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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20

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Ajax, if you want to invite me to your game and grant GM privileges, we can test how long it takes someone else to open characters. That length of time is not typical, but we could at least verify if the problem lies in the game itself.
Thanks for the suggestions.  Will try these.  I don't think it's the campaign, as this is happening across my campaigns.  
Sure, will message you.
keithcurtis said: Some more things to try: Test in a private browsing window to reduce the possibility that this is due to an extension conflict Test in a different browser, for the above reasons, but also to make sure that the issue is not browser-related Examine the campaign and see if there are any points at which it is becoming unwieldy. Fast Loading has greatly reduced the issues stemming from large campaigns, but it's not a cure-all. The Campaign Survey Mod Script can help you do this. Delete Cache and Cookies, in case some malformed data is getting in the way of smooth operation. Lastly, are you suffering from unusually high CPU/GPU usage while using Roll20? There is a small but persistent number of users with this issue that is proving very difficult for Roll20 to replicate, but they have also reported lag. I have experienced the same issues as Ajax. My self as the GM and all three party members. I'm running off of a Linux laptop in chrome with a 3070 TI GPU. I've verified I have hardware acceleration on and monitored my GPU to make sure chrome is using the GPU.  I deleted a ton of stuff from the game to make sure having too many assets isn't the problem and even created an empty game and created a new character. Still takes a long time to load character sheets. My test game with one character and no maps or assets consistently gives me the chrome warning asking if I want to wait for a response. My internet connection is 250 Mbs, so I don't think that is it either. I've kinda gotten around the issue by using a script to create ability macros for every character and monster that I use but opening any screen to view information or even just campaign notes causes problems.  I don't see this issue with other character sheets only the 5e one. I have an ongoing Legends of the 5 rings and have used the Marvel Playtest ones recently. Little to no delay in loading. This has been a huge hindrance for our game. It's to the point where I've considered trying to use another VTT. 

Edited 1684255783
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Hi darthhiggy! Did you try the other suggestions in that quote? Ajax DM was kind enough to invite me to their game yesterday, and I could not replicate the performance issue they are suffering under. (All sheets I tested opened in under 3s.) If you have tried those suggestions and they have not had any effect, then there's one more to try before grabbing a  Console Log ( Chrome , Firefox ) and filing a  Help Center Request  for real dev intervention. I have not seen this in a long time, but it's worth a try: try turning off autofill and autocomplete in your browser. Usually this only caused editing slowdowns, but it could adversely affect opening a fillable form such as a character sheet.
Hey folks, Sorry to hear you're both having such difficulties. Essentially, Keith has the long and short of the correct procedure here: please submit Help Center Requests ! We have a team at Roll20 dedicated to finding and squashing these sorts of performance issues, but the nature of this sort of development is that some issues are specific to a user's particular configuration of hardware, software and location. Providing as much detail as you're able to in your request will help us identify and solve these problems. Many thanks!
Ajax and  darthhiggy aren't the only ones experiencing the problem opening character sheets. Some of my players have consistently reported the same problems on Tuesday nights when we play D&D. The ones that have trouble opening their character sheets are also the same players that are experiencing repeated problems with the new voice&video system - they keep getting dropped off. It's probably all related. Note that 3 players have problems, 3 don't. One of the people with the problems also plays in my Wednesday game, and doesn't have the same problems. The differences between the two games: my Wednesday game uses Discord for voice and it's a Call of Cthulhu  game. And one less player. I don't think it's a performance issue on the user's end. One of the people reporting the problems in my Tuesday game has a 500Mbps connection and a fairly good machine with lots of CPU, RAM, etc. His set-up is better than mine... but I don't have the same issues. One of the other players - the one who plays in my Wednesday game, has problems on Tuesday, but not on Wednesday, with the same machine and same Internet connection. And one extra app running on Wednesday - Discord. That all seems to imply that the problem is not on the user's end. I'm already talking with someone at the help center - I'm waiting for more information from my players - but I just wanted to post here with my $.02. 
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Opening a sheet should have almost nothing to do with CPU strength or internet speed. It's really a tiny amount of data. Obviously there is something going on, but I don't think specs are the place to investigate. My suspicion is something setting/software related. Please let us know if the dev team is able to help you pin down the cause.
Yeah, I don't think the problem has anything at all to do with the player's machines or Internet connections. But, we're still looking into the issue. Yes, there is something wrong somewhere... the question is where. I'll certainly post if we come up with an answer but, honestly, my group and I are almost ready to give up and switch to using Discord for voice and avoid the problems. That may also help with opening character sheets as moving voice to Discord reduces a lot of the overhead. We'll see.

Edited 1684346660
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For those suffering from slow sheet loading (Ajax, darthhiggy, Saul J), here is an anecdotal report of a solution . I don't use this software, so cannot test. Terry B.  said: FIXED! I disabled McAfee Web Advisor extension in my Chrome browser and that fixed the character sheet loading delay. My games also load faster. If this helps in any way, please post back so others can find a solution.
Neither I nor any of my players use McAfee Web Advisor so that's not a fix for my game.
An update on previously reported problems: My group has switched to using Discord for voice, and have turned off video. That seems to have resolved most of the issues, except for one player. He is still having problems. After doing some rigorous testing, it turns out that his bandwidth drops from about 180Mbps at 6PM, to about 9Mbps at around 7-8PM. We don't know why and we're investigating that. I know that none of this has to do with the 5E sheet but the problems were reported here to start, so this follow-up is being reported here. But, this is the last word on the subject since it does not appear to be a Roll20 problem at this point.
It seems that the way the "Short Rest" and "Long Rest" buttons behave has changed recently. I'm not sure when since this is the first session in a while where my players had the opportunity to do a rest.  It used to be that pressing either button would put some output to the chat box. For short rest, it would say what spell slots or features were being reset, as well as saying that they were down hit points and should consider rolling dice. The long rest button would do the same, except it would explicitly say that it was resetting the hit points rather than suggest the use of hit dice.  Now, the buttons put nothing in the chat. My players thought that nothing was happening but after testing, it appears that the buttons do reset features, spell slots, and hit points as appropriate for the type of rest and the class of the character, but nothing is put to the chat. My players want the previous output. Is there any way to turn on "verbose" mode or whatever the equivalent is so that information is dumped to the chat as before? And why wasn't this change announced somewhere?
Forum Champion
Saul J. said: It seems that the way the "Short Rest" and "Long Rest" buttons behave has changed recently. I'm not sure when since this is the first session in a while where my players had the opportunity to do a rest.  It used to be that pressing either button would put some output to the chat box. For short rest, it would say what spell slots or features were being reset, as well as saying that they were down hit points and should consider rolling dice. The long rest button would do the same, except it would explicitly say that it was resetting the hit points rather than suggest the use of hit dice.  Now, the buttons put nothing in the chat. My players thought that nothing was happening but after testing, it appears that the buttons do reset features, spell slots, and hit points as appropriate for the type of rest and the class of the character, but nothing is put to the chat. My players want the previous output. Is there any way to turn on "verbose" mode or whatever the equivalent is so that information is dumped to the chat as before? And why wasn't this change announced somewhere? My guess is that that is a difference between the API script version and the baked into the sheet version. The baked into the sheet version never had a chat output. 
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Confirming Gauss' answer. If you want to experiment, there are three separate Rest and Recovery scripts in the One Click repo.

Edited 1687381887
I don't use the buttons myself - I've been DM'ing for about 3 years. My players swear that pressing the button on the sheet produced output in the past. They also have a token action button called "longrest", which just calls "!long-rest" from the "5e Resting in Style" script. That's what we were using long before Roll20 added buttons to the sheet. When I asked my players which one produced output, they said "both". I'm just reporting based on what my players said.  And I still think there should be a way to set it to "verbose" so that something is printed in the chat to avoid what we had last night where people kept pressing the button and saying "it's not doing anything". keithcurtis said: Confirming Gauss' answer. If you want to experiment, there are three separate Rest and Recovery scripts in the One Click repo.
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It's probably a case of conflating two features, but most people don't like hearing that. :) And yeah, I usually keep an eye on something I know will change, like HP or resources, because the button does not produce a response.
Forum Champion
I wonder if the Short/Long Rest buttons produce something that the API will see and can then pop something into chat.

Edited 1687449134
I used the "Resting in Style" MOD until the buttons became available in the D&D 5E by Roll20 character sheet. We've been using the ones in the character sheet since they became available about a year ago and they've never output anything to the chat. I'd prefer that they did give some indicator that they worked, but I like using them rather than the MOD because 1.) One less thing to get frustrated about when the sandbox crashes and 2.) I experienced some oddities with the "Resting in Style" MOD.
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I switched to the buttons (even though I wrote one of the recovery scripts), because my players could reliably remember how to use them.
The problem is that the buttons on the sheet do not do everything that the 5E Resting in Style  script does. For example, the script resets class specific resources. The buttons do not. The buttons also do not remind you to use hit dice if you're down on hit points when taking a short rest. The buttons do not remove Temporary hit points, the script does. I'm sure there are a lot more differences. The script is much more functional.  I'm actually considering turning off the sheet buttons in my game. I'm going to ask my players how they feel. But, if I were a player, I'd prefer the script. keithcurtis said: I switched to the buttons (even though I wrote one of the recovery scripts), because my players could reliably remember how to use them.
Do whatever works best for your game! :) You can, however configure the buttons to update class-specific resources: Saul J. said: The problem is that the buttons on the sheet do not do everything that the 5E Resting in Style  script does. For example, the script resets class specific resources. The buttons do not. The buttons also do not remind you to use hit dice if you're down on hit points when taking a short rest. The buttons do not remove Temporary hit points, the script does. I'm sure there are a lot more differences. The script is much more functional.  I'm actually considering turning off the sheet buttons in my game. I'm going to ask my players how they feel. But, if I were a player, I'd prefer the script.
Im sure these are silly questions, but I just starting out. Could someone give me a command I can drop into an ability under the attributes and abilities to call a named action?   So far I've only found   %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action}.  And it works... but I'd like to understand how to call a named action from a selected token by using it's name. Also, the various help documentation says that if i mouse over various things, how they can be referenced will popup.  It doesn't for me.  Soooo  what am I doing wrong?
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Hi Grimtoothy! You cannot reference an ability or attribute by its name field. As they are essentially variables, you need to use the variable name. So if you have a repeating NPC action called "scimitar" or "fire breath", you need to use the code you posted above. You can get the name of the ability for display purposes. This is usually done by changing the % to a @ to indicate that you are referencing the attribute values and not the ability, and using "name" as the field. Your example above would probably be:  @{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_name}. I say "usually" and "probably because the sheet was built by many hands over the course of a decade, and not every dev was as strict with naming conventions. May I ask what you goal is here? There may be ways to accomplish the task without going down a coding rabbit hole.
Grimtoothy said: Im sure these are silly questions, but I just starting out. Could someone give me a command I can drop into an ability under the attributes and abilities to call a named action?&nbsp; &nbsp;So far I've only found&nbsp; &nbsp;%{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action}.&nbsp; And it works... but I'd like to understand how to call a named action from a selected token by using it's name. Also, the various help documentation says that if i mouse over various things, how they can be referenced will popup.&nbsp; It doesn't for me.&nbsp; Soooo&nbsp; what am I doing wrong? NPC Attributes Repeating Sections And you may be interested in a Macro Mule approach:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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Also, I missed that last question. Most attribute names will appear when you hover over them on the D&amp;D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet. Repeating attributes will not. There is probably a coding reason for this, but that's just guesswork on my part.
Hi! Is it somehow possible to modify the proficiency bonus by an equipped item by using the Mods fields? I only found Combat Modifiers, Saving Throws, Ability Scores, Skills and AC. My players group owns The Ioun Stone of Mastery and it increases the proficiency bonus by one. I would like to represent this in the item as the proficiency bonus itself cannot be edited either.
Markochaney said: Hi! Is it somehow possible to modify the proficiency bonus by an equipped item by using the Mods fields? I only found Combat Modifiers, Saving Throws, Ability Scores, Skills and AC. My players group owns The Ioun Stone of Mastery and it increases the proficiency bonus by one. I would like to represent this in the item as the proficiency bonus itself cannot be edited either. There's no item modifier for proficiency bonus, but you can adjust the proficiency bonus manually on the sheet as a workaround. Set that to 'Custom', and then put the modified value in the field that appears. E.g. if the character's current Proficiency Bonus is 3, put a 4 in the field.&nbsp; You'll have to manually adjust that number every 4 levels when the Proficiency Bonus would normally automatically change.
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Here is the full list of mods. PB is not in them. However, you can edit the proficiency bonus by changing it to a custom value on the setting tab of the sheet:
Jarren and Keith, thanks for your replies, but these are not proper solutions for me (and Ioun Stomes). Ioun Stones may be grabbed (uneqipped) from its wearer and the change must be made easily and quickly during a combat. In general items should be able to modifiy more or even all attributes in the sheet.
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Markochaney said: Jarren and Keith, thanks for your replies, but these are not proper solutions for me (and Ioun Stomes). Ioun Stones may be grabbed (uneqipped) from its wearer and the change must be made easily and quickly during a combat. In general items should be able to modifiy more or even all attributes in the sheet. Unfortunately, that is the only way the sheet provides to modify the Proficiency Bonus. Since you are a Pro user, you do have the option of installing the ChatSetAttr Mod and set up the option to toggle the value of the PB setting between default and a custom value with a user-controlled macro. If that sounds like a viable solution, and if you are unfamiliar with the mod, one of us could help you set it up.

Edited 1688206977
Forum Champion
Markochaney said: Jarren and Keith, thanks for your replies, but these are not proper solutions for me (and Ioun Stomes). Ioun Stones may be grabbed (uneqipped) from its wearer and the change must be made easily and quickly during a combat. In general items should be able to modifiy more or even all attributes in the sheet. Just to clarify, unequipping it is as simple as switching it from "Custom" back to "By Level". It is 3 clicks: Settings cog, Proficiency Bonus, By Level.&nbsp; Equipping it is also 3 clicks: Settings cog, proficiency bonus, Custom. The custom value is retained when you switch to "By Level" so you won't need to re-input it when you switch back to Custom.&nbsp;
I don't know if there have been changes, or if something is broken, but I just created a new character (doing some theorycrafting) and found the following: (I was building a barbarian 5/cleric 5 multiclass) &nbsp; &nbsp;- Unarmored defense was not set at all. The AC was set to 10 at first level, and never changed. Based on the ability scores, the AC should have been 18. &nbsp; &nbsp;- Hit points were not calculated correctly. The HP were set to 18 at first level, and after going up to levels 5/5, it stayed at 10. Should have been 125 (hill dwarf character) &nbsp; &nbsp;- Hit Dice were not set correctly. After going to barbarian 5/cleric 5, the Hit dice were set to 5 D12s.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- Going into the settings and setting the "track hit dice by class" field to "on" made no difference in the number of hit dice, or their type. It just changed the way they were displayed. &nbsp; &nbsp;- There was no way to add different hit dice so that I could add the 5 D8s that the character should have.&nbsp; I think there were some more issues but I can't remember them now.
Forum Champion
Saul J. &nbsp;said: I don't know if there have been changes, or if something is broken, but I just created a new character (doing some theorycrafting) and found the following: (I was building a barbarian 5/cleric 5 multiclass) &nbsp; &nbsp;- Unarmored defense was not set at all. The AC was set to 10 at first level, and never changed. Based on the ability scores, the AC should have been 18. &nbsp; &nbsp;- Hit points were not calculated correctly. The HP were set to 18 at first level, and after going up to levels 5/5, it stayed at 10. Should have been 125 (hill dwarf character) &nbsp; &nbsp;- Hit Dice were not set correctly. After going to barbarian 5/cleric 5, the Hit dice were set to 5 D12s.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- Going into the settings and setting the "track hit dice by class" field to "on" made no difference in the number of hit dice, or their type. It just changed the way they were displayed. &nbsp; &nbsp;- There was no way to add different hit dice so that I could add the 5 D8s that the character should have.&nbsp; I think there were some more issues but I can't remember them now. Could you post a screenshot of the Core and Settings pages? I'd like to see if I can reproduce this.&nbsp;
I've manually changed both on that character so I'm not sure they have any value. But this is the second or third time that it's happened so I think it's reproducible. I can try to reproduce it later today and post the pages. Gauss said: Saul J. &nbsp;said: I don't know if there have been changes, or if something is broken, but I just created a new character (doing some theorycrafting) and found the following: (I was building a barbarian 5/cleric 5 multiclass) &nbsp; &nbsp;- Unarmored defense was not set at all. The AC was set to 10 at first level, and never changed. Based on the ability scores, the AC should have been 18. &nbsp; &nbsp;- Hit points were not calculated correctly. The HP were set to 18 at first level, and after going up to levels 5/5, it stayed at 10. Should have been 125 (hill dwarf character) &nbsp; &nbsp;- Hit Dice were not set correctly. After going to barbarian 5/cleric 5, the Hit dice were set to 5 D12s.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;- Going into the settings and setting the "track hit dice by class" field to "on" made no difference in the number of hit dice, or their type. It just changed the way they were displayed. &nbsp; &nbsp;- There was no way to add different hit dice so that I could add the 5 D8s that the character should have.&nbsp; I think there were some more issues but I can't remember them now. Could you post a screenshot of the Core and Settings pages? I'd like to see if I can reproduce this.&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Saul J. said: I've manually changed both on that character so I'm not sure they have any value. But this is the second or third time that it's happened so I think it's reproducible. I can try to reproduce it later today and post the pages. When you do that could you also supply the method of creation and any steps which might be relevant? (I don't know if this is a Charactermancer or character sheet issue.)
Gauss said: Saul J. said: I've manually changed both on that character so I'm not sure they have any value. But this is the second or third time that it's happened so I think it's reproducible. I can try to reproduce it later today and post the pages. When you do that could you also supply the method of creation and any steps which might be relevant? (I don't know if this is a Charactermancer or character sheet issue.) Ok, so I used the charactermancer, and created a first level character: Note that the AC is wrong. Unarmed defense means the barbarian should have 18 AC (10 + 3 [dex] + 5 [con]). I noticed that the tracking is set to "Custom" so i changed it to "automatic". The AC was still wrong: Part two to follow.
(part two) After creating the first level character, I used the charactermancer to create a 10th level character: barbarian 5/cleric 5: Notice that the number of hit points is wrong: should be 125, not 70. Also notice that the Hit Dice is wrong. It shows 10 total hit dice, 5 of which are d12s but doesn't show the 5 d8s for the cleric levels. So I noticed in the settings tab that "Track hit dice per class" was "off", so I set that to "on": Note that the Hit Dice now displays as 10 d12s, and still doesn't show the cleric d8s. There also isn't a way, that I can see, to manually add them or change what's there other than to decrement/increment the d12s or delete it all.&nbsp;

Edited 1688770551
Thanks for reporting, Saul. We had a problem with classes slots and hit dice which may be related to the issue you mentioned. That was already solved, however, I will double check if that also fixed the problem you've described.

Edited 1688772251
Were there recently updates made to the 5e character sheets? I just tried to make a warlock using the "edit sheet directly" option and noticed it was getting way more spell slots then it should have. This also holds true for multiclass warlocks as well. Ex: 5th level warlock (should have 2-3rd level spell slots)
@Saul J., to answer your Unarmed Defense question. You need to set it in custom, under Custom you will see 10 + NONE + NONE. you need to select manually each NONE to select Dex and CON. Charctermancer does not automatically calculate Unarmed defense. when you changed to automatically will use the Players handbook rule for AC. Either will do 10+dex or the armor base AC + dex.

Edited 1688786757
Forum Champion
Saul J. said: Ok, so I used the charactermancer, and created a first level character Note that the AC is wrong. Unarmed defense means the barbarian should have 18 AC (10 + 3 [dex] + 5 [con]). I noticed that the tracking is set to "Custom" so i changed it to "automatic".&nbsp; Custom is the correct setting, but in my reproduction of the bug it didn't set Custom's settings properly. It should be AC + Dex + Con, instead of AC + None + None.&nbsp; As for the other bugs regarding HP and HD, please confirm if that is still happening for you or not as that may have been resolved.&nbsp; A note about HP: there is a long standing bug when adding multiple levels that one level may not count towards your HP, make sure you hit "Average" after setting the level to get it to update properly.&nbsp;
I can almost understand why the settings are the way they are and why "Custom" sets it to "10 + NONE + NONE". The rule in 5E is that while you can have different methods of setting the AC for your character, you have to choose one. This is probably how Roll20 decided to implement this with "Automatic" using the base standard plus armor and "Custom" being settable since some classes use different stats. For example, the Monk uses DEX + WIS, the Barbarian uses DEX + CON. The current way the sheet works sort of makes sense, allowing you to choose which method to use and allows for combos like Tortle Barbarian/Monk which offers you three different ways to calculate your AC. You can then set "Custom" to the appropriate choice.&nbsp; As for the HD problem, yes, both characters still show the same problem/issue. If the fix that @Miguel P mentioned has been propagated through it doesn't solve the issue I showed. If that is part of an an update still waiting to happen, fine. If not, it's another bug to add to Roll20's list to fix. :-) As for the HP, I'm pretty sure I clicked "Average" when doing the multi-levels but I might be mistaken on that.

Edited 1688824069
Forum Champion
Saul J. said: I can almost understand why the settings are the way they are and why "Custom" sets it to "10 + NONE + NONE". The rule in 5E is that while you can have different methods of setting the AC for your character, you have to choose one. This is probably how Roll20 decided to implement this with "Automatic" using the base standard plus armor and "Custom" being settable since some classes use different stats. For example, the Monk uses DEX + WIS, the Barbarian uses DEX + CON. The current way the sheet works sort of makes sense, allowing you to choose which method to use and allows for combos like Tortle Barbarian/Monk which offers you three different ways to calculate your AC. You can then set "Custom" to the appropriate choice.&nbsp; As for the HD problem, yes, both characters still show the same problem/issue. If the fix that @Miguel P mentioned has been propagated through it doesn't solve the issue I showed. If that is part of an an update still waiting to happen, fine. If not, it's another bug to add to Roll20's list to fix. :-) As for the HP, I'm pretty sure I clicked "Average" when doing the multi-levels but I might be mistaken on that. I tested the HD issue last night and was not able to replicate it. It may be an issue due to when your character was created? (Before the bug fix) Out of curiosity, did you switch "Track Hit Dice per Class" to on before or after multiclassing?&nbsp; Have you turned it off and back on?&nbsp;
Turning it off and on again fixed it. Thx. Gauss said: Saul J. said: I can almost understand why the settings are the way they are and why "Custom" sets it to "10 + NONE + NONE". The rule in 5E is that while you can have different methods of setting the AC for your character, you have to choose one. This is probably how Roll20 decided to implement this with "Automatic" using the base standard plus armor and "Custom" being settable since some classes use different stats. For example, the Monk uses DEX + WIS, the Barbarian uses DEX + CON. The current way the sheet works sort of makes sense, allowing you to choose which method to use and allows for combos like Tortle Barbarian/Monk which offers you three different ways to calculate your AC. You can then set "Custom" to the appropriate choice.&nbsp; As for the HD problem, yes, both characters still show the same problem/issue. If the fix that @Miguel P mentioned has been propagated through it doesn't solve the issue I showed. If that is part of an an update still waiting to happen, fine. If not, it's another bug to add to Roll20's list to fix. :-) As for the HP, I'm pretty sure I clicked "Average" when doing the multi-levels but I might be mistaken on that. I tested the HD issue last night and was not able to replicate it. It may be an issue due to when your character was created? (Before the bug fix) Out of curiosity, did you switch "Track Hit Dice per Class" to on before or after multiclassing?&nbsp; Have you turned it off and back on?&nbsp;
I'm trying to create a test ability for a token.&nbsp; For now, I'ld just like to output the attack bonus for a certain action. The notes in the community wiki for this D&amp;D 5E sheet is not beginner friendly.&nbsp; The syntax for the commands I just cannot parse.&nbsp; So.. I'm starting with %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action} which calls the action.&nbsp; The action is an attack. What I want is just to grab that actions attack bonus. Also, is there a video I could watch to learn the basics of the syntax for this code?
Forum Champion
Hi Grimtoothy,&nbsp; Click the attack on your character sheet Next, click the Chat tab (top right corner) Then, click the chat window (where you type) Finally, press the up arrow on your keyboard, copy the text, and paste it somewhere.&nbsp; That will show you how the template is constructed, including bonuses.&nbsp; Note: If you just want know what the attack bonus was on any roll you just need to hover over the attack after it is made and it will show you.&nbsp;
Thats a snazzy feature.&nbsp; &nbsp;But I wasn't asking for that. How about this... I'll tell you what I'm looking to do. I'm going to write a test ability that will take the selected tokens attack #1 and output its attack bonus.&nbsp;&nbsp; Actually, once I know how to do that, I'm going to output a chart that numerically depends on the value of this attack bonus. Gauss said: Hi Grimtoothy,&nbsp; Click the attack on your character sheet Next, click the Chat tab (top right corner) Then, click the chat window (where you type) Finally, press the up arrow on your keyboard, copy the text, and paste it somewhere.&nbsp; That will show you how the template is constructed, including bonuses.&nbsp; Note: If you just want know what the attack bonus was on any roll you just need to hover over the attack after it is made and it will show you.&nbsp;