I have a feature request (for future versions - of course, I don't expect to see it in the current beta). I'd like to see NPC starship sheets, just like we currently have individual NPC sheets. However, I would like the crew and starship stats to be integrated into a single sheet. Here is why: 1. I seldom need to separate pilot from vehicle when I am dealing with NPC starships, but it is a real pain in-game trying to roll piloting and gunnery checks from one sheet whilst operating a vehicle from another sheet. 2. I'd like to see the minion count concept integrated on these sheets, just like they are in the NPC sheets. If a group of TIEs is reduced from 6 to 4, I'd like to be able to note it in one place and have it enforced the next time the group fires. No shifting to a character sheet to make the change. Here is what I have in mind for the basic interface (I am going in order of most-used information to least, rather than the order that might otherwise be anticipated): Just below the Dice Pool, Destiny Pool, and Starship Stats display, there would be an initiative section similar to the one that is currently on the individual character sheets. After that, an NPC starship/vehicle info section with a name, NPC "type" and Minion Group size, just like we currently have on NPC character sheets. After that, the ship's weapons. Each weapon in this section would look like the top two lines of the existing ship's weapons screen (no need for the bottom two lines). After that, "Crew Skills" This is where it gets a little tricky. This section lists all skills that are relevant to starship combat (I'm thinking: Cool, Vigilance, Piloting (Space), Piloting (Planetary), Gunnery, Engineering, maybe Leadership). Beside each skill, there is a box reflecting a number for the attribute that is used for the test. Then, an indication of whether the skill is controlled by minion count. Then, a skill rank. These all tie back up into the weapons above). This probably needs to be refined a little more - but again, in the end I'm thinking about saving clicks and precious GM screen real estate while in-game, so the shorter and quicker it is to get to the right skill roll, the better.