally put out for that outline.&nbsp; They didn't state what was wrong with that latest fix, but they said they needed to redo the fix so it must have been breaking something else. So they did. I suppose it helps if I took time to read.&nbsp; Again, the issue is a mostly nonissue with the help of API, so not a big priority on my part... but it would be nice if it functioned correctly again. Along with all the other complaints, of course.
Craig said: Created a new map and token using UDL. Still unusable in it's current state. Objects on the map layer are "moved" as the token moves away from the object. It occurs as the object leaves the token's visible sight. This is with only Explorer Mode enabled, and the token has 10 ft of normal and 10 ft dim light. Getting exactly the same issue as this! Don't get any of this nonsense with LDL. Will likely be using LDL with my group until all this works and is stable. I don't just want a dimming nightvision either, I want functional darkvision options, it shouldn't be hard to make a product better than the previous. Such a shame
I'm DM for a game that was using Updated Dynamic Lighting, until one of my players told me that on his computer, the map was overlaid with another distant section of the map that DEFINITELY shouldn't have been visible. It seems to only be affecting one of the 5 players. He's using Windows 10 and Chrome browser. Anyone else experience this? Is there a known cause and/or fix for it? Other than this, UDL had been performing very well for us as far as I can tell. Unfortunately, we're forced to return to LDL until I get this resolved. We noticed a serious increase in lag this week using LDL. Looking at other recent comments, it looks like we're not alone.
Gerry M. said: We noticed a serious increase in lag this week using LDL. Looking at other recent comments, it looks like we're not alone. Absolutely confirm, for me and my group increase in lag for LDL so huge, that basically I had to disable any dynamic lightning on all my maps. This is just insane, I don't know what is causing this lag increase, but it's huge.
I haven't read through this whole thread but I wanted to say that I'm very alarmed by the phrase "sunsetting" LDL. UDL is not fit for purpose. Results vary massively between users, some see nothing, some see things they should not be able to see, some get weird glitches, visibility doesn't update when doors are moved. I can not adequately describe how bad it is without swearing. If you turn off LDL I will not be able to use your site. It will be as though you have deleted my hundreds of dollars of purchased content.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
LDL will not go away until UDL is "fit for purpose". At least this is the intent communicated by many official statements.
Hey Everybody, Back again (a little late this time) for our usual update in regards to a few things. In case it was missed, the patch notes for this week are available here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> .&nbsp; The initial fix for the initiative tracker was reverted, but we’re looking at an alternative solution to put out soon that shouldn’t introduce any other issues like the previous fix. Earlier this week the Dimming Effect for night vision went out, and we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback on it. That option is intended to address the need for a dimmed section of night vision as was available in legacy and is accessible from the same area that the sharpen effect is. We’ll be updating our help center to reflect that. As we mentioned before, there are some changes coming to the Page Settings interface that will be coming in the near future. One of the bigger changes for that will be the Legacy lighting options will be moving to their own tab so that the settings are a little easier to navigate. Below is a preview of the upcoming look. Lastly we know that Explorer Mode bugs and performance are still a large concern for Updated Dynamic Lighting so we’re currently putting significant attention to improve both of those areas in the following weeks.&nbsp; ~ Elizabeth
Well, I run two games currently - one runs DUL and the other LDL. With LDL all is gold as expected but with UDL my biggest concerns are: 1. Map revealed completely - it happened many time (both as a player and as a DM hearing from players) that the whole map just shows up - all lights up, no walls and no fog of war. I don't think I can stress enough (or even need to) how much game breaking this is. 2. explorer mode just freezes my computer. everything just wont work. my players are pretty mad about that and so am I. it's a part of a feature we pay for and just doesn't work. 3. I can't for the life of me, understand how to implement UDL settings to a token. tried many times creating a default token. always works in LDL but never in UDL and I need to set it every time I drag a token onto a map.
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Thanks ElKatWilbrooke, If I could make a suggestion: The tag that says "Updated" is confusing in its placement. It looks centered over both lighting tabs, making it look like it applies to both. It should be clear that there are two different lighting systems and which is which.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Also, the Legacy tab should appear before the UDL tab. Otherwise, people might accidentally choose UDL since it shows up first.

Edited 1602445808
Brian C. said: Also, the Legacy tab should appear before the UDL tab. Otherwise, people might accidentally choose UDL since it shows up first. That was probably intentional lol

Edited 1602446807
I do have a problem on one table using dynamic lighting. I'm currently preparing this table for a con, and can't test or use it, so that hurts a lot ... :( On any map, I do see strange colourful polygons if I place a token on it - and these are mostly making the part of the map unusable: The colour changes on every movement of token or map. Situation is also there if I switch to "re-join as player". The lower area is basically a triangle with the lower and left edge of the map, and the third edge is a 45° diagonal, but the "height" changes constantly on token or map move. (Doesn't necessarily touch the token as it does in the screenshot). The upper area is always a polygon that starts at the token. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with limited angles for light or vision, I tried to test that, found no connection. I tried to change light and darkvision for the token - didn't change anything. Tried to switch on / off Exploration mode on the maps - also no change. Thanks for any help here!

Edited 1602458727
Anton V. said: Gerry M. said: We noticed a serious increase in lag this week using LDL. Looking at other recent comments, it looks like we're not alone. Absolutely confirm, for me and my group increase in lag for LDL so huge, that basically I had to disable any dynamic lightning on all my maps. This is just insane, I don't know what is causing this lag increase, but it's huge. I now have this same issue. LDL lag is now ridiculous that I cannot even use it because the lag is so bad. Clicking on a token while LDL is active causes a delay, and even trying to move the map around so I can view a different area is so difficult I just gave up and turned off LDL. This is really going to screw up my next D&amp;D session. Please revert what ever changes you pushed out on October 6th because before that update LDL worked just fine with no lag. Edited this to add that I am using Chrome and Windows 10.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
ElKatWilbrooke said: Earlier this week the Dimming Effect for night vision went out, and we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback on it. That option is intended to address the need for a dimmed section of night vision as was available in legacy and is accessible from the same area that the sharpen effect is. We’ll be updating our help center to reflect that. A cursory test revealed the following bugs: The dimness ring on a dim light source is not removed by an overlapping field of Night Vision, so the player sees a ring of dim light overlap their Night Vision. For that matter, dim light rings overlap other dim light sources as well. Bright Light values on light sources go into the calculation of total light distance even when a light source only emits dim light. As an example, if a light source at one time was emitting bright light of 10 feet and dim light 10 feet, the total distance is 20 feet. If the bright light is turned off without setting the value to zero, the total light distance becomes 10 feet. However, if the dim light distance is then changed to 5 feet, the total distance will display as 15 feet, as changing the dim light distance will cause the calculation of total light distance, and this seems to always read the bright light field, even when bright light is off. Some combination of using Ctrl+L on a token (Night Vision might be important) and then deselecting the token causes UDL to temporarily break. None of the light sources on the page worked, at least not from the GM "see everything" perspective or with Ctrl+L on a token with vision. Light emitting tokens showed only a couple pixels of light and had to be "bumped" to show light again. After doing this with a few tokens, I swapped to another tab and came back, and suddenly every token was emitting light again. Swapping to another tab and back seems to fix this issue. Dim Night Vision does not cause an overlapping field of dim light to become bright. In LDL, an overlapping field of two or more dim lights becomes brighter than a single dim light source. It was not advertised in this release, but it is available in LDL, and its lack in UDL is a bug.

Edited 1602507145
Played a game yesterday with LDL after undoing what the UDL conversion tool changed.&nbsp; I, as DM, had minor lag the entire game while all my players had major lag.&nbsp; To the point where I was having to move them on the map and drag things for them.&nbsp; I'm not sure if this had to do with lighting or not, but I have seen many others posting here about it so I wanted to increase the sample size if this is an issue. Edit: We were all using Chrome and Windows 10.
keithcurtis said: Thanks ElKatWilbrooke, If I could make a suggestion: The tag that says "Updated" is confusing in its placement. It looks centered over both lighting tabs, making it look like it applies to both. It should be clear that there are two different lighting systems and which is which. Can we make it say "Beta" or something above UDL? As someone who is not particularly active on the forums, all the official messaging makes it look like UDL ready to go and that LDL is about to go the way of the dodo. I started a new game recently and converted everything to UDL, excited to see the new hotness. Only after playing around with it did I see that it really didn't work at all (I saw lots of weird artifacts as I see reported in this thread).
Legacy has definitely been laggy since the Oct. 6 update. Please revert. In the name of fixing your broken UDL, you are now also messing up your existing LDL.&nbsp;
Alan said: Ctrl+L currently seems to show all tokens with sight, not just the one that is selected. To follow up on this, here are some screenshots.&nbsp; This is a simple map with two tokens, a box between them, and a torch (20ft bright / 20ft dim)... If I select the right-hand token and do Ctrl+L, then I can still see what the left-hand token sees... And now it gets really weird... If I select the left-hand token and do Ctrl+L, then I can still "sort of" see what the right-hand token sees, except that the torch now seems to be emitting darkness! Also, if you have a token selected and do Ctrl+L, then select another token and do Ctrl+L, then nothing happens.&nbsp; You have to unselect the first token (e.g. by clicking in a blank space) before selecting the second token to make it work.
UDL is incredibly lagged (Windows 10 + Chrome browser) since last patch. Just select a token with UDL basic configuration, and all is frozen for about 3 seconds, or try to scroll through a long map (deathHouse basement in Strahd official adventure) page with UDL and get the same result. My last game was on sunday (oct-11) and nothing of this happen there. It just started about this monday/tuesday.

Edited 1602760459
I've been following UDL improvements over the months but I must admit is still very much unuseful and can damage play. Look at what happened yesterday evening just by zooming out via player side... all the map in Map layer is streched, resized and REVEALED... What a pity. I tried in other pages with different maps too... same thing.
Hello there! A hotfix went out today that should address the following: Updated Dynamic Lighting (UDL) A fix for an issue where the map would be briefly revealed upon a token being moved while animated tokens are on the Virtual Tabletop with Explorer Mode on. As always, thanks for all of your reports and feedback.
Surprisingly, I've switched over to Updated Dynamic Lighting in the last couple of weeks, and it's actually been going pretty well.&nbsp; By point of fact, I switched over because Legacy Dynamic Lighting (especially with Advanced Fog of War enabled)) was lagging horribly no matter what steps I took to improve performance and optimization.&nbsp; The biggest issues I believe I've had has been the inability for the DM to have any real idea of what the players are seeing (curse you, CTRL+L!!) and an odd glitch where it can be hard to see the yellow box surrounding creatures when the cursor is hovering over them in the Initiative Tracker, and an odder one where the box will appear when the initiative tracker is not even enabled (not for everyone, but at least one player has seen it).&nbsp; Still looking forward to continued improvement (of course!) but I'm kinda optimistic.&nbsp; Definitely sorry for everyone else that's been having much more horrible issues with it (if it makes folks feel better, my SteelSeries Arctis Pro Gamedac Mic decided to freak out on me recently during a game?)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Would it be possible to expose the latest token lighting settings to the API? I miss the light multiplier and night vision diming settings...
Testing many things like with scripts (5e ogl, combat script) and no scripts at all. I found that Explorer mode increase lag heavily. Testing results: Without UDL (nor legacy) - No lag between clicking and token getting selected Without Explorer mode - 2 seconds between clicking and token getting selected With Explorer mode - 5 seconds between clicking and token getting selected
Hector G. said: Testing many things like with scripts (5e ogl, combat script) and no scripts at all. I found that Explorer mode increase lag heavily. Testing results: Without UDL (nor legacy) - No lag between clicking and token getting selected Without Explorer mode - 2 seconds between clicking and token getting selected With Explorer mode - 5 seconds between clicking and token getting selected When stating performance figures, it's best to include information about the platform on which the times were calculated. Computer type + browser (+ optionally browser extension).
Farling said: Hector G. said: Testing many things like with scripts (5e ogl, combat script) and no scripts at all. I found that Explorer mode increase lag heavily. Testing results: Without UDL (nor legacy) - No lag between clicking and token getting selected Without Explorer mode - 2 seconds between clicking and token getting selected With Explorer mode - 5 seconds between clicking and token getting selected When stating performance figures, it's best to include information about the platform on which the times were calculated. Computer type + browser (+ optionally browser extension). Yeah, I already sent it by the Report Form indicated at the beggining: Form But anyway here they are: Windows 10 + Chrome (Hardware acceleration On)&nbsp; WebGL report: Platform: Win32 Browser User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36 Context Name: webgl GL Version: WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0 Chromium) Shading Language Version: WebGL GLSL ES 1.0 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0 Chromium) Vendor: WebKit Renderer: WebKit WebGL Unmasked Vendor: Google Inc. Unmasked Renderer: Google SwiftShader Antialiasing: Available ANGLE: Yes, D3D9 Major Performance Caveat: Yes
I used Roll20 on Wednesday with no issues. After the update, I have load times of multiple minutes to access the main page, the forums, &amp; basically everything except my games. My games infinitely load &amp; never start. It is happening on three different devices with three different operating systems. The only way any games load is when I switch my phone to data. There are no issues with any other browser-based applications or internet access for any of my other apps (Steam, etc). I have changed nothing in regards to security on my computers for several months. I've spent over an hour waiting for pages to load just to find a solution, so I would guess others are experiencing the same issue but don't have the time or patience to wait it out. There seem to be JQMIGRATE issues, but I don't know what that means.&nbsp; Chrome &amp; Firefox, both current Windows 7, 10, Android, all current Avast Antivirus, current but unchanged Extensions disabled "Issues" for Game failing to load:&nbsp; Content Security Policy blocks inline execution of scripts and stylesheets The Content Security Policy (CSP) prevents cross-site scripting attacks by blocking inline execution of scripts and style sheets. To solve this, move all inline scripts (e.g. onclick=[JS code]) and styles into external files. ⚠️ Allowing inline execution comes at the risk of script injection via injection of HTML script elements. If you absolutely must, you can allow inline script and styles by: adding unsafe-inline as a source to the CSP header adding the hash or nonce of the inline script to your CSP header. 2 directives Directive Element Source code Status script-src-elem /editor/:5 blocked script-src-elem /editor/:20 blocked Learn more: Learn more: Content Security Policy - Inline Code Console for Game failing to load:&nbsp; Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'sha256-dm6tOb8rwEmENe5+ec26sQvlH6Xd1CBZ7IvtZ4kJ1og=' 'sha256-jlxVUPsj/qdPM120UwbjpC4Tw7dq+obb7SYUV+lSfrI=' 'nonce-TEla2S91wl2t89x3' <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> *". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-kH8OfsIWm/j2az5XQDZmvxH0faTd3NBwLZS7nTM5Oy4='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. /editor/:20 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'sha256-dm6tOb8rwEmENe5+ec26sQvlH6Xd1CBZ7IvtZ4kJ1og=' 'sha256-jlxVUPsj/qdPM120UwbjpC4Tw7dq+obb7SYUV+lSfrI=' 'nonce-TEla2S91wl2t89x3' <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> *". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-pTNkp50U6tVf8FuQzTMh762+Nza6SP/j648+XWvdL+s='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. jquery.migrate.js:20 JQMIGRATE: Logging is active ?timestamp=160287471…forcetouch=false:15 CAMPAIGN ID: 7903680 VM62:334 Logged in - checking Account GDPR status: true /editor/setcampaign/7903680:1 GET <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200  ​

Edited 1602881979
I know at least one other person with the same issue as listed above, though they have a day job &amp; don't have the time to wait for pages to load to post their issue.&nbsp; Seems to be solved, for the moment. Not sure what changed, but pages &amp; games are now loading as per prior norms.&nbsp;
UPDATE: Since posting here on October 11th about the sudden lag issues with Legacy Dynamic Lighting I have sent a help request ticket in, and tech support has been in touch with me at least three times in an effort to solve the issue. They even made a copy of one of my campaign's that contained the map that suffers the worse lag effects because of the Roll20 update from October 6th. Still nothing resolved at this time. My friends and I went ahead and tried to play our scheduled D&amp;D session last night, and all four of them (and including me) had incredible lag when attempting to play on maps with the Legacy Dynamic Lighting. One combat I ran with 12 skeletons attacking the party took an excruciating amount of time as moving each monster token took forever. My players were extremely frustrated due to this new issue as all experience the same lag problems (and all four of them use Chrome on Windows 10 machines). There was a serious conversation about seeking out a new VTT, but we decided to see if Roll20 can resolve this before the next session or not. I would suggest that anyone else experience this heavy lag with LDL since the October 6th update to file your own help ticket with support as they may be able to zero in on the issue faster if the have more information from the users that are being affected by the code change.
I'm not even sure if I should laugh or cry. I am sick and tired of beating my head against the desk. I haven't had a smooth gaming session since UDL was rolled out in late July. Now LDL is broken as well. The devs here are making an excellent case for other VTT platforms.