That is not what the Roll20 character sheet does. It rolls maximum damage of the blade (4) plus maximum damage bonus (4) plus damage roll for the weapon (1d4) plus damage bonus (1d4) for a total of 8 + 2d4. Saul J. said: No, he quoted exactly what I quoted from the rulebook which means you are wrong. He said: "If the attacker achieves an Extreme level of success with an impaling weapon (blade or bullet) = maximum damage plus maximum damage bonus, and add a damage roll for the weapon." The example you cited is wrong. So, if you attack with a switchblade and get an Extreme level of success, the damage is: Maximum damage of the blade (4) + maximum damage bonus (4) + damage roll for the weapon = 8 + 1d4. The Roll20 character sheet is CORRECT. Eukaryot said: I wanted to be sure so I asked on the Chaosium forums and Mike Mason confirmed my reading of the rules. So the Roll20 character sheet is incorrect. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>