GM Knowledge Rhino said:Samuel T. said:Because then it looks like it is a "custom" skill added rather than a (currently) RAW usage of the creature.GM Knowledge Rhino said:The riding beast has a repeating section for extra skills, why would this not work there? Can survival be used as an attack skill?
- Riding Beasts need Survival Skill added to their list
The whole point of the API-Compatible Sheet (at least as I understood) was to pre-build in the rule allowed stuff and let people add custom stuff later.
While it is likely inappropriate to add all the gear/talents (though I have a Script I made for my group for that), the base rules should be built in.
The tiny amount of effort to add 1 skill that is now a part of the Riding Beast's core is not really a big deal to add and does not affect the overall speed of the sheet. Adding it, is showing "As new books and rules come out... the Sheet will support them". Not adding the rules says "Handle the new books on your own, they don't really matter to me at the moment".
It is around 20 lines of code per skill if I remember correctly. Now if you do what you suggested a page or so back and create "datasets" for the repeated drop downs for Career/Specializations/Species/etc you will save hundreds of lines of code and this 20, will be meaningless, yet it will provide the Players the correct amount of control over the rules as written in the supplement books.As to "can Survival be used as an attack skill", sort of? It is so the Character can use the Beast to "Push" with the Beast. Basically there are 2 ways to handle the new rules.
- 1, Add Survival into the Beast's skillset.
- You may also need to Add Athletics as I missed the action that allows for the Player to goad the Beast into Jumping.
- 2, Add Athletics and Survival to Beast Abilities.
- Like Force Powers that have an associated Skill, the Ability can have a text box to explain what it does, and a drop down of Athletics and Survival to be able to do these two maneuvers.
- I personally would recommend Option 1.
I don't have a problem with adding the skill, I was just pushing back a bit at adding something that I thought was covered by the repeating skill section.
If you'll notice I did add the species and specializations.
As far as the data lists go that change wasn't to save lines it was to remove having both a dropdown and an input box serving the same function. Currently there is not a good way to provide template data for multiple dropdowns. That's just not how html works in the scope of the character sheets.