So, I have encountered a bug. I'm just here to find out if anyone else has seen this, and if so, if they found a way around it. So, on a PC I just made, it opens the character sheet to the Core tab. Whenever I click a different tab, Weapons for example, it goes to the Weapons tab, then immediately back to the Core tab. Then if I click the Weapons tab a 2nd time, it goes over to it and stays there. But if I click on the spells tab, for example, it goes to the Spells tab, then jumps back to the Core tab. Making me click the Spells tab a 2nd time. So, basically, I have to click on every tab twice, to actually see it. This has popped up once before, months ago. We fixed it by remaking the character from scratch. This is now happening to two of my PC sheets. One old one and a brand new one I just made yesterday. Other PC sheets and NPC sheets are unaffected by it from what I can see. This leads me to believe that something in the 5e Shaped Sheets coding is messing with it. I've tried the following to fix the problem: Making a copy - Failed Exporting and Importing back in - Failed Disabling the 5eShaped script - Failed Remaking the character from scratch - Success Making a Copy Campaign and importing via Vault or Transmog - Failed So, because the copy campaigns fail, but a fresh campaign does not, I'm guessing the corruption is in the Campaign itself.