First off, this is some pretty incredible work! This community is dependent on people like you willing to put in the time and effort to make things like this. Thank you so much. I don't really see anything wrong with the autocomplete system- it took me a while to get used to the Pathfinder sheets, but once we got it, it was a powerful tool that helped speed up gameplay. Also, macros can always be edited for those who like to toss in homebrew things. Since I don't see anything wrong with the setup, the only things I think could use some improvement are the design and layout. Just a few simple quality things, like the spacing for the "Description" box just under the Starfinder logo seems off from the rest of the page. Also, I don't really know why we would need a "Description" box right there- perhaps it could be incorporated into the "Bio" tab? Also, consider using light a light grey grid for Skills, Ability Scores, Armor Class, Saving Throws, and any other box where guided lines for the numbers would greatly increase quality. Also having a little something to fill in all the blank space makes it look more classy and organized, in my humble opinion.