Tim P. said:
Like I said, I'm happy to remove the GM dice from the skill rolls. But I see no point in removing the GM Dice pool completely. If it's no longer contributing to the players pools, the issue causing all the bug reports is resolved, and GMs still have the option of their own dice pool without needing to create a dummy character sheet just to perform GM dice rolls.
I think GM Knowledge Rhino as well as GM Matt make some good points. But conversely, I also see where you are coming from as well. Granted, I have only been playing SW:FFG for the last 3 months but here is what I see:
1. If the GM can "set" the difficulty for each roll it does add an interesting mechanic to the game. From a RP perspective, I can basically say "You are not going to know how difficult this is until you try it" which can prevent number crunching metagaming as the players attempt to run the math on how likely any attempt to be successful will be.
2. If the GM has to set every roll however, it does add a level of micro management that forces the GM to constantly update the sheets for each roll and depending on what the players are doing, there could be several rolls going on at the same time, especially if people are making behind the scenes GM rolls. That stops the flow of the game as I then have to update my sheet to account for a Whisper GM roll while hoping that another player does not make the roll I just asked him for before I get the chance to change it back, or I tell him to wait which could bog down the game.
In a perfect world, having both options - Allowing the GM to force add difficulty to checks and allowing them to turn it off would be nice. However in the real world (I haven't looked over your code) it's probable that this would cause more issues than intended. I would vote to remove it. OR if you know which lines of code we need to search for, we could possibly remove it ourselves (though you know some people like myself would probably mess it up and break it then have dozens of questions) if you don't want to remove it from the sheet.
I did notice this happens on the players sheet dice pool as well. Granted, this is my personal opinion, but that needs to go. If I have them roll a "intelligence" check so they don't do something dumb that the character would know but then forget to remove or clear their dice, it gets added to their next rolls.
Last but not least: Suggestions! It's a super amazing idea. I don't care that it takes up more screen space, it keeps the players from having to constantly reference other material. However, I noticed on the character sheet that I tested, it does not make suggestions for the combat skills. Now I know they tend to have FAR more options so if this is intentional to not blow up the sheet, then I understand.
Edit: On second thought, do not remove it from the player sheet. That's easier than typing in the modifiers.