Gold said: The last time a member of Roll20 Team answered this thread was 2 years ago. At that time, they said that Roll20 is being more transparent and various other committments (their words): And, they changed the status of this Suggestion thread to "Researching". Ashton said: In our most recent blog post we talked about being more transparent, and I’m here to tell you: at long last I’m moving the status of this thread to Researching. I know a lot of you have been waiting for this set of features for a long time, and I want to assure you that we are researching it, considering our options, and breaking down the work to get this onto the roadmap. TTRPGs are a collaborative, transformative community, and we want to support you better in the future with tools that tackle your primary issues. I don’t have a timeline right now, but I can promise that whatever comes first will be a small step, then another step, and another. Here’s what I see those issues as (not in any particular order): You (as a GM) cannot easily share with yourself within your game (i.e. you have to copy+paste into fields every time you want to add a spell you’ve created to another monster). You (as a GM or content creator) can’t easily share created content from your game to people outside of the game. Features you’ve come to expect from the Roll20 compendium, like Charactermancer functionality, drag-and-drop, and searchability on the VTT don’t work with your created content. Here are the issues on Roll20’s side: Data entry to the compendium is complex and laborious, both in bulk and one-off. Each system (game, for example Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition) has its own data structure that impacts implementation here. We care a lot about being system agnostic, and we don’t want to leave our indie creators and international use cases behind. There are other considerations, but those are the bulk of what constituted “obstructed.” However, we’re committed to solving some of our technical debt on the compendium (and already have been behind the scenes, resulting in projects like compendium sharing on the web ). Some of you will be hearing from me in the coming weeks as I do more user research. Thank you for your feedback thus far as we work to get a well-understood definition of the problems here, and I will continue to read every post in this thread. Any updates for 2025? One of those points is not what the thread is asking for: You (as a GM or content creator) can’t easily share created content from your game to people outside of the game. Everyone wants the ability to do this FOR THEIR OWN GAMES to share with their own players group, and the more-than-1000 comments in this thread say that very clearly. No one expects to be able to Publish their custom compendiums to random people outside their games. That would be the Roll20 Marketplace and Drive-Thru RPG if they wanted to do that. Roll20 should not let the theory of "People could publish and share anything!" to be a blockade to Custom Compendiums. That's not it. Can we all just keep sharing this and maybe they'll get the idea that we just want to be able to make a new entry (even if it's just spells and items) then click and drag that way we don't have to manually add custom abilities to every sheet every time. We want this for ourselves. Literally if they let us make spells and items only it'd be 10,000x better.