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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20

Reported the bug but I've tried every which way to get ANY character sheet to progress beyond "apply changes" without getting this: Ive cleared the cache, no one has "pop out window for character sheet" enabled and I've gone through virtually every combination of builds to no avail. This is a GGTR DnD campaign and the only common thread with my players and I in terms of experiencing this problem is the "Dimir operative" background. Any help would be supremely helpful as my first session with these players is this evening. Thanks braintrust.
Forum Champion
Miguel said: Dear Shawn , I was able to reproduce your problem on my side. Will try to squeeze a hotfix for this issue by today, at maximum by tomorrow. Dear Frank P. , you should get the amount of spell points auto-calculated for you on the sheet first page under resources. Hey Miguel, as a follow up, I'm currently experiencing the same issues Shawn mentioned. Was the hotfix pushed out?
Hello, I'm new using Roll20. Creating a life domain cleric the spells granted (bless and cure wounds) are counting in the number of  prepared spells. Is this a bug or an error? " Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day." Some body could help me?
The 5E sheet seems to have broken on all of my games. All character in all games suddenly have Honor and Sanity saving throws available. Furthermore, new character sheets just start blank and cannot start the level 1 charactermancer.
Hey folks, Just wanted to give a quick update: we rolled out some changes to the 5th Edition sheet today that seem to have had some unintended side effects that somehow slipped our QA processes. We've rolled it back and everything should be back to normal now. We'll update again as we get clarity on what caused the issue.

Edited 1625063481
The Customize Origin slider in the charactermancer still just removes the ability score bonuses instead of giving you the option to choose them. I came here a week ago and saw someone had brought it up and a hotfix was being worked on. As it is still broken, I figured I would post to bump the issue.
Hi Dan, This was one of the issues that we rolled back yesterday. We have re-merged this back into the sheet, and everything seems to be working well. Please let us know if you encounter any issues going forwards. Happy gaming!
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ISSUE: Malformed sheet action for reactions A while back, the sheet actions created by the roll buttons on the sheet got horked. They were asking for: %{character_id|repeating_npcreaction_id_-npc_roll_output} when thy should have been asking for:  %{character_id|repeating_npcreaction_id_npc_roll_output} Note the extra hyphen in the malformed code on top. This was reported and supposedly fixed, but the sheet now produces: %{character_id|repeating_npcreaction_id_oll_output} Note the loss of the first half of "npc_roll_output". This has undoubtedly messed up any older characters with dragged action buttons, and certainly messes up the Token Action Maker script. Any chance this is an easy fix?
Hi Keith, Sorry, I remember you pointing this out a while ago and evidently it never got resolved. It's a ticket in our backlog, and we'll push it up the list.  Thanks!
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Thank you!
Marketplace Creator
Hey there! This is a pretty minor issue, but there doesn't seem to be any way to toggle on/off tracking coin weight - our DM switched to variant encumbrance rules but said we're free to ignore coin weight, so I'd love to be able to reclaim some of these precious pounds!
Brian C.
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Compendium Curator
Ashley said: Hey there! This is a pretty minor issue, but there doesn't seem to be any way to toggle on/off tracking coin weight - our DM switched to variant encumbrance rules but said we're free to ignore coin weight, so I'd love to be able to reclaim some of these precious pounds! Ignore the money section of the character sheet. Enter your money as inventory entries, and don't give them a weight.
Are there any plans to make the Roll20 sheets printable? I know the functionality now exists.

Edited 1626389857
Bill (Do Not Kill)
API Scripter
I guess this is about configuration management and version numbering.  There was apparently a recent update to the 5e character sheet that deleted (or at least deprecated) the "npc_<skill>_bonus" attributes and added a number of "<skill/save>_roll" attributes.  This change apparently took place during the last few days and only affects newly-created characters/NPCs.  I have an API script which used to be able to automatically generate token actions for Stealth, Perception, and anything the character/NPC is actually proficient/expert with (leaving the non-proficient skills under a single generic button).  I would like to update this script, but I am left with the challenge of how to determine which character sheet version is in use for a given character since both sheets have a "version" attribute of 4.21 in spite of the substantial difference in their internals. EDIT: Figured out more specifically what changed in the character sheet.  The "npc_<skill>_flag" attributes used to be numeric zeroes for those skills which a given monster may lack, and this was true even for completely unskilled monsters (i.e., those which have no proficiencies).  Now, for completely unskilled monsters, all of those attributes are a "0" string value, which is evaluates as a boolean TRUE rather than the FALSE which a numeric zero provided. 
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Bill (Do Not Kill) said: Figured out more specifically what changed in the character sheet.  The "npc_<skill>_flag" attributes used to be numeric zeroes for those skills which a given monster may lack, and this was true even for completely unskilled monsters (i.e., those which have no proficiencies).  Now, for completely unskilled monsters, all of those attributes are a "0" string value, which is evaluates as a boolean TRUE rather than the FALSE which a numeric zero provided.  Compendium data drops and sheetworkers are both capable of entering non-string data types into Attributes, so it's good practice in any script to ensure you've got the data type you need. Either use == instead of === for 0/1 flags, or parseInt() the hell out of everything. You can only rely on integer data types when you're dealing with data internally in a function - if a user modifies any field through the UI it will always be a string.
Thanks for the advice.  This is the sort of thing that really irks C programmers like me.

Edited 1626729076
For multiclassed characters with Track Hit Dice per Class ON, how do we check and manipulate the separate hit dice? For example, my Cleric-1/Wizard-8 has 1 d8 Hit Die and 8 d6 Hit Dice. In order to check the status of Hit Dice and use APIs to manipulate them (eg chatsetattr to set --hit_dice|-1), how would you check the number or increment/decrement the d8 Hit Die separately from the d6 Hit Dice?   

Edited 1626832824
Anyone else have their Equipment Weight stuck regardless of what you add or remove? Is there anyway to fix this? I have cleared browser cache and restarted the client many times.
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Do you have the Variant Encumbrance rule toggled on your sheet?
When a message goes to the chat, it is prefaced with the name of the player. This results in some strange things going to chat such as: Chris Storflick calms himself. "Chris" is the player name, "Storflick" is his character. Would it be possible to have a ":" between the name of the player and the text? Something like: Chris: Storflick calms himself. Would read a whole lot better.

Edited 1626902511
keithcurtis said: Do you have the Variant Encumbrance rule toggled on your sheet? So it turned out to be a misunderstanding on my part for how weight is calculated and when the IGNORE NON-EQUIPMENT ITEMS WEIGHT is checked and the fact I removed a bunch of 0 weight items which is why it didn't affect the weight shown. Thanks for the suggestions though because it led me to the solution.
A fellow player has chosen bugbear as his race, and intended to drag and drop the Bugbear racial stats from Compendium onto his character sheet, but accidentally dragged and dropped the Bugbear monster stat block from the SRD.  As you well know, it turned his PC character sheet into an NPC.  We've figured out how to remove the NPC option in Settings, but is there a way to completely remove the Bugbear NPC stat block completely?  It has changed his ability scores, AC, HP, and Initiative...
I've noticed that, in the Charactermancer, if you have a subclass that gives additional options for spells to learn (Hexblade Warlock is one example of many) the non-standard spell options don't appear in the Charactermancer as options.  This isn't a serious problem-- it's easy to add spells known manually, if you know what to look for-- but for newer players, it would be better if this was fixed.
Josh M. said: I've noticed that, in the Charactermancer, if you have a subclass that gives additional options for spells to learn (Hexblade Warlock is one example of many) the non-standard spell options don't appear in the Charactermancer as options.  This isn't a serious problem-- it's easy to add spells known manually, if you know what to look for-- but for newer players, it would be better if this was fixed. Are the subclass spells for Hexblade not showing even though you have access to or have purchased Xanathar's Guide to Everything in your Compendium?  For me, like in my original post, the bugbear monster stat block only showed from SRD, not the bugbear race since we didn't buy Volo's Guide to Monsters.  Same with my Circle of the Moon Druid subclass, I didn't have access to that in compendium until I bought PHB, as Circle of the Moon isn't in SRD.  Still trying to figure out how to remove bugbear NPC from PC sheet.  Might try using Charactermancer level-up option, fingers crossed it won't wipe entire character...
Nope, this is all stuff that I own.
Hi - I am having a problem with the Wisdom stat (see the pic below). The field is blank, but when you hover over it a blue number appears (141124*). How can I fix this? Thanks ~Max
Hey ho, is there also the possibility that later updates can add or change some custom skills?
What is the name of this sheet? I'm trying to use the Template command in a marco.   Example &{template:????}  So to use this sheet what should the ???? be?  Total newbie to all of this  Thanks
Forum Champion
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Hi David! The sheet is "D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet". &{template:default} will work on any sheet. The 5e sheet has a number of roll templates for different purposes. They are detailed here  on the Help Center.
Hello, I built a level 1 character using Charactermancer and when I completed it, it defaulted to an NPC and lost all the custom info I had added - and I don't have the option of changing it. Now I'm trying to build a character in my own game to import and I don't even have the option of Charactermancer or a character sheet. I started in Brave and switched to Chrome but am having the same difficulties. Is this an issue with a known fix?
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You cannot toggle the setting from NPC to PC on the settings tab?
Ran into this issue with the Roll20 5e character sheet this last weekend (8/7/21).&nbsp; When activating a spell attack off the "Attacks &amp; Spellcasting" box, the chat window shows the proper information for the attack ("To Hit" rolls, range, spell name, bonuses, and damage because I have "Auto Roll Damage" selected).&nbsp; Clicking on the "Show Spell Description" link, however, produces the line of text at the bottom (The Roll Template formatting has been lost). Algernon Fisth: 10 <span class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right" title=" Rolling 1d20cs>20 + 4[CHA] + 3[PROF] = ( 9 )+4+3">16 Self Primal Savagery (+7) Show Spell Description <span class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right" title=" Rolling 2d10 = ( 2 + 6 )">8 acid -MgIqgVbUMZht9_zHc6E|repeating_spell-cantrip_-mgiuii0ozxo6pbznij1_output I recognize the gobbledigook as Roll20 object IDs, so the Roll Template is trying to link to something, but it's not coming out right.&nbsp; I've tried doing it with and without "Auto Roll Damage", with the same results, as well as from other players (which is how we first noticed) and from different characters selected in the "As:" window.

Edited 1628631231
I'm trying to setup the sharpshooter feat, and thought it might be easy to make a global attack modifier of -5, but it does +-5, and can't do the math on it. Is there any way to use the modifiers to achieve that? Basically I'm looking for any way other than a second weapon entry. Thanks! Edit: I tested making a second weapon for sharpshooter. You can put a negative value into the attack roll modifier and the math works. It even reads as +-5 in the chat, but it does the calculation. I see on global attack modifiers that it doesn't do the calculation with a positive or a negative value, it simply displays the modifier. So I guess in that way it's actually working the same with a negative value. Not sure if displaying the modifier is preferable to doing the full calculation... hmm...
Hi. One of my players ran into an issue with the Roll 20 5E character sheet, where they are unable to properly see the character sheet (see the screenshot below). They are using chrome on Windows 10, but they have tried other browsers. They've also tried changing the Chrome Zoom and clearing Chrome's Cache. Maybe they're running into this issue because they're using a 4k screen? They also tried lowering the resolution to 1080, but that didn't fix the issue either &nbsp;
Sheet Author
Might want to check and see what the browser zoom level is.&nbsp; If it isn't at 100%, I would say set it back to that and see if that makes a difference.

Edited 1628602898
They tried firefox, and that fixed the issue Thanks for your guys' time
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Just checking to see if any progress on the horizon for this. I am still getting "error reports" from users of Token Action Maker, since I don't want to "correct" my code to match sheet syntax that is slated for correction. keithcurtis said: ISSUE: Malformed sheet action for reactions A while back, the sheet actions created by the roll buttons on the sheet got horked. They were asking for: %{character_id|repeating_npcreaction_id_-npc_roll_output} when thy should have been asking for:&nbsp; %{character_id|repeating_npcreaction_id_npc_roll_output} Note the extra hyphen in the malformed code on top. This was reported and supposedly fixed, but the sheet now produces: %{character_id|repeating_npcreaction_id_oll_output} Note the loss of the first half of "npc_roll_output". This has undoubtedly messed up any older characters with dragged action buttons, and certainly messes up the Token Action Maker script. Any chance this is an easy fix?
I'm not sure if this is the right spot for this, but I have a suggestion for the 5E sheets.&nbsp; The idea is: A Party Tracker sheet ( something like this ), which is kept up to date by info input on the player sheets. So a DM could, at a glance, see all of the players' saves, stats, etc. It could track party funds, initiative, etc. Seems like a really handy feature! As characters' stats change, the changes would automatically be reflected on the Party Tracker. Is this possible? Seems like it would be a pretty handy feature.
Forum Champion
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That could pretty easily be handled by a macro. It wouldn't really fall under the scope of sheets, which are basically graphical interfaces for the attributes in a specific character journal.
Seem to be having an issue with an add from the compendium.&nbsp; Added a Stone of Good luck.&nbsp; It does not completely function correctly.&nbsp; Sometimes it adds +1 mod to checks, but not to saving throws or checks where character is proficient.&nbsp; I have deleted and added several times. One that was added a year ago still functions correctly in the character sheet.&nbsp; Appreciate the help

Edited 1629676533
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The Stone of Good Luck has always been broken, in that it adds +1 to each Skill instead of +1 to each Ability Check. This means it doesn't apply to straight ability checks (like Initiative rolls) when it should - adding a +1 directly to the Skill just isn't something that's done in 5e (or extremely rarely, anyway). But that's how the item functions, due to the nature of the sheet - if you click the Equip button on and off, you should see the totals for each Skill and Saving Throw jumping up and down by 1. If this isn't happening, try posting the contents of the item's Mods field in here - note that the text doesn't wrap, you'll want to Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C while the field is focused to grab all the hidden text. The bonuses you're describing sound like you're looking at a low level Bard - Jack of all Trades, which can be toggled in the sheet settings. This would give a +1 to non-proficient ability checks (and this one does work correctly on straight ability checks :) ). The Stone's bonuses are integrated into your Skill (incorrectly, as per the above) &amp; Saving Throw totals on the sheet, so you won't see a [[+1 [Stone of Good Luck] ]] on the roll tooltip.

Edited 1629767770
Greetings! Is there a way to modify names of the skills on character sheet? I want to run SF based game on 5th edition ruleset and swapping names of skills like Arcana, Nature etc is what I am looking for (also possibly add a few). I was looking for it in sheet options but what a bummer, there is no such a simple option like text swapping. So perhaps here I will be able to find an answer :D I heard that there is a way to upload my own character sheet but I was not able to figure that part on my own (if it is possible then getting the code of standard sheet would do the magic, cause I would just swap text on skill names there and upload modified sheet to the game room). I hope to find a positive answer, I'd rather not swap to Fantasy Grounds or Foundry yet, but if basic modification like that is not possible then probably I will have no choice than say good bye to roll20. Anyways, cheers!
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There is an older version of the&nbsp;D&amp;D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet on the github repository, but the current sheet is proprietary (and would likely be very difficult to work with anyway. With the older version, you should be able to just swap out the names in the translation json. There are a number of clones of the official sheet that are based on the public legacy version--you might want to look at those to see if they are any easier to modify. You can also add any custom skill you like in the Proficiencies section, so if your changes are not too wide-reaching, you could also go that route.
Lol!!! I feel like donkey right now :D Why oh why haven't I thought about proficiencies???!!! Yeah that is all I need, cause I have to add stuff like hacking, electronics, engineering etc. I think that's the trick I had on mind but I couldn't find reference to it. Thx a lot!
What is up with level 7 spells showing up in the Charactermancer for players selecting level 4 spells? Why are cantrips learnable spells when selecting level 3 spells? Is the charactermancer not filtering properly on certain compendium books, and if so, which ones?
Does Roll20 have charactermancers or character sheets, etc. for Survivor characters per Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft?
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Justin C. said: Does Roll20 have charactermancers or character sheets, etc. for Survivor characters per Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft? According to the book, you use a statblock, not an actual character sheet (i.e., an NPC sheet). The sheets and rules are provided, but I think the survivor abilities are copy and paste, not drag and drop. They are super simple.