Ran into this issue with the Roll20 5e character sheet this last weekend (8/7/21). When activating a spell attack off the "Attacks & Spellcasting" box, the chat window shows the proper information for the attack ("To Hit" rolls, range, spell name, bonuses, and damage because I have "Auto Roll Damage" selected). Clicking on the "Show Spell Description" link, however, produces the line of text at the bottom (The Roll Template formatting has been lost). Algernon Fisth:
<span class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right" title=" Rolling 1d20cs>20 + 4[CHA] + 3[PROF] = ( 9 )+4+3">16
Primal Savagery (+7)
Show Spell Description
<span class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right" title=" Rolling 2d10 = ( 2 + 6 )">8
-MgIqgVbUMZht9_zHc6E|repeating_spell-cantrip_-mgiuii0ozxo6pbznij1_output I recognize the gobbledigook as Roll20 object IDs, so the Roll Template is trying to link to something, but it's not coming out right. I've tried doing it with and without "Auto Roll Damage", with the same results, as well as from other players (which is how we first noticed) and from different characters selected in the "As:" window.