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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20

December 18 (3 years ago)

Edited December 19 (3 years ago)

Steven B. said:

More  5e character sheet help needed!

I have a brand new ranger created via charactermancer with the archery fighting style ("You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons") Charactermancer seems to have represented this in the sheet with a Global Attack Modifier of 2 [Fighting Style: Archery]. However, despite the fact that the checkbox next to it is checked, it doesn't seem like that modifier is being applied. I tried clicking on all of the character's weapons, both ranged and melee, and this modifier is not being applied to attack rolls.

For example, when I click on his longbow, the attack roll says:

Rolling 1d20cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF] = (7)+3+2 (he rolled a 12)    

I'm assuming this should have an additional +2 for archery. But I'm not sure how to make it work.


Refer to above and you could permanently make sure it gets factored in while avoiding global attack modifications altogether.  In his bow attack, rename Longbow to Longbow (Archery Style); replace all static numbers with dynamic references in the code (below, that's Dex Mod & Prof Bonus, or @{dexterity_mod} & @{pb}, respectively.

}}{{dmg1=[[1d8[Longbow Damage] + @{dexterity_mod}[DEX] + @{pb}[PROF] + 2[Archery Fighting Style]]]}}{{ = (7)[Longbow Damage]+3[DEX]+2[PROF]+2[Archery Fighting Style] (he rolled a 12 = 14 now)   


I, personally, avoid using the global modifiers whenever I can, because they are GLOBAL (Apply to EVERYTHING).  Take a level in Barbarian and explain to me how rage can improve my longbow shot?  That results in a lot of "OOOOPS!  DM, decrease those last two shots by 2 damage each.  I left rage on.", etc.

Unless you're gonna spend a lot of time policing rolls to make sure if...

  • ... The correct modifier was used (sometimes during level, the charactermancer will change things like a druid using shillelagh on his staff goes back to using strength instead of wisdom.  That issue can be solved by renaming the Staff to Staff: Shillelagh, but I digress; the charactermancer is known to revert things back to defaults)
  • ... Global Damage was applied correctly (Rage on a heal spell???)
  • ... Things are even possible (Hunters Mark while Raging...)

... the way that OGL uses Global modifiers rather than specific to attack modifiers makes things very annoying.  Sure - if my barbarian only ever has a greataxe - leave rage on in the global section all day and night - no problem.  He is more than probably starting every battle with it, and all is good.  Or - we could prompt him to tell us every time too:

}}{{dmg1=[[1d12[Greataxe Damage] + @{strength_mod}[STR] + @{pb}[PROF] + ?{Are you Raging?|Yes,2|No,0}[Rage Bonus]]]}}{{

Which results in: (7)[Greataxe Damage]+3[STR]+2[PROF]+2[Rage Bonus] = 14

But in most cases I've seen playing 5e D&D, attack modifiers should not be GLOBALLY applied unless you have really astute players who know when to turn each of them off and on.  For my players, that's A LOT of extra, unneeded clicking.  Which makes the point of global attack modifiers, at all, very useless from both a productivity vs time consumption and from an Quality of Life/ ease of use perspective.  As a player, I'd rather factor the math in my head than use the automation on the sheet, resorting everything to simple die rolls only, and tell the DM to add the correct amount to the rolls.

The Global mods do come in handy elsewhere however.  Defense (Defense Fighting Style), Skills & Ability Checks (Guidance Spell), Saves (Bless Spell) - very useful.  In the case of Bless - which does blanket every type of attack roll, the Attack Global mod is still useful, but very unique and niche.  Additionally - the way that Bless is applied is by having to select TWO Global modifiers.  I think you could eliminate the attack altogether, and have a Bless checkbox in the saves that would be applied (1d4) to both attacks and saves automatically - one size fits both.  But these are my 2 cents ....

Of course, there are coded ways to get around the issue also.  In both Attack and Saves, just put this, always on:

?{Is the Bless Spell Active on You?|Yes,1d4|No or Not Applicable (Healing or Other),0}[Bless Spell]
December 21 (3 years ago)
API Scripter

Have a player who uses Artificer who never has their advancement script work correctly, they always have to bail from the Charactermancer and do things manually. It's getting frustrating for me as a DM to constantly apologize and then they feel bad as everyone else is done already while they are going through this manual process. Is there a solution for this, is this a known problem? 

Why is the NPC sheet for 5e DnD so bad??

When I set up an NPC's attack, I can't choose its crit range, I can't set up an automatic saving throw DC inline with the damage, I can't set it up to use ammunition... 

In the case of a dragon's breath, I can't set it up to use a charge. I can't have that charge automatically roll to recharge. 

I can't set legendary actions to deduct from the total. This is just plain bad. 

Was there any plan to add as much customization to the NPC stat sheets as there is for PC stat sheets? As it is, I am almost universally using PC character sheets even for monsters. 

December 24 (3 years ago)
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator

Commander Fayne said:

Why is the NPC sheet for 5e DnD so bad??

When I set up an NPC's attack, I can't choose its crit range, I can't set up an automatic saving throw DC inline with the damage, I can't set it up to use ammunition... 

In the case of a dragon's breath, I can't set it up to use a charge. I can't have that charge automatically roll to recharge. 

I can't set legendary actions to deduct from the total. This is just plain bad. 

Was there any plan to add as much customization to the NPC stat sheets as there is for PC stat sheets? As it is, I am almost universally using PC character sheets even for monsters. 

The NPC sheet is deliberately simplified and seems to be limited to what is available in the NPC sheets from the official stat blocks. Much of the automation you desire would need to be added through API calls.

You can add damage to an action without making it an attack. This would allow you to have DC and damage listed simultaneously.

I believe it states in the monster-building guidelines of the DMG that monsters are understood to have sufficient ammunition and equipment for their attacks and actions.

I am not saying your frustrations are wrong or unjustified, but there are solutions available. If you do write API calls, any data (ammunition remaining, recharge special ability, etc.) needs to be stored against the token, not the character sheet. PC sheets can handle more automation and storage of data because they generally have a 1:1 relationship with a character. NPC sheets, on the other hand, can be used for many copies of a monster. One monster would have a different amount of ammunition than another, for example.

December 24 (3 years ago)

Edited December 24 (3 years ago)

keithcurtis said:

Try toggling it off and on manually. Sometimes when options are set by the system, they don't always take.

Thanks all. I tried toggling everything off and on, and now it's working . . . differently. What I see when I attack with my bow is this:

11 + 2

If I hover over the 2 it says:

Rolling 2[Fighting Style: Archery] = 2   

I was kind of expecting it to total it for me (11+2 = 13). And of course, now it appears no matter which weapon I use

Are the above the expected behaviors? 

Also, is there a way to get notified on the forums when someone replies to a comment of yours (as compared to a new thread of yours)?

Finally, the above questions are just to understand how the 5e sheet is supposed to work. I do see that Wolf Thunderspirit subsequently wrote with an idea for how to do it without the Global Modifier at all. (Thank you!)

December 24 (3 years ago)

Edited December 24 (3 years ago)

Wolf Thunderspirit said:

Refer to above and you could permanently make sure it gets factored in while avoiding global attack modifications altogether.  In his bow attack, rename Longbow to Longbow (Archery Style); replace all static numbers with dynamic references in the code (below, that's Dex Mod & Prof Bonus, or @{dexterity_mod} & @{pb}, respectively.

}}{{dmg1=[[1d8[Longbow Damage] + @{dexterity_mod}[DEX] + @{pb}[PROF] + 2[Archery Fighting Style]]]}}{{ = (7)[Longbow Damage]+3[DEX]+2[PROF]+2[Archery Fighting Style] (he rolled a 12 = 14 now)   

Wolf, regarding the above, you say "in his bow attack, do xyz". What do you mean by "in his bow attack"? For example, when I am on the Core section of the character sheet, there is a Longbow option in the middle of the screen, like this:

But I can't see where in there I could put in the "code" you show above. I do have a macro for his longbow attack, and could certainly do it there. Is that what you mean? (However, if I just change it in the macro, I have to be sure to tell him never to click from the character sheet, only from the macro.)

Brian C. said:

Commander Fayne said:

Why is the NPC sheet for 5e DnD so bad??

When I set up an NPC's attack, I can't choose its crit range, I can't set up an automatic saving throw DC inline with the damage, I can't set it up to use ammunition... 

In the case of a dragon's breath, I can't set it up to use a charge. I can't have that charge automatically roll to recharge. 

I can't set legendary actions to deduct from the total. This is just plain bad. 

Was there any plan to add as much customization to the NPC stat sheets as there is for PC stat sheets? As it is, I am almost universally using PC character sheets even for monsters. 

The NPC sheet is deliberately simplified and seems to be limited to what is available in the NPC sheets from the official stat blocks. Much of the automation you desire would need to be added through API calls.

You can add damage to an action without making it an attack. This would allow you to have DC and damage listed simultaneously.

I believe it states in the monster-building guidelines of the DMG that monsters are understood to have sufficient ammunition and equipment for their attacks and actions.

I am not saying your frustrations are wrong or unjustified, but there are solutions available. If you do write API calls, any data (ammunition remaining, recharge special ability, etc.) needs to be stored against the token, not the character sheet. PC sheets can handle more automation and storage of data because they generally have a 1:1 relationship with a character. NPC sheets, on the other hand, can be used for many copies of a monster. One monster would have a different amount of ammunition than another, for example.

Yeah, I'm aware of these options, though I thank you for pointing them out. I guess I'm just really missing the Shaped Sheet. 

Got another question. When I set up an NPC I put the NPC hp formula in. When I tell a token to call the npc_hpformula data for Bar 3, it calls the formula, but then removes the d in any dice calculation and instead just takes the numbers. So instead of 5d10+15 and rolling that when I drop a token from the sheet, it instead removes the d, and does 510+15 for 525. How do I get the token/sheet to roll this value instead?

December 27 (3 years ago)
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator

Commander Fayne said:

Yeah, I'm aware of these options, though I thank you for pointing them out. I guess I'm just really missing the Shaped Sheet. 

Got another question. When I set up an NPC I put the NPC hp formula in. When I tell a token to call the npc_hpformula data for Bar 3, it calls the formula, but then removes the d in any dice calculation and instead just takes the numbers. So instead of 5d10+15 and rolling that when I drop a token from the sheet, it instead removes the d, and does 510+15 for 525. How do I get the token/sheet to roll this value instead?

I don't think there is an easy way to get it to roll on token drop outside of using the API to detect whenever a token is dropped. You could add a TokenMod API macro that rolls and applies the hp formula for the selected token(s), but that might require clicking a macro button.

December 28 (3 years ago)

Edited December 28 (3 years ago)

Steven B. said:

Wolf Thunderspirit said:

Refer to above and you could permanently make sure it gets factored in while avoiding global attack modifications altogether.  In his bow attack, rename Longbow to Longbow (Archery Style); replace all static numbers with dynamic references in the code (below, that's Dex Mod & Prof Bonus, or @{dexterity_mod} & @{pb}, respectively.

}}{{dmg1=[[1d8[Longbow Damage] + @{dexterity_mod}[DEX] + @{pb}[PROF] + 2[Archery Fighting Style]]]}}{{ = (7)[Longbow Damage]+3[DEX]+2[PROF]+2[Archery Fighting Style] (he rolled a 12 = 14 now)   

Wolf, regarding the above, you say "in his bow attack, do xyz". What do you mean by "in his bow attack"? For example, when I am on the Core section of the character sheet, there is a Longbow option in the middle of the screen, like this:

But I can't see where in there I could put in the "code" you show above. I do have a macro for his longbow attack, and could certainly do it there. Is that what you mean? (However, if I just change it in the macro, I have to be sure to tell him never to click from the character sheet, only from the macro.)

no no no .... just put the code I gave you at the END of any DESCRIPTION of the item (Where it says "Up to 2 creatures within 5 feet", put code after that). 

He can use the character sheet, but he has to ignore the code that has to be there in the description, its what makes things work.  Also, rename the Bow attack (Longbow to Longbow: Modified, or w/e...), or charactermancer will return it to its default during level up (sans macro, deleting it, in essence...).

December 28 (3 years ago)

Commander Fayne said:

Brian C. said:

Commander Fayne said:

Why is the NPC sheet for 5e DnD so bad??

When I set up an NPC's attack, I can't choose its crit range, I can't set up an automatic saving throw DC inline with the damage, I can't set it up to use ammunition... 

In the case of a dragon's breath, I can't set it up to use a charge. I can't have that charge automatically roll to recharge. 

I can't set legendary actions to deduct from the total. This is just plain bad. 

Was there any plan to add as much customization to the NPC stat sheets as there is for PC stat sheets? As it is, I am almost universally using PC character sheets even for monsters. 

The NPC sheet is deliberately simplified and seems to be limited to what is available in the NPC sheets from the official stat blocks. Much of the automation you desire would need to be added through API calls.

You can add damage to an action without making it an attack. This would allow you to have DC and damage listed simultaneously.

I believe it states in the monster-building guidelines of the DMG that monsters are understood to have sufficient ammunition and equipment for their attacks and actions.

I am not saying your frustrations are wrong or unjustified, but there are solutions available. If you do write API calls, any data (ammunition remaining, recharge special ability, etc.) needs to be stored against the token, not the character sheet. PC sheets can handle more automation and storage of data because they generally have a 1:1 relationship with a character. NPC sheets, on the other hand, can be used for many copies of a monster. One monster would have a different amount of ammunition than another, for example.

Yeah, I'm aware of these options, though I thank you for pointing them out. I guess I'm just really missing the Shaped Sheet. 

Got another question. When I set up an NPC I put the NPC hp formula in. When I tell a token to call the npc_hpformula data for Bar 3, it calls the formula, but then removes the d in any dice calculation and instead just takes the numbers. So instead of 5d10+15 and rolling that when I drop a token from the sheet, it instead removes the d, and does 510+15 for 525. How do I get the token/sheet to roll this value instead?

Shaped Sheet is still there ... just takes a bit of finagling to keep it going.  Kind of like an antique car - you're gonna need to really work with it to keep it running.  But I feel you.

December 29 (3 years ago)

I generally like the Roll20 5e sheet, but for Strixhaven it would be nice to add another page. Is this sheet open sourced somewhere like the community sheets are?

December 29 (3 years ago)

Edited December 29 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Unfortunately, the official sheets are proprietary. There is an older version on the github, the last publicly available version, but it is several years out of date. Out of curiosity, what would you use the extra page for?

December 29 (3 years ago)

Wolf Thunderspirit said:

no no no .... just put the code I gave you at the END of any DESCRIPTION of the item (Where it says "Up to 2 creatures within 5 feet", put code after that). 

He can use the character sheet, but he has to ignore the code that has to be there in the description, its what makes things work.  Also, rename the Bow attack (Longbow to Longbow: Modified, or w/e...), or charactermancer will return it to its default during level up (sans macro, deleting it, in essence...).

Awesome, thanks for clarifying!

January 04 (3 years ago)

Edited January 04 (3 years ago)

Feature Request

Brief Description:

The ability to add resource counters/trackers to NPC sheets (PC sheets have this). Alternatively, a way to enable a counter/tracker directly on an added traits and actions, such as legendary resistances.


January 04 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

If this feature is not easily implemented by the dev team, as a workaround you can add your own custom attributes to any sheet.

What is the template parameter called for the "Show Spell Description" link that populates in the atkdmg template?

60 feet
Spiritual Weapon (+9)

This list has not been updated for a while:

&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=mod}} {{rname=rname}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{attack=1}} {{range=range}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=dmg1}} {{dmg1type=dmg1type}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=dmg2}} {{dmg2type=dmg2type}} {{crit1=crit1}} {{crit2=crit2}} {{save=1}} {{saveattr=saveattr}} {{savedesc=savedesc}} {{savedc=savedc}} {{desc=desc}} {{hldmg=hldmg}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} ammo=ammo {{charname=charname}}

(from the wiki: link)

January 12 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I don't think it's a template setting. I think it's a setting in the repeating spell that decides whether or not to include the {[desc=}} field. Can you describe the task you are trying to accomplish? It might make it easier to suggest a solution.

I'm working on a single character ability for Spiritual Weapon that would handle initial casting and subsequent attack rolls. Objectives:

  1. Check if a token named "<PC Name>'s Spiritual Weapon" exists--✔️
    1. If no such token exists:
      1. Create one & assign a value to bar1 of the token based on the spell slot to be expended--✔️
      2. Expend a slot--✔️
  2. Make an attack roll:
    1. Apply atkdmg template--✔️ (ish)
    2. Use casting PC's modifiers, etc. to fill out the parameters of the template--✔️
    3. Use bar1 of the Spiritual Weapon token to determine whether the hldmg template parameter is used--✔️
    4. Replicate all features of the default roll template--❌

Using the roll templates directly from the character sheet (whether from the Spells tab or the Core tab [in the Attacks & Spellcasting section]), you get the provided template, which includes a nice link to "%{-Mp9rTX02MioU1O7zVbr|repeating_attack_-MtBerOqDlbBZXOQtyhS_spelldesc_link}". This link does not come in the {{desc=blahblah}} section of the roll template (that is a different section). So, I'm trying to recreate the roll template using the correct parameters so I can customize the content while maintaining the same look and feel.

I'm also trying to replicate higher level critical damage and am looking for the correct parameter for that as well.

60 feet
Spiritual Weapon (+9)
4 7
Higher Level Cast
9 + 4Force

January 13 (3 years ago)

Edited January 13 (3 years ago)

Pat said:

Have a player who uses Artificer who never has their advancement script work correctly, they always have to bail from the Charactermancer and do things manually. It's getting frustrating for me as a DM to constantly apologize and then they feel bad as everyone else is done already while they are going through this manual process. Is there a solution for this, is this a known problem? 

I've discovered that sometimes when a character sheet isn't working right, that what I found to work around this was to Dupllcate the character and then use the duplicate from then on.

Sometimes transferring the character to and from the Character Vault or using the Transmogrifier to move it to a different game can sometimes "jiggle the handle" and get it working again.

Otherwise, you'll need to manually recreate the character on a new character sheet as a workaround.

January 22 (3 years ago)

Colin C. said:

I'm working on a single character ability for Spiritual Weapon that would handle initial casting and subsequent attack rolls. Objectives:

  1. Check if a token named "<PC Name>'s Spiritual Weapon" exists--✔️
    1. If no such token exists:
      1. Create one & assign a value to bar1 of the token based on the spell slot to be expended--✔️
      2. Expend a slot--✔️
  2. Make an attack roll:
    1. Apply atkdmg template--✔️ (ish)
    2. Use casting PC's modifiers, etc. to fill out the parameters of the template--✔️
    3. Use bar1 of the Spiritual Weapon token to determine whether the hldmg template parameter is used--✔️
    4. Replicate all features of the default roll template--❌

Using the roll templates directly from the character sheet (whether from the Spells tab or the Core tab [in the Attacks & Spellcasting section]), you get the provided template, which includes a nice link to "%{-Mp9rTX02MioU1O7zVbr|repeating_attack_-MtBerOqDlbBZXOQtyhS_spelldesc_link}". This link does not come in the {{desc=blahblah}} section of the roll template (that is a different section). So, I'm trying to recreate the roll template using the correct parameters so I can customize the content while maintaining the same look and feel.

I'm also trying to replicate higher level critical damage and am looking for the correct parameter for that as well.

60 feet
Spiritual Weapon (+9)
4 7
Higher Level Cast
9 + 4Force

If the attack appears in the attacks section (like spiritual weapon does) you must roll the attack from the core tab (not the spell from the spell tab) to get the description to fully form, otherwise you're just clicking a shortcut/ link to the attack.

When you click the attack, all parameters of the code are exposed by going to your chat box after casting, and pressing up.  I'll tell you more about all this after my game, or you can tell me if you found everything you need.  There will be issues, maybe, with what you need though.  We'll get into that later also; which mainly deals with dynamically drawing your PCs spell attack modifiers, etc. 

{{crit=1}} should show crits.

January 24 (3 years ago)

Edited January 24 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Feature Request: NPC - show Init mod & init bonus input

Brief Description:

1. Currently, NPCs don't show the Initiative modifier for the roll next to the button, and it would be nice if it did. (yes, it's not normally a part of the NPC statblock in 5E, but showing it ingame makes sense.)

2. If you edit the initmod attribute on the PC sheet's Settings page, it will affect the NPC init rolls. Showing this attribute on the NPC page would make it easier to manage NPCs whose initiative isn't just their Dex modifier.


How it could look like
Show current Init modifier next to button

Show the "initmod" attribute in NPC settings, so it's easy to update:

Feature Request: NPC - Update/track Passive Perception like PCs

Brief Description:
Currently, NPC's passive perception(PP) is listed as part of the npc_senses attribute, but isn't available as a number by itself. The attribute tracking PP for players (passive_wisdom), is not updated for NPC.

It would be nice if the (passive_wisdom) attribute would be updated & show for NPCs too, as that would mean macro calls to check PC or NPC PP would be interchangeable, and be a usable number for other purposes.

January 24 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Stylus Trick: Make PC/NPC toggle more accessible

This is a Stylus-snippet I just made, which makes it easier to toggle a sheet between being a PC or NPC.

It's always been annoying that you have to scroll all the way down on the NPC-settings page to switch back to PC. And bc the toggle is so well hidden, it's also a pretty common people having hard time finding the toggle if they accidentally make their PC and NPC. On top of that, there are a handful of attributes related to NPCs which you can only update on the players Settings page( initmod, temporary ability score modifiers, passive perception value)

/* Reposition NPC/PC checkbox*/
.charsheet .npc_options div.row:nth-child(30) {
position: absolute;
top: 25px;
right: 4em;
display: block !important;
transform: scale(2);

/* Make NPC checkbox bigger on Settings page */
.charsheet div.general_options:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) {
transform: scale(2);
width: 50px;
margin-left: 4em;

New position of the PC/NPC toggle:

add language option?!
January 28 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

DarthWasa said:

add language option?!

Can you elaborate? Languages are listed in the proficiencies section. Or did you mean something else?

February 11 (3 years ago)

I'm not sure if this is a character sheet issue, or a compendium issue.  So, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place.  

The Improved Critical ability for champion fighters doesn't seem to work properly.  I've added it to a character sheet using the Charactermancer.  However, I tested with a bunch of rolls and it was only rolling critical damage on a natural 20.  

I know that I can adjust the critical range on each weapon manually, but that kinda defeats the purpose of having the ability pulled in directly from the charactermancer.  

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this.  In the meantime, I'll manually edit those weapon settings.  

February 11 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

A lot of feats work like that. They just pull in the text. There are too many exceptions to account for given the sheet architecture. (ex. spells that crit should not count, or a Dragonborn's breath weapon).

February 15 (3 years ago)

Got a weird bug with the r20 D&D5e characters sheets in that Core-Bio-Spells are for some reason smooshed into the area with ideals anyone know how to fix this error/bug?

February 15 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Are you running an external script, or an extension such as Stylus? I don't see that behavior on my end.

February 15 (3 years ago)

Vermillion said:

Got a weird bug with the r20 D&D5e characters sheets in that Core-Bio-Spells are for some reason smooshed into the area with ideals anyone know how to fix this error/bug?

As keithcurtis said, but also check in your settings in the gear button.  Sometimes a good recheck/ reset of certain fields can bring things back in order.  For example, I'd check the field displayed next to it on Core Tab, Roll Queries: "Always Roll Advantage", then back to "Advantage Toggle" and/ or Whisper Rolls to GM: "Never Whisper Rolls", then back to "Whisper Toggle".  Of course, that depends on if you can click on the gear or not.

The other thing I'd check, since this seems to be mostly a css issue, is your browser.  If the wrong one or it's outdated, can have a serious impact on performance and proper display. 

There is another issue as well - performance.  This can happen if you have lag.  Lag can happen in many places, including your graphics card.  I know a ways back the first dynamic lighting update caused MASSIVE LAG issues for many campaigns.  Yours may still have lingerign effects if your machine has any issues with that - my friends' laptops still do (almost any time their turn comes up, they get kicked off, for example; etiher from roll20 or discord or both).

February 16 (3 years ago)

Tried what you guys suggested and to no avail sadly so I did some messing around with my browser and it turns out it was my adblocker that apparently was messing with the characters sheet of all things.

February 16 (3 years ago)


It seems that the sword of Life stealing coming from the compendium has no weight. Besides, it seems its description is incorrect : 3d6 necrotic damage vs 10 necrotic damage in the last update. 

Thank you

February 19 (3 years ago)

Vermillion said:

Tried what you guys suggested and to no avail sadly so I did some messing around with my browser and it turns out it was my adblocker that apparently was messing with the characters sheet of all things.

Ad Blockers can not only cause lag but also block cookies that websites use to track things, including css information, so that makes sense, in a weird way.  Most ad blockers worth anything wouldn't do this though, so I'm curious which one you used.

But yeah, anything that interferes with the behavior of a browser can adversely affect it as much as it can positively affect it.

February 19 (3 years ago)

flot said:


It seems that the sword of Life stealing coming from the compendium has no weight. Besides, it seems its description is incorrect : 3d6 necrotic damage vs 10 necrotic damage in the last update. 

Thank you

There is still a problem with the vicious property also rolling (2d6) when errata made it now a flat damage of 7.

Definitely having issues with backdating when it comes to errata and other updates.

February 20 (3 years ago)

I had to uninstall privacy badger from EFF because it was causing problems with roll20.

February 27 (3 years ago)

Hi there, apologies if the wrong place. One of my characters is being asked for an input value every time the roll a skill check. I've check the settings and no different from the other players. Any recommendations?

February 27 (3 years ago)

Click on the gear icon and you will open up the roll options.  Right now it is set to query rolls, set it for Normal rolls

February 27 (3 years ago)

Oginme said:

Click on the gear icon and you will open up the roll options.  Right now it is set to query rolls, set it for Normal rolls

Hi Oginme- thanks for coming back to me. It's not- in the screenshot it's set to "Always Roll Advantage" but it's still displaying the query rolls.

February 27 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Have you tried setting the value to something else, and then back again to what you want on the settings tab of the sheet?

March 01 (3 years ago)

keithcurtis said:

Have you tried setting the value to something else, and then back again to what you want on the settings tab of the sheet?

Hi Keith- I have. Still no joy.

March 02 (3 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Since the sheet is behaving like it is set for query, but the query buttons do not show, this sounds like either corruption of the character, or a bad value got written to the attribute list. I was hoping unsetting/setting would force a rewrite of any bad value.

One more thing to check, when they roll the skill check, are they using the sheet button, or a custom macro?

March 05 (3 years ago)

Anyone else having issues with the charactermancer currently? Trying to level up some characters and the HP 'Roll' and 'Average' buttons don't seem to work at all. Having to level up manually which is fine but charactermancer just made the process that bit quicker.

Am I missing something or is it a bug?

March 05 (3 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

I have been away from Roll20 for a few weeks and was very happy to discover thanks to the last Nick Olivo video on Youtube that the Hero Points DMG optional rule had been implemented in the character sheet. I also saw that Dark Mode had been released to all, so I enabled both options (hero point and dark mode). And my smile disappeared.

Please fix the sh*tty display of the hero point section in dark mode.


Currently, I love dark mode except that when I make an attack roll using global damage modifiers, the box that normally displays the total of those modifiers doesn't work right. It still shows the individual dice values when I hover over it, and if I switch back to light mode, I can read the number, but dark mode doesn't it doesn't show up in.

I would love an update to the UI on the Compendium! Right now I use a different website to access the data but since I paid for TCoE, PHB, and XGtE in Roll2 it would be great to access that data here with a better UI.

First to clarify: I'm talking about the compendium you access outside of a game with advanced search features etc.

Here are a few of my UI suggestions:

1. Data in tabs: When you get to the compendium, have 4 tabs at the top: Rules, Spells, Monsters, Magic items default listed by name. I'm never searching for something and looking to see results that fall into multiple buckets. A clear way to differentiate which page you are on would be a huge help, especially since it's pretty complicated to navigate to it already. (Classes and races can maintain the current format due to nature of data).

2. Spell list consolidation: The way the spells are currently listed, it takes a lot of scrolling to see them because of how "fat" each one is, and it looks like the reason is due to a limitation in how much of the webpage it can take up because of a table of contents (first attachment). I tried using the table of contents but clicking items just jumped around the page and didn't seem to have any positive impact. Removing this table of contents and being able to have the description not wrap can lead to a much cleaner version similar to the second attachment

First attachment:

Second attachment:

3. Custom spell/item/monster list: When I have my players exploring a dungeon, visiting a magic shop, or fighting a boss with a particular set of spells, the most beneficial thing would be to have a page with the stat blocks of the relevant monsters, relevant magic items, or relevant spells, respectively. Is there a way we can check off certain items and generate a pdf or new tab that contains the custom group?


Brief Description
Would it be possible to add a "Not Proficient" option to the Tools and Proficiencies box? We can currently add proficiency bonus, jack of all trades, or expertise, but we cannot create a tool or skill that a character is not proficient with. 

Currently whenever I introduce a new skill to a game I have to subtract the proficiency bonus manually with a negative modifier, but that gets really annoying with time since you have to keep rechecking that every time the characters reach certain levels. 

March 24 (2 years ago)

If I could make a suggestion: I'd love to be able to give a color to the background of spell names in the spell book to help quickly distinguish from categories such as domain, ritual, etc... I currently add a spell with only a name to create this division, but in the heat of battle it still gets messy to figure out things.

Question 1:

Not sure if this is already known about or brought up or being worked on.

Currently building an Artificer character for my game. There is an Artificer drop down on the sheet but when I go to the Options Cog to look things over the Hit Die Defaults to D4 None of the spell slots are showing and it doesn't automatically choose your Spellcasting ability as Intelligence.

Just wondering if its like a WIP class and thus mostly not working or if its bugged out at the moment and known about.

Question 2:

I saw earlier someone did something as a quickfix for Resistances and immunities and I was wondering if someone could take the time to explain to me where exactly I need to put in the "

!setattr --sel --npc_resistances|
!setattr --sel --npc_immunities|

" I saw.

Question 3:

Does spell Points Recognize classes correctly or is it kinda in a basic form at the moment and I need to go through and manually alter the max/current spell points to align with the differences between a Sorcerer for example and a Ranger?

Ceri said:

Question 2:

I saw earlier someone did something as a quickfix for Resistances and immunities and I was wondering if someone could take the time to explain to me where exactly I need to put in the "

!setattr --sel --npc_resistances|
!setattr --sel --npc_immunities|

" I saw.

This content goes into the chatbox, but it requires installing an API script called ChatSetAttr

I don't know *exactly* what the "quickfix" is that you're intending to use it for, but the script comes with instructions.

Colin C. said:

This content goes into the chatbox, but it requires installing an API script called ChatSetAttr

I don't know *exactly* what the "quickfix" is that you're intending to use it for, but the script comes with instructions.

The "quickfix" I was shooting for is like something that would Show Resistance since Resistance Immunities and Vulnerabilities arent currently on the sheet.