The problem with all of this is that the threshold changes, depending on how the game goes. The rule for "indefinite sanity" says that if you lose 1/5 or more of your sanity in one game day you go indefinitely insane. You need to know what the "game day" is. One session can encompass more than one game day, and in some games and some situations, there may be two or three game sessions that incorporate a game "day". IMO, what the sheet really needs is something similar to the 5e sheet's "long rest" button. I'm not sure what to call it. But, a button that basically resets the threshold to 1/5 the current sanity, as well as adds 1 hit point, and maybe does a few other things that generally automatically happen or get reset when the character gets a night's rest. Then you can keep the threshold at 1/5 the current sanity and you don't need to keep track of how much sanity has been lost, or forget from session to session what your sanity was at the start of the "day". All you need to do is to press the "long rest" button when the Keeper says you get a night's sleep and you're all set for another "day" of Lovecraftian horror. Nora C. said: Aleksi said: Why does the indef. insanity threshold show the amount of Sanity you need to lose to get to the threshold rather than what the threshold is? For example, if you start with 81 Sanity, the threshold of indef. insanity is 81-81/5 = 65. Now let's say you lose 4 Sanity during a "day" and your Sanity drops from 81 to 77. Then you forget how much Sanity you had at the start of the "day". How do you know how much more you need to lose to get to the threshold? Even if you recalculate your initial Sanity by multiplying 16 by 5, it only gets you to the nearest multiple of 5 of your initial Sanity (80 in this case, even though the initial was 81). If it just showed the Sanity amount that you need to reach to trigger indef. insanity instead of showing how much Sanity you need to lose, you could just compare your current Sanity to that number to know when your indef. insanity triggers. How is everyone tracking this when playing with the sheet? I suppose it's possible to make an API macro that sets it to that number... With the ChatSetAttr API script you can create a character macro like this: !setattr --charid @{character_id} --indef_insane_threshold|[[@{sanity}-floor(@{sanity}/5)]] Then use that macro instead of pressing the Refresh button on indef. insanity. Although, if you gain Sanity, you'd also need to increase this value by that amount... Might be best if there was an editable field where you can track how much Sanity you've lost, or how much more Sanity you need to lose to trigger indef. insanity. Hey, Aleksi! That was how it was set up before I "inherited" this sheet, so I kept it that way when I added the refresh button. That being said, I totally see your point! Some time to work on CoC7e has been approved in the near future and this is a super-quick fix, so I'll try to squeeze this in. My instinct tells me I should keep the difference (amount you need to lose) as a hidden attribute so it can still be used for macros, but the attribute it's stored as should definitely be changed so it stays clear. For anyone who has macros set up with this attribute , I was thinking of changing the attribute for the difference from indef_insane_threshold to indef_insane_required_loss . There's still some time before we can start work on this, so you shouldn't update any macros just yet, but I wanted to communicate ahead of time so it didn't catch anyone off guard.