That's similar to what I need, yes, but isn't complex enough to accomplish my actual goal. Rather, I want to mimic the finesse calculations and auto-crit detection if possible. Kryx seems to do some math with the dex and str modifiers which identifies the larger of the two and uses it for attacks. There are a few hidden values I can't figure out, like how d20_mod is calculated, what d20cs> actually references (I know its the crit success caclulation, but I don't know how to /use/ it in a macro), how bonus_crit_dmg is calculated/where it's pulled from, and why several rolls end in +0d0. Moreso, I need a lot of the auto-calculations broken down for me so I can insert the correct data from the PC sheet into the roll calculation. I know how to design the math, but I don't know what values I need to substitute for since I can't figure some of them out. I need the original math explained more thoroughly. (I realize now how vague I was in the original question. It's late, I must have realized I was rambling, and forgot to ask what I originally intended. Oops) TL;DR: So that I can insert correct values from the correct sheets, is anyone able to break down the sheet attack math and macros, and how they're calculated?