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WebRTC Video and Voice Chat Issues

I have a group of 5 players and we broadcast audio only.  We have had up-and-down issues with the audio (even escaping to ooVoo for a few sessions, until that flamed out, too) Anyway, I just had to cancel the run tonight because we not only had audio issues, we are suddenly experiencing screen freezes and pages going non-responsive.  We are all on Windows computers and are using either Chrome,  Firefox Quantum or Edge, none of them make any difference with the freeze-ups.  Any and all help would be appreciated, as the current state makes this platform unusable, helllllp!! (and Thanks)
Claude B. said: Philipp C. said: I have two players who had the same issue that Steve and Claude described. Apparently it has to do with Roll20 voice being sent on the "digital channel" instead of the "speaker channel" and Chrome does not allow you to change audio sources per tab. But there is a Chrome extension that allows you to do that, that helped my players.  I hope the Dev-Team is aware of this issue, I think it might be separate from the other A/V trouble we had and it might be related to Chrome specifically. What extension is it? I could really use a temporary fix if nothing else. I think it is AudioPick from the Chrome web store, but since I did not do it myself, I'm not sure.
Stephen Koontz
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We're seeing a link between Roll20 freezing and crashing and the new Chrome 63 update while using WebRTC. We're investigating. Until we have an answer previous versions of Chrome do not have this issue and neither does Firefox.
I'm using google chrome as my browser but still facing the below issue. Kindly could you please advice. TIA. [ FAILED ]Only Firefox and Chrome getStats implementations are supported.
My group can only get together every two weeks and last session as well as this one (right now) has basically been a no go. Can't keep connected and the screen freezes. Using Chrome. I hope this is resolved soon. We have been playing the same campaign for 3 years and have very few issues until now.
Similar issues as others tonight it seems.  Can launch game, players get in, then it freezes.  No video, no sound.  All on chrome meeting requiremnts.  
Thank you, Steve K. for letting us know to avoid Chrome 63, if we can.  Besides looking at Chrome as a culprit, I hope your team is also looking to your own recent updates.  After all, Nolan T.J. did discuss "substantial" changes to WebRTC a month ago (below).  The audio issues are annoying, but when we have screen freezes, the platform cannot be used to host a game.  Please provide any updates as they occur, thank you. Nolan T. J. said: An update: we are fairly confident that in the next sixty days we will be making a substantial update to our WebRTC capabilities. We've sat down with an external consulting group and begun the process of making changes. We appreciate the patience shown by those who've had to rely on outside voice-and-video solutions this past year, and are looking forward to a more broadly capable system reaching you all soon.
3 out of 4 of my players report the same issue. One, oddly, had no problems at all. We tried using latest Chrome (63), Firefox (unsure what version, probably latest), and MS Edge (41)--all browsers experienced the same issues. One player was on a Mac, the rest were on PC. 
We have the same issue. Everyone logs in, and then the webpage freezes within seconds with Chrome 63. When do you think you will have this resolved?
same issues here....this is destroying our night. freezing up, no video, no sound.....ugh
This is a horrendous bug.  Control panel refusing to execute inline script because it violates content security policy & is failing to load resources.  Really rough.  No holiday cliffhanger for my group of players.  UGH!
So weeks of working just fine, five 3 hour sessions, no issues. Fast Forward to last Tuesday, no ability for a stable, consistent, or useful P2P connection from the host(the VTT) or the users(the GM and Players). I live with the GM the GM could see and talk to everyone BUT me. Also when he could see and talk to them, I could not. This is a basic NAT issue. For whatever reason the VTT bandwidth allotments are restricting themselves, maybe via back end routing or simply enough just not forwarding the right information to the right ports. However, it is absolutely on the Roll20 end. I replaced my gateway, enabled port forwarding, disabled port forwarding, updated my routers firmware, even switched everyone to a hard wired, and/or direct to modem connection while trouble shooting this. We cleared caches, set up permissions tried alternative browsers(Chrome, Firefox, Exploder, Safari, even Opera). Nothing has fixed this, because its not a connection based issue - couldn't be. It is just a bad NAT table and poor bandwidth offered by your service. That's ok, just buy a better server space - you've getting more than enough revenue from ads and subscriptions to create a reliable RTC system. So do it. I'd like to continue using your product - but it doesn't do what I need it to.
Corwin T. said: So weeks of working just fine, five 3 hour sessions, no issues. Fast Forward to last Tuesday, no ability for a stable, consistent, or useful P2P connection from the host(the VTT) or the users(the GM and Players). I live with the GM the GM could see and talk to everyone BUT me. Also when he could see and talk to them, I could not. This is a basic NAT issue. For whatever reason the VTT bandwidth allotments are restricting themselves, maybe via back end routing or simply enough just not forwarding the right information to the right ports. However, it is absolutely on the Roll20 end. I replaced my gateway, enabled port forwarding, disabled port forwarding, updated my routers firmware, even switched everyone to a hard wired, and/or direct to modem connection while trouble shooting this. We cleared caches, set up permissions tried alternative browsers(Chrome, Firefox, Exploder, Safari, even Opera). Nothing has fixed this, because its not a connection based issue - couldn't be. It is just a bad NAT table and poor bandwidth offered by your service. That's ok, just buy a better server space - you've getting more than enough revenue from ads and subscriptions to create a reliable RTC system. So do it. I'd like to continue using your product - but it doesn't do what I need it to. Corwin, thanks for the in-depth trouble shooting.  We tried several similar options last night as well without positive results.  You're sentiment on usability is justified and supported by me and the group I game with.  There are options available at significantly less cost.  I would encourage Roll 20 to invest in platform stability before they begin losing their base supporters.  Our group does not have a lot of time and given where we all live, our Friday nights are time that we have set aside, not just to game, but to enjoy each other's company.  We certainly aren't walking away from Roll 20 today, but last night forced us to begin to consider other options.  
Similar problems as described last night.  We weren't playing, just had a session zero to introduce a new player to the VTT and create his PC. We both experienced issues using chrome.  After about 20 min we were getting by with text chat only, and A/V both turned off. When a 3rd player tried to join us, we both froze again.  I checked here and saw it was possibly a Chrome issue so we switched to other browsers and text chat remained stable for to finish making the character.  We didn't try voice and video.
Thank you guys for the heads up regarding the WebRTC and Chrome. We switched over to Firefox and were able to reschedule for a game tomorrow. 

Edited 1513472541
My group is 4 people. the 2 with MACs work fine. The 2 with PCs keep crashing and freezing within a few seconds. I thought this might be helpful in the software team's investigation. We are all using Goggle Chrome with latest updates.

Edited 1513500869
My group (6 people, including myself) also experienced major issues yesterday. For some of us, using Opera seemed to fix it though.
Hello Roll20 DevTeam, please provide an update on this issue.  Many of us have canceled runs of our regular games because of these freeze-ups and I, for one, have rescheduled my group to try again this week.  The last notice posted here from Roll20 was four days, so I hope there is something different/new/in depth that can be shared with us - especially if you need to warn us to NOT try and run again so soon.  Thank you.
Currently in a game too and having video freeze ups too. Really frustrating.
Having the same issue. No audio or video, and API keeps freezing. Please advise
They said they’d have news in the next 60 days so we probably have about 2 months to wait for an update...
We've got an issue on top of existing issues.  More here. We should have a test of the new code library for WebRTC on the Development Server very soon, with a full roll out to follow.
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Thanks Nolan!

Edited 1513610144
we've switched to Discord for audio as workaround and it really helped. video is still going over roll20, but Discord Video can be a workaround there, too if enough screen space is available. Still, we're really looking to having all back working in roll20 so thanks for working on an updated WebRTC solution within roll20, guys!
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Our group tried Discord, but it was a fiasco. We couldn't get everyone on the same server. I think it has to do with the fact that all of us are over 50, and some of us are less than technically inclined...
Stephen Koontz
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We pushed out a bandaid to the Chrome 63 WebRTC issue while we continue to work on a solution. Now if Roll20 detects you're using Chrome 63 we're preventing WebRTC from turning on, overriding the setting if it's turned on. A warning message is then sent the chat to notify you that we've temporarily disabled WebRTC with Chrome 63. If you're still having the freezing issue after this change, please let us know here and what browser, browser version, and OS you're using. Again we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and are working hard on a solution.
Thank you Steve and Nolan for the updates. I ran a session last night and my players got the warnings. Those of us who were able to switched to Opera and the video worked fine for us. A couple of reconnect/refreshers here or there, but nothing like the issues with Chrome. My group does use Discord for audio though, so I am not sure how the audio is running on Opera. 

Edited 1513707369
Nolan T. J. said: We've got an issue on top of existing issues.  More here. We should have a test of the new code library for WebRTC on the Development Server very soon, with a full roll out to follow. Sweet. Thanks, all of you, for all of your hard work on this.
I ran a session last night and we had problems throughout the game with freezing, running both video and audio through WebRTC. This is what all of us were running: 2x Windows 10 (64-bit) and Firefox 57.0.2 Windows 7 and Firefox 57.0.2 Windows 10 (64-bit) and Chrome 62.0.3202.75 (no audio/video through Firefox)
New WebRTC is  now available for testing on the Development Server for Pro level subscribers.
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Thanks Nolan!
My friends and I are on right now and there is no voice or video, period. Very frustrating. We are using a variety of browsers and both mac and pc. nothing. can't even see ourselves. Is this an ongoing thing?
Currently we are a group having same issues. Mine seems to work and a player downloaded Firefox Quantum(no plugins) and his also works. Can this help?
first chrome version 63 will not work with the current built in chat... has the gm turned it off by chance i also know that it could be turned off due to the aforementioned chrome version. maybe you two should go thur the troubleshooting&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Couldn't get the video to work last night (people freezing, not being heard, etc.) After some futzing we just used Google Hangouts in another window while we played. Worked a charm and we had a great time. It will be nice when it's working within Roll20, but the Hangouts workaround is good enough for now for us!...
We switched everyone over to the latest downloaded version of Firefox and that didn't help. We couldn't get audio to work for more than a few minutes before it cut out completely forcing everyone to reconnect. Had to move over to Google hangouts.
Are all these problems with the "test" version on Pro or just already acknowledged problems with the "production" version?
Numtini said: Are all these problems with the "test" version on Pro or just already acknowledged problems with the "production" version? Mine was with the production one...
Numtini said: Are all these problems with the "test" version on Pro or just already acknowledged problems with the "production" version? The Production version. There is a seperate thread for the Beta on the Dev server:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1514874570
Our group has been unable to find a functioning browser that does not have some form of lock up. With the known Chrome issues,&nbsp; tonight we attempted to use Mozilla Firefox Quantum 57.0.3 (64-bit) and it experiences one or many players video and voice freezing during game play.&nbsp; A reset of the browser fixes the problem with a 3-5 second reload but the periodicity makes it irritating to say the least.&nbsp; It may vary from once every couple of minutes to even shorter; it is completely random but makes video/vox unreliable. What is your expected ETR?
We have been having this problem for a few weeks now but here is the thing we don't us roll20's video or voice system, we never have. it's been turned off since the first game.
Switching to Firefox allows only sporadic connectivity with video/audio. My players and I were forced to reconnect every 5 minutes because someone's video/audio would freeze and we'd have to pause the game, everyone reconnect, figure out how much of the previous conversation they missed, catch them up with the rest of the group, and then proceed. As this was happening every 5 minutes we got very little gameplay accomplished and everyone was very frustrated with the state of Roll20. We will try to run audio/video in Google Hangouts and have Roll20 on a separate browser but this might push some player's systems past the breaking point (old laptops).
I cannot get roll20 to do voice or video on Chrome 63 nor on Firefox&nbsp;57.0.3 (64-bit). WebRTC test passes on both browsers
Hello! Getting the following error message. Will this be fixed soon? Roll20's integrated Video and Voice is not currently compatible with Chrome version 63.
Darren B. said: Hello! Getting the following error message. Will this be fixed soon? Roll20's integrated Video and Voice is not currently compatible with Chrome version 63. Mentioned on the blog:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
After weighing the options, we are not &nbsp;going to make an adjustment to the main server's WebRTC for the Chrome 63 issue, as it would be resource-intensive. It's spending heavily on a car we intend to trade in within the month. As such, we are actually going to close this thread to help push views towards the&nbsp; development server version in hopes of getting enough data to make the switch faster.