Following on from a suggestion made by PigMourne ( here ), as well as some other suggestions that never got much support because this one kept being pushed as the one to support, it would extend the versatility of this additional layer hugely if there was a control that set which players exactly get to see this new Weather layer. By default, it would be [All players] of course... But imagine the possibilities if you can (just like the Token Controlled by... setting) remove [All Players] and set it to a specific individual or group of players! 1. A player casts Invisibility... You move them to the "Weather" layer and set it so only they can see that layer. Boom! They disappear from sight of the other players but the caster and the GM know exactly where they are. 2. An NPC casts an Illusion and initially ALL players see the illusion in place... But one at a time, as they make their saves, you remove that player from being able to see the "Weather" layer and Boom, the illusion disappears! (I'm hoping this layer will be called "Effects" rather than Weather, now) 3. An NPC casts Invisibility and they are moved to the "Effects" layer... In a flash, one of the players whip out their "True Sight Gem" that allows them to pinpoint exactly where the nasty NPC has gone. Add that player only to the "Visible to" setting of the Effects layer and Boom, watch as they have to verbally describe where the NPC is and the other players have to Ping the empty map to guess where they are firing! 4. A player is a Gloom Stalker Ranger that can see in total darkness but also is invisible in total darkness, and is scouting ahead... Oh no, too late he saw the monster come out from behind him and is now waiting in the dark for the players to come up to it,,, Does he call out to the group and give away his own position that the monster is unaware of? The possibilities are endless... All for one control of this great new Effects layer being developed. Fingers crossed. :)