It will also let you know if the emoji you want to use is even available on a different platform.
!modattr {{ --sel --HP||?{Which HD?|Barbarian,[[1d12r<5+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Bard,[[1d8r<3+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Cleric,[[1d8r<3+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Druid,[[1d8r<3+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Fighter,[[1d10r<4+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Monk,[[1d8r<3+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Paladin,[[1d10r<4+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Ranger,[[1d10r<4+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Rogue,[[1d8r<3+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Sorcerer,[[1d6r<2+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Warlock,[[1d8r<3+@{selected|constitution_mod}]] |Wizard,[[1d6r<2+@{selected|constitution_mod}]]} --fb-public --fb-from @{selected|character_name} --fb-header @{selected|character_name}'s New Max Hit Points }}
apart from Jeremy's suggestion:gui8312 said:
@keithcurtis I was reading through the Stupid tricks and I couldnt figure out how you insert smileys into the VTT macro bar. Do you use something like an ALT code? An extension?
Btw love the NPC spreadsheet.
and keith's suggestion:Jeremy R. said:
Here's a good site with the emoji's available - http://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
keithcurtis said:
Here is the page I use for emojis. It has a nice search function, and best of all, shows how they are displayed on different platforms, which could eliminate confusion if you are describing something to your players. For example, you could have a button showing a gun, and tell your players "press the button with the revolver on it". Depending on platform, your player may see a revolver, an automatic, a squirt gun or a ray gun.
It will also let you know if the emoji you want to use is even available on a different platform.
The Aaron said:
Yup, this does work:!token-mod --set statusmarkers|?fluffy-wing[1]:?{How many 10s?}|fluffy-wing[2]:?{How many 1s?}The addition of the ? in front of the first fluffy wing means it will omit the first one if the amount is 0.
Martin M. said:
The Aaron said:
Yup, this does work:!token-mod --set statusmarkers|?fluffy-wing[1]:?{How many 10s?}|fluffy-wing[2]:?{How many 1s?}The addition of the ? in front of the first fluffy wing means it will omit the first one if the amount is 0.
I have been giving this a go since coming across it here, but I can't seem to get it to work as stated.
By using the '?' in front of the first 'fluffy-wing' I don't get the '10s' wing showing up at all although it asks the question and I provide a +ve number (not 0). It only shows the units. However deleting the '?' brings up both wings but does not delete the '10s' wing if the entry is 0 (which makes sense).
Am I missing something? New to TokenMod.
!token-mod --set statusmarkers|fluffy-wing|?fluffy-wing[1]:?{How many 10s?}|fluffy-wing[2]:?{How many 1s?} |
Kirv Goldblade said:
the 10s one is wired i found it only works if a fluffy wing i already present on the token so i adjusted the macro tothis auto adds a fluffy wing, then it works as intended (the number for how many 1s will apply to this auto added wing so it doesn't negate the purpose of the ? before fluffy-wing[1])
!token-mod --set statusmarkers|fluffy-wing|?fluffy-wing[1]:?{How many 10s?}|fluffy-wing[2]:?{How many 1s?}
ah that seems to be a problem with how token mod handles 2 of the same status marker with the ? function on one (i tested and the same problem occurs with aarons macro) so until someone figures out a flight api it's probably best to stick to the original wings macro and deal with a 0 wing in the 10s or use the colors methodMartin M. said:
Thanks for that. Have made the change and it now works when the initial value for the '10s' is zero (i.e. 1 wing only for units). Also, the values can be increased (simulating a rising token) and shows the '10s' wing, however when I try to simulate a descending token, the '10s' wing stays once its value is zero (i.e. under 10 ft) and takes on the value of the previous 'unit' (i.e. 55 -> 32 -> 08 (28) -> 03 (83) ).
Not sure if I'm being pedantic, just thinking about something swooping down low to avoid or attack something but not actually landing.
I'm interested on hearing more about this.gui8312 said:
Player Vault pages/ UI Pages:
* With the same idea I built a few skill rooms: these are places where player can create equipment, and I have a room they can see and a lot of hidden cards to give to players when they create the item.
Kirv Goldblade said:
ah that seems to be a problem with how token mod handles 2 of the same status marker with the ? function on one (i tested and the same problem occurs with aarons macro) so until someone figures out a flight api it's probably best to stick to the original wings macro and deal with a 0 wing in the 10s or use the colors methodMartin M. said:
Thanks for that. Have made the change and it now works when the initial value for the '10s' is zero (i.e. 1 wing only for units). Also, the values can be increased (simulating a rising token) and shows the '10s' wing, however when I try to simulate a descending token, the '10s' wing stays once its value is zero (i.e. under 10 ft) and takes on the value of the previous 'unit' (i.e. 55 -> 32 -> 08 (28) -> 03 (83) ).
Not sure if I'm being pedantic, just thinking about something swooping down low to avoid or attack something but not actually landing.
!token-mod --set statusmarkers|?fluffy-wing[0] !token-mod --set statusmarkers|?fluffy-wing[1]:?{How many 10s?}|fluffy-wing[2]:?{How many 1s?}
I was already aware of that :) it sounds like a useful trick, and might inspire some out-of-the-box thinking, so, yes please :) I was thinking perhaps a GitHub Link if you didn't want to post the Equipment details on here (I was surprised how useful GitHub became on here), or if you have some Macros for the attacks or something :) whatever you feel like sharing, as it sounds quite intriguing and clever.gui8312 said:
@Blue64 The vaults do require Pro subscription because it works with API.Do you still want more details? I can give you a more detailed explanation if you are still interested :)
Helm that eats fire@@ITEM_NAME@@//Light Hiccups: at the start of turn player emits light for 5 seconds.@@SUSTAINED_EFFECTS@@ResFire&&-0.05$$it now is only a question of sorting the info and applying the effects to the character.
!mc ?{Where to|Vault 1158, move --target Vault1158|Back to Party,rejoin} /w gm you hear the lock to Vault 1158 click!* I use the vaults as private pages for each players and I intend on using it for players to store the cards of the items they already equiped before. so they can just change their page in a second, change the cards in their hands and this way change their equipment without me interfearing. I just check they do not equip 5 swords at once. Their token does not have to be in their vault page.
Thanks for the info.Kirv Goldblade said:
ah that seems to be a problem with how token mod handles 2 of the same status marker with the ? function on one (i tested and the same problem occurs with aarons macro) so until someone figures out a flight api it's probably best to stick to the original wings macro and deal with a 0 wing in the 10s or use the colors method
Keith pointed out to me that this wasn't already in here, so here's my contribution.
Thanks to Barakka, we now have a method for inserting line breaks into the text you may want to store in the token's bars. Instead of trying to use html entities (e.g. ) like I was trying to, you can simply use the line break angle bracket notation:
Use it once for a new line, and twice for a blank line in between text.
I'm not sure if this falls under a stupid or clever trick, but it's in regards to the macro's formatting, I have been extensively testing with my own Macros and their formatting, and I find it easier to read if you space things accordingly.Scott C. said:
Set the token to isDrawing, otherwise the information we're going to enter will overflow the circles and you'll wind up with a very ugly looking interface.
Bar1: DC 15 Reflex
Bar1|max:[[1d8]] Piercing
Bar2:Additional Effects: Marked with a tracker
Bar3:Description:The northern wall is a hologram hiding several dart guns that fire small darts that do minimal damage, but tag any creatures hit with bio trackers allowing the Xyrtzil to track visitors to their compound.
Bar3|max:You hear a soft "Wuft" as several darts fly at you from what you had assumed was a solid wall
So, we now have our trap's information stored in the token. We will now make a generic macro in the collections tab as a token action macro:
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}} {{@{selected|bar1}}} {{@{selected|bar1|max}}} {{@{selected|bar2}}} {{@{selected|bar2|max}}} {{@{selected|bar3}}
/desc @{selected|bar3|max}
Bar1: DC 15=vs Reflex Save Bar1|max: Damage=[[1d8]] Piercing Bar2: Additional Effects=Marked with a tracker Bar2|max: Triggered by=@{target|1|token_name} Bar3: name=Description}} {{The northern wall is a hologram hiding several dart guns which fire small darts that do minimal damage, but tag any creatures hit with bio trackers allowing the Xyrtzil to track visitors to their compound. Bar3|max: You hear a soft "Wuft" as several darts fly at you from what you had assumed was a solid wall
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}} {{@{selected|bar1}}} {{@{selected|bar1|max}}} {{@{selected|bar2}}} {{@{selected|bar2|max}}} /w gm &{template:default} {{@{selected|bar3}} /desc @{selected|bar3|max}
URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile1} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile1 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=1st}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile2} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile2 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=2nd}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile3} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile3 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=3rd}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile4} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile4 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=4th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile5} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile5 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=5th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile6} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile6 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=6th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile7} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile7 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=7th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} {{9th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|9|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile8} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile8 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=8th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} {{9th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|9|character_name}}} {{10th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|10|character_name}}} URL in Handout: ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile9} Links to: Character: MacroSpell Ability: MagicMissile9 /ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=9th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} {{9th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|9|character_name}}} {{10th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|10|character_name}}} {{11th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|11|character_name}}}
/ooc &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=1st}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=2nd}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=3rd}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=4th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=5th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=6th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=7th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} {{9th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|9|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=8th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} {{9th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|9|character_name}}} {{10th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|10|character_name}}} Casts Magic Missile}} {{Damage Type=Force}} {{Level=9th}} {{1st Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|1|character_name}}} {{2nd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|2|character_name}}} {{3rd Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|3|character_name}}} {{4th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|4|character_name}}} {{5th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|5|character_name}}} {{6th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|6|character_name}}} {{7th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|7|character_name}}} {{8th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|8|character_name}}} {{9th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|9|character_name}}} {{10th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|10|character_name}}} {{11th Dart=[[1d4+1]] at @{target|11|character_name}}} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile1} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile2} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile3} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile4} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile5} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile6} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile7} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile8} ! %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile9}
Hide line from chat: http://roll20.net/! Send to Chat: %{MacroSpell|MagicMissile1}
keithcurtis said:
That took me a while to decipher without the animated GIFs. Looks pretty cool. Not sure how I'd use it, like a solution in search of a problem...
"The Master's Vault" serves as a detailed introduction to both Roll20 and tabletop roleplaying-- perfect for new Game Masters trying to establish their first adventures.
Created by...
James Introcaso, Writer / Project Lead
Liz Courts, Layout
Russ Hapke, Overworld Maps and Additional Art
Gabriel Pickard, Maps and Additional Art
Stephen Shomo, Puzzle Tokens
Phillip Wright, Tokens
Muckbuckle said:
Make a round token out of any of your owned images in less then 30 seconds... make your games more aesthetically pleasing to look at.
I was actually thinking of suggest squaring your images as well, you don't necessarily need to edit them, but I would suggest re-framing them so that they properly fit the Grid Set you use, it doesn't take long, like Muckbuckle said, I'm not sure if it would violate the Terms, but it does make things easier to look at, otherwise we're stuck either staring at some kind of smushed image, or exclusively using images that are an exact fit (usually 70x70 pixel grid), most of the good images are not that exact in their sizing. By re-framing the image though, the Artist's intended view of the image is actually preserved through the resizing that Roll20 puts it through, if Roll20 didn't both smush & stretch the image, this wouldn't even be a thing.keithcurtis said:
Unfortunately, cool as it is, I believe that last one violates the terms of use agreement for the forums.
I discussed this with a moderator, and I was convinced that I was being over-cautious. Just recommending a program or site like this is not a problem. Sorry about that. I don't think it qualifies as a Stupid Roll20 trick, however, since cool as the tip is, it doesn't ustilize Roll20 tools and resources in an innovative and clever way. It's still a good tip, but I'm not adding it to the index in the first post.
!&#13; or !&#38;#13;this is because every time you Edit it & Save, it gets Parsed, once, so your Macros are all missing their Line Returns ( ) that make them a separate Macro Call, the ( & ) turns into a ( & ) I also realized that this Thread is also over 3 Months Old, I only noticed because I saw that I was unable to reply because this Thread was older than 2 months, and Since I am replying right now, that means I have discovered a Stupid Roll20 Trick!