This is in Chrome Version 127.0.6533.88 (Official Build) (arm64). It's failed for EVERY NPC I created today. It worked as of 3 weeks ago, the last time I worked on this game. The exact steps: Open a new character sheet, turn on edit mode, set the "Enable Build Calculation" and "Enable Damage Bonus Calculation" if they are not on, and then start entering stats. 3 weeks ago, when I tabbed past the fields used in the calculations, the fields populated with correct values. Now, I enter all of the stats, and tab to "Damage Bonus" field (the first field after the stats) and it still is not set. I did 13 NPCs this afternoon. These two fields were not auto-calculated for any of them. It autocalculates the Dodge stat. It autocalculates the Own language stat. It does NOT calculate the "Build" and "Damage Bonus" stats. I just tried it again on a test character, and verified that it does not caclulate those two fields. Nora C. said: Saul J. said: Another bug in the 7th Edition sheet: I have "Enable Build Calculation" and "Enable Damage Bonus Calculation" on. I've been working with this game for several months now and it has calculated both of these correctly. Until today. Today, I noticed it did not correctly calculate the values. Here are the stats I assigned the NPC: The "Damage Bonus" and "Build" should both be "-1": It seems to be failing to calculate the values at all for any NPC character, regardless of stats. I'm not able to recreate this. Entering the exact stats you've provided gives me a -1 in both fields. I've also tried a few monsters from the compendium and confirmed the damage bonus and build are correlating with everything else. If you could provide the exact steps you're taking to get this result, it'd be a great help in isolating a fix! The browser you're using (with version number, if possible) and any extensions you have running would also be helpful. Thanks so much