Steven B. said: More 5e character sheet help needed! I have a brand new ranger created via charactermancer with the archery fighting style ("You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons") Charactermancer seems to have represented this in the sheet with a Global Attack Modifier of 2 [Fighting Style: Archery]. However, despite the fact that the checkbox next to it is checked, it doesn't seem like that modifier is being applied. I tried clicking on all of the character's weapons, both ranged and melee, and this modifier is not being applied to attack rolls. For example, when I click on his longbow, the attack roll says: Rolling 1d20cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF] = (7)+3+2 (he rolled a 12) I'm assuming this should have an additional +2 for archery. But I'm not sure how to make it work. Thoughts? Refer to above and you could permanently make sure it gets factored in while avoiding global attack modifications altogether. In his bow attack, rename Longbow to Longbow (Archery Style); replace all static numbers with dynamic references in the code (below, that's Dex Mod & Prof Bonus, or @{dexterity_mod} & @{pb}, respectively. }}{{dmg1=[[1d8[Longbow Damage] + @{dexterity_mod} [DEX] + @{pb} [PROF] + 2[Archery Fighting Style] ]]}}{{ = (7)[Longbow Damage]+3[DEX]+2[PROF] +2[Archery Fighting Style] (he rolled a 12 = 14 now ) tl;dr: I, personally, avoid using the global modifiers whenever I can, because they are GLOBAL (Apply to EVERYTHING ). Take a level in Barbarian and explain to me how rage can improve my longbow shot? That results in a lot of "OOOOPS! DM, decrease those last two shots by 2 damage each. I left rage on.", etc. Unless you're gonna spend a lot of time policing rolls to make sure if... ... The correct modifier was used (sometimes during level, the charactermancer will change things like a druid using shillelagh on his staff goes back to using strength instead of wisdom. That issue can be solved by renaming the Staff to Staff: Shillelagh, but I digress; the charactermancer is known to revert things back to defaults) ... Global Damage was applied correctly (Rage on a heal spell???) ... Things are even possible (Hunters Mark while Raging...) ... the way that OGL uses Global modifiers rather than specific to attack modifiers makes things very annoying. Sure - if my barbarian only ever has a greataxe - leave rage on in the global section all day and night - no problem. He is more than probably starting every battle with it, and all is good. Or - we could prompt him to tell us every time too: }}{{dmg1=[[1d12[Greataxe Damage] + @{strength_mod} [STR] + @{pb} [PROF] + ?{Are you Raging?|Yes,2|No,0}[Rage Bonus] ]]}}{{ Which results in: (7)[Greataxe Damage]+3[STR]+2[PROF]+2[Rage Bonus] = 14 But in most cases I've seen playing 5e D&D, attack modifiers should not be GLOBALLY applied unless you have really astute players who know when to turn each of them off and on. For my players, that's A LOT of extra, unneeded clicking. Which makes the point of global attack modifiers, at all, very useless from both a productivity vs time consumption and from an Quality of Life/ ease of use perspective. As a player, I'd rather factor the math in my head than use the automation on the sheet, resorting everything to simple die rolls only, and tell the DM to add the correct amount to the rolls. The Global mods do come in handy elsewhere however. Defense (Defense Fighting Style), Skills & Ability Checks (Guidance Spell), Saves (Bless Spell) - very useful. In the case of Bless - which does blanket every type of attack roll, the Attack Global mod is still useful, but very unique and niche. Additionally - the way that Bless is applied is by having to select TWO Global modifiers. I think you could eliminate the attack altogether, and have a Bless checkbox in the saves that would be applied (1d4) to both attacks and saves automatically - one size fits both. But these are my 2 cents .... Of course, there are coded ways to get around the issue also. In both Attack and Saves, just put this, always on: ?{Is the Bless Spell Active on You?|Yes,1d4|No or Not Applicable (Healing or Other),0}[Bless Spell]